In this way, Lu Chen and Mengxi entered the artifact trading area in full view.

"Mengxi, you really want to go with them?"

"Brother Lu Chen, don't worry about it." Mengxi smiled reluctantly, and she could see that she was not willing to go with Steward Yun.

"need or not……"

"No need!" Mengxi pulled Luchen and continued walking in, "Don't talk about it, Brother Lu Chen, you have never had a handy weapon. I chose the gun for you at the beginning, and I will choose it for you today. A handful!"

The artifacts of the Tianyuan Continent were naturally incomparable with the Desperate Spear, but it was no longer known how many times better than Lu Chen used to practice the spear before.

Mengxi bought a blood-red spear for ten thousand gold leaves.

With so much money, if only Lu Chen’s monthly money were used, he would not even want to afford it for the rest of his life...

"Brother Lu Chen, give you this gun."

Lu Chen frowned, "Mengxi, I can't accept such a valuable thing..."

"Brother Lu Chen, even if I beg you, take it!" Mengxi's eyes were red, "There may be no chance again."

"Remember not to throw this gun away..."

After all, tears in the two lines of Mengxi couldn't stop streaming down, "Actually, I hope you haven't practiced the Profound Sky and Earth Sha, so maybe we can find an old forest deep in the mountains to live in seclusion."


Mengxi interrupted Lu Chen, looking at Lu Chen with clear eyes, "Brother Lu Chen, I know you have a lot of secrets. You can't be willing to be ordinary forever, you are destined to become a different person."

"I'm leaving. From now on, I will cherish it more..." After speaking, Mengxi lowered his head and walked towards the exit.

Lu Chen looked at Mengxi's back in a daze, feeling lost in his heart.

The first time they met, they were only ten years old. This girl didn't look down on him because he was a temporary disciple. She helped Lu Chen choose the exercises and the spear.

For the next eight years, she was Lu Chen's only friend in the West Holy Spirit Academy, and it is only now that Lu Chen understands that she is probably Mengxi's only friend...

Just let Mengxi leave?

Lu Chen took a deep breath. This time, he had to make a different decision!

"Master!" Not far away, Yan Zhu hurriedly rushed to Lu Chen, "Dean Bai is here! He is looking for you in a hurry, it is your family's business!"

Lu Chen's eyes had been staring at Mengxi who was about to leave, but at this moment, something happened at home!

Although he didn't want Meng Xi to leave like this, the family affairs were more important and he had to leave with Yan Zhu first.


Bai Xing was sitting in Lu Chen's inn, and when she saw Lu Chen coming back, she hurriedly stood up.

"Xiaochen, less than half a month after you left the West Holy Spirit Academy, a lame man came to you and said it was your uncle. He gave me this letter, saying that the matter is urgent, so I must pass it to you personally. !"

"I have been rushing forward this month, and I finally caught up with you."

Bai Xing handed a sealed letter to Lu Chen, who hurriedly tore open the envelope.

There are two letters in the envelope.

There is only one sentence in the handwriting of an unknown person.

"After two months, go to Dongfang's house to collect the body!"

The other is the handwriting of Uncle Tie.

The spirit channel that Wan'er tested was the nine-star three channels, not only that, but also the gold, fire, and wood channels.

Jinhuo can be used for refining equipment, gold wood can be used for refining medicine, and Wan'er has a complete set of three veins, and all of them are top spiritual veins, which can be described as the best of the best!

In the end, this matter was known to the Eastern family.

[The Dongfang family slaughtered more than 700 people of the Lu family at the beginning, but only let you escape. The Dongfang family has been brooding about this, and has not given up looking for us all these years. 】

[Who expected Wan'er's spiritual veins to be so against the sky, after the news was released, she didn't want to be known by the Dongfang family. 】

[Now they have taken Wan'er away. 】

[Madam left without saying goodbye and returned to Tianwu Nation. She specially left a book to me, telling me not to go to Tianwu Nation, let alone tell you about it. 】

[However, since they have found us, they will definitely find you soon. Even if they can't seize your spiritual veins now, I'm afraid they will kill the roots. 】

[I have gone to Tianwu Country, even if I fight for this life, I will rescue Madam and Wan'er! 】

[Chen'er, go to Tianwei Country as soon as possible, and set off immediately without delay! Don't come to us, remember! 】

[Atie! 】

Lu Chen read Uncle Tie's letter, his eyes suddenly widened and his hands trembled.

"Dongfang, you actually moved Waner!"

"Master..." Yan Zhu had never seen Lu Chen so angry. Even if Ding Hu was abused and flogged, he didn't even hum, but this time, Master seemed to be a different person!

"Xiaochen, what happened?" Bai Xing asked anxiously.

"Dongfang Family? You are talking about Dongfang Qinglong, one of the three aristocratic families in Tianwu Kingdom, Dongfang Family?!"

Lu Chen didn't have time to explain, he looked at Bai Xing and said, "Dean, I may not be able to participate in the National Swordsmanship this time. I must go to Tianwu Kingdom!"

"My enemy took my sister, and my mother and Uncle Tie are also at risk!"

Bai Xing said hurriedly, "Xiaochen, it is said that the Dongfang family is guarded by divine beasts! You, you go alone to find death!"

Lu Chen said, "Dean, no matter what kind of animal is sitting in town, if they dare to move my sister or my family, I will let the Dongfang family's blood flow into a river!"

Bai Xing wanted to say something more, but now there is no compromise.

Could it be that Bai Xing wanted to let Lu Chen watch the tragic death of his mother and sister, and stand by!

The letter was sent by Ah Tie a month ago and counted as the time on the road, which means that Lu Chen's time is very tight, and it may even be too late!

"This..." Bai Xing was also embarrassed. Although he admired Lu Chen, the Dongfang family was in the Tianwu Kingdom, so he couldn't help much.

"Xiaochen, you insist on going?"

"I must go!" Lu Chen said affirmatively, "Time is running out, I have to leave now."

"Wait!" Bai Xing grabbed Lu Chen with a difficult expression, and finally said, "Xiao Chen, I don't know if I am helping you now, whether it is really helping you or harming you, but if I don't help you, I don't deserve to be this hospital. long……"

Lu Chen said, "The dean came all the way to deliver the letter. Lu Chen is already grateful. This matter does not require the dean to take action. This is my personal grievance from Lu Chen, and the dean does not need to blame himself."

Bai Xing shook her head, "I can't get past Tianwu Country, Tayunju is in the stable downstairs, maybe it can save you some time."

Lu Chen's eyes widened. What he needs most now is to buy time!

Bai Xing, Yan Zhu, and Lu Chen hurriedly went downstairs to the stable.

Bai Xing moved out of a one-horned white horse, "Xiaochen...hey, be careful, if, I mean, if there is no chance, don't do it alone!"

Lu Chen nodded emphatically, "The dean's kindness, Lu Chen remembers it! This nationwide debate, if I can't make it in time, I'll come back, if I can't make it, I can only treat it as I owe the West Holy Spirit Academy!"

"Master, I will go with you! Many people always have more power." Yan Zhu said anxiously, "But you are alone, I don't worry!"

Lu Chen patted Yan Zhu, this apprentice is not in vain, "You still can't help, follow the dean!"

After that, Lu Chen turned on his horse and stopped suddenly before leaving.

"Also, if you see Mengxi, tell him, if I can come back...marry her!"

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