Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1359: Go to Tianwei City

Before Lu Chen left the West Holy Spirit Institute, Bai Xing had already prepared the registration form and badge. These were the tokens of the West Holy Spirit Institute.

For the rest, Bai Xing will naturally go to Zhang Luo.

After preparing to stop, Lu Chen, Yan Zhu and Mengxi embarked on a trip to Tianwei City.

Yan Zhu carried two big frame belongings with a pole and followed Lu Chen.

After seeing his hard work, Lu Chen and Mengxi put their salutes into his basket together...

"Master, Mengxi, you two are too rude..."

Lu Chen said, "You carry it all, it doesn't matter if you carry it a little more, it is inconvenient for us to carry something on our back. Besides, is it too demanding to help your master carry something?"

Yan Zhu took a deep breath and looked at Mengxi, "I will help you carry the things of my master, and it will be fine, Miss Mengxi, what are you..."

Mengxi looked at Yan Zhu, blinked, and said, "I'll help you keep your balance back and forth, so that you don't have to keep the pole high and the other low."

"Furthermore, now the war has been going on for years and bandits are rampant. I originally met bandits and robbers. I just ran away. Now that my luggage is with you, then I won't leave you behind." Mengxi said more and more. reason.

Yan Zhu almost squirted out a mouthful of blood, cooperating with Mengxi to add weight to him or to help him.

With the two rogues together, Yan Zhu can only be honestly coolies.

After freeing his hands, Mengxi hurried to catch up with Lu Chen, "Hey, Lu Chen, tell me honestly, how many stars are you from?"

Lu Chen thought for a while, and he didn't have anything to hide from Mengxi, so he said, "I don't know. The two Tianyuan Orbs tested at the beginning were exploded."

"Huh? It exploded?"

Lu Chen nodded, "So I am not quite sure that I have a few stars, I guess it should be nine stars."

"My nine-star dual spirit veins didn't blow up the Tianyuan Orb." Meng Xi looked shocked.

Lu Chen shook his head, and as expected, no one believed the truth.

"Hey, it doesn't matter how many Star Spirit Vessels he has, as long as you can use it." Lu Chen brought this topic casually.

Yan Zhu carried a load and chased him up, "Master, it seems that you are close to your house. Don't you go home and have a look? Every time you ask me to send money, I never see you go home to visit. If you know when you will be back, you should go home and have a look."

Speaking of going home, Lu Chen thought of his grandfather, mother, Uncle Tie, and Wan'er. He really missed them.

In other words, Wan'er has already participated in the Lingmai preliminary examination, and the results are very good. Maybe in the second half of the year, she will go to the spiritual school to study...

Lu Chen couldn't help but stopped and looked at the direction of home.

After a long silence, Lu Chen finally shook his head, "Don't go, their life is more important than anything else, I don't want them to worry about me."

"Let's go..." Lu Chen sighed and continued on the road.

Mengxi froze for a moment, she seemed to understand Lu Chen.

Although she didn't know the reason, from the look of Lu Chen just now, it was not that he didn't want to go back, but that he couldn't go back.

This person must have an unknown story...


The journey is long and it takes about a month.

The group of people walked for a long time until they reached a larger city nearby, Mengxi then bought a carriage.

The three of them took turns driving and continued on the road.

At this time Mengxi was in charge of driving the car. Lu Chen looked at Yan Zhu and suddenly said, "Zhu Zi, do you want to practice?"

Yan Zhu froze for a moment, then shook his head again, "Master, who doesn't want to practice, but I only have two-star spiritual veins, and my family is also poor."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's not that the two-star spiritual veins can't be cultivated at all. A good mind can make up for it."

Yan Zhu said helplessly, "Master, I also know, but I don't have the qualifications to get advanced mental methods."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I heard that there is a book of Superior Mind in the reward of this battle of the strongest. If I can get it, I will give you a practice."

"What? Really?"

"Here again?" Lu Chen looked at Yan Zhu angrily and funny, how distrustful of his master.

Yan Zhu hurriedly said, "Oh oh oh, I know I know that Master is the most trustworthy person!"

Lu Chen nodded in satisfaction, "It's pretty much the same."

After knowing that he had hope to practice, Yan Zhu seemed to be beaten up with blood, and he was very excited after a day's fatigue was gone.

"Hey, Master! You said that Miss Mengxi would not go to Tianwei City with others, but would rather go with us. Is there a possibility that Miss Mengxi is interesting to you?"

"Meng girl has a distinguished family background, outstanding strength, and the key is so beautiful. You can go and take a look at the entire West Holy Spirit Institute. There are many beautiful women among the thousands of people, but you can't forget it as long as you look at her! You see the long road, this Don't you cherish this opportunity?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. He was single for hundreds of years. Although he has two children, they are both unmarried and first born.

Not only is the unmarried childbearing first, but also the first childbirth without "breaking".

Others use raw rice to cook mature rice. He doesn't even have the process of cooking rice, and he comes out with two big pots of rice...

The ancient world is also a lifetime, and it is normal to marry a wife and have children here.

With this kind of almost, Lu Chen would naturally not let it go.

But, unfortunately, he knew Mengxi's motives!

"Pillar, don't think about it, we are just walking together..."

"Really it's that simple?"

"Well, I understand the girl's psychology very well. You think it's a novel, and you fall in love at first sight at every turn?" Lu Chen said confidently.

Seeing Master so sure, Yan Zhu blinked.

Master is so powerful, he never said how strong he is, but just now he said that he knows the psychology of girls very well, so he must be an expert in this area!

Maybe I am too worried...

After three or four days of travel, the three of them went to a small town to rest.

"The three guest officials are also going to participate in the national sword talk. There are more guests in the store now, so you are right, there is only one guest room in the city now." The boss said with a smile.

"How to live in one room?" Lu Chen frowned.

"Can live!" Mengxi said suddenly, "There is still one person sleeping on the carriage!"

With a snap, Mengxi has already pressed Silver Leaf on the table, "I can't find other rooms anyway, boss, we want this room!"

"Okay, I'll open a room for two guest officials."

Before Lu Chen could speak, the room had been settled.

Yan Zhu knew he had gone to sleep in the carriage. Before leaving, he winked at Lu Chen, not knowing what to express.

There is only one bed in the guest room, Mengxi said, "I sleep on the bed, you sleep on the floor, is it okay?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. The traditional concept of Tianyuan Continent is still very strong. Men and women are not getting married, let alone staying in the same room overnight.

"I, I'll squeeze with Yan Zhu..."

"The carriage can't be squeezed. Forget it, you don't have to pay much attention to it when you go out, but, at night...you are not allowed to make any bad ideas." Mengxi said, her pretty face turned red, afraid to look at Lu Chen.

Seeing Mengxi blushing and shy, Lu Chen also moved in his heart.

He is now at a healthy age, and a big beautiful woman sleeping beside him is really a bit dangerous.

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