The lights in the room were turned off, and Lu Chen was about to go to bed when he suddenly saw a pair of big eyes looking at him above his head.

"Lu Chen, I can't sleep." Mengxi leaned her head on the bed, looking at Lu Chen who was sleeping on the ground.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chen asked.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to beat Li Haobai, and I will still be captured by the family..."

Lu Chen blinked, wouldn't this woman be ready to implement her second plan now?

"Ahem, then, what should I do?" Lu Chen looked at Mengxi, looking a little nervous.

After many years of wandering around the world, is it possible that today I finally gave him a chance?

Mengxi looked at Lu Chen and sighed, "Lu Chen, why do people live in this life? I have lived according to the wishes of my parents since I was a child, and I have never been my true self."

"Even if I ran out, I still haven't escaped the surveillance of my family after all. My every move still can't escape their eyes."

When Lu Chen saw Mengxi didn't seem to be joking, he frowned slightly.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Mengxi always likes to do something extraordinary. She doesn't like this kind of arranged life.

Lu Chen sighed. Mengxi didn't know if she still remembered her plan B, but seeing her now, she was depressed and she should have no idea.

"Why do you suddenly have so little confidence in yourself?" Lu Chen asked.

"I just got the news that Li Haobai has broken through again. He is now a one-star spirit king." Mengxi sighed again, "I can fight for three stars, but now I'm far from him. !"

"That guy is a monster!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly. This Li Haobai was indeed talented, and upgrading was like drinking water.

"Hey, Lu Chen, actually... I tell you one thing, don't be angry with me."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

"I bought the innkeeper. I originally wanted to... Well, I am ready for Mixiang..." Mengxi's voice was getting lower and lower, almost inaudible.

Lu Chen's eyes widened, Mixiang is ready, but why not put it into action!

No matter how inferior the fragrance is, he will definitely be unconscious!

"Ahem...this little thing, of course I won't be angry." Lu Chen pretended to be calm and said, "but I'm very curious, since you are planning to do it, why tell me now."

"I'm afraid the family will be against you, and Li Haobai. It is said that he has a very powerful master, so he has made rapid progress. In case, if something happens to us, he will definitely kill you!"

Lu Chen thought for a while, if from the perspective of Li Haobai, his fiancée escaped from marriage and cuckolded himself with other men, then he would not give up.

"Mengxi, I don't think so, but what the result of the game is, I think you should tell Li Haobai clearly, I think he may have misunderstood you."

"I don't believe that he really likes you so much. How old were you when you got engaged. For children under ten years old, it's not like you don't marry."

Mengxi sighed, "There is really no relationship basis between the two of us, but I am not married to Li Haobai, but from the Li family!"

Lu Chen understood at once that their marriage is the face of the two big families. Even if Li Haobai can think about it by then, considering the face of the Li family, he won't want to fight at that time!

"So, if I really lose, I might... really marry Li Haobai..." Meng Xi's big eyes flashed with tears, and they looked extra bright.

"Our Dream Family and Li Family are both top families in the Heavenly Saint Kingdom. I don't want to hurt you, and I can't bear the infamy of betraying the family... Brother Lu Chen, I can only admit my fate..."

"I am very happy to meet you here, but unfortunately in the future, I may not be able to eat the food you cooked."

Lu Chen was about to say something, Meng Xi hurriedly said good night, then turned his head and stopped looking at Lu Chen.

This night, Aventure had no chance, and Lu Chen didn't sleep all night.

It's not that I'm still thinking about Aventure, but I feel sorry for the silly girl Mengxi.

Some people also want to resist fate, but they don’t have the power to break the shackles of fate...

There was nothing wrong all night, Yan Zhu ran over to knock on the door early in the morning and looked disappointed when he saw Lu Chen hit the floor.

"Master, did you guys last night, didn't that?" Yan Zhu carried Mengxi on his back, touched his index fingers with both hands, as if to suggest some kind of movement.

"Which one?" Lu Chen gave Yan Zhu a white look. "Don't talk nonsense, we are innocent."

"The two stayed in the same room for one night, and they were still innocent, Master, you, you have missed a great opportunity!"

"Don't talk too much, pack your things and get ready to go!" Lu Chen shook his head and walked out of the room.


In the cities I passed by, the inn was never full again.

A month and a half later, the three of Lu Chen finally arrived in Tianshengcheng.

There is still half a month to discuss the sword across the country, but the city is already crowded with people.

On the streets, there are extraordinary warriors everywhere. It is said that the super powers and super geniuses of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom have almost all gathered in the capital.

Lu Chen and Mengxi completed the registration work together, and the next half a month is to wait for group information and notification of playing time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, so many people, if you open a restaurant here, you won't have to worry for a few lifetimes." Yan Zhu sighed as he looked at the crowded street with greedy eyes.

"Brother Lu Chen, let me take you to the bazaar. There are weapons over there. You can buy a weapon anyway." Mengxila Luchen ran to the bazaar.

Yan Zhu didn't act as a light bulb, and went back to the inn to salute.

Due to the ancient times of the whole country, the bazaar area of ​​Tiansheng City has become a warrior trading area.

This imperial city is indeed not at the same level as Xizhou City. Here, all kinds of medicines, weapons, exercises, magic weapons can be seen everywhere, with a dazzling array of quality!

Lu Chen thought that there should be nothing to behold here, but he wanted to buy some pills for Uncle Tie, maybe it would cure his legs.

Mengxi looked very happy today, and can even be described as abnormal. He took Lu Chen's hand and looked around. He was restless for a moment.

"Brother Lu Chen, there is the Shenbing area ahead, let's go and see." Mengxi pulled Lu Chen and walked forward.

"Shenbing area? The weapons over there are too expensive, let's take a look around here."

"It's okay, let's go!" Mengxi didn't care about Lu Chen's objection, and forced Lu Chen to walk towards the Shenbing area.

When Lu Chen saw Mengxi in high spirits, he assumed to accompany her to stroll around, and the two walked into the Shenbing District together.

Just as the two of them walked to the gate of the Shenbing District, a dozen men in Jinyi suddenly surged around.

These people are exquisitely dressed, meticulously crafted, and have extraordinary temperament. They are not ordinary people at first glance.

The leading man directly blocked the path of Lu Chen and Mengxi. Lu Chen pulled Mengxi behind him and looked at these people coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"Go away!" the middle-aged man shouted, and then bowed slightly to Mengxi, "Miss, it's time to go home..."

Lu Chen looked back at Mengxi in surprise, only to see that Mengxi's eyes were slightly red, but he did not refute.

"Mengxi..." Lu Chen frowned.

Mengxi did not respond to Lu Chen, but said to the man, "Steward Yun, can you give me some more time, I...I will accompany Lu Chen to choose the last weapon, and I will go with you..."

The man narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Lu Chen unkindly, then looked at Mengxi, and finally said, "Missy has grown up...well, Yun Lu will wait for Missy at this exit."

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