Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1362: Oriental Blue Dragon

On the street of the King’s Capital of Heaven, a fine white unicorn ran wildly along the street, welcoming many passers-by cursing.

However, Lu Chen couldn't take care of that much anymore, so he rode his horse and rushed directly out of the heavenly kingdom!

Since all of Lu Chen's nine-day equipment failed, there were not many pure techniques he could use, and the only ones that could be used in the displacement were Nine Steps of the Void and Heavy Ghosts.

But the problem is that he can't use the spiritual storm, so he can't keep moving.

As a famous Tianyuan horse, the Tayun Horse does not fly on the clouds, but it is extremely fast, and the dangerous roads on the mountain are like flat ground.

Lu Chen had arrived in Tianwu Nation in twenty days after the journey of more than two months!

It's just that when I arrived in Tianwu Kingdom, I didn't sleep for 20 days, even Tayunju was a little bit overwhelmed, and the speed dropped drastically.

"Ta Yunju, I know you are tired, but please hold on, you will be here soon!" Lu Chen said anxiously.


Five days later.

Tianwu City, the capital of Tianwu Kingdom!

As one of the three major families of Tianwu Kingdom, Dongfangjia occupies one-fifth of the city on the east side of Tianwu City!

This area alone is already breathtaking.

Half of the officials of the Heavenly Martial Kingdom in charge of military and political power are from the Eastern family. Even the mother of the Tianwu Kingdom is from the Eastern family. It can be seen how terrifying the Eastern family is!

At this time, tens of thousands of Oriental people gathered in the martial arts venue of the Dongfang family, waiting for a ceremony.

The entire floor of the martial arts field was covered with spells and red blood.

There are two eyes in the formation, a huge iron pillar tens of meters high, and a crystal bed.

On the iron pillar, a girl was nailed with thick and long iron nails.

The girl's hands, arms, legs, and feet were all nailed to the iron posts and could not move.

In front of the girl, there is a wooden table on which is placed a variety of shocking knives, of different shapes and exquisite workmanship, but most of them are strange in shape, making people unable to guess their purpose.

At this time, the girl kept crying, but her tears seemed to have drained, and now two lines of blood and tears flowed out.

"What do you want to do! Let me go! Mother, Uncle Tie, brother!"

At the same time, a seven or eight-year-old boy, accompanied by a middle-aged couple, walked to another hospital bed. He was about to take off his shoes and climb up, and he heard the roar of Lu Wan'er here. .

The boy suddenly walked in front of Lu Wan'er, picked up a long sharp needle-like thorn on the table, and pierced Lu Wan'er's shoulder blankly.

Wan'er was also a girl less than ten years old, and the pain came from her heart, which made her cry.

The boy remained unmoved and looked at Lu Wan'er indifferently.

"I heard that your brother escaped from our Dongfang family back then, but unfortunately, your Lu family owes us after all, so you appeared!"

"Trash, it's your honor to provide me with spiritual veins, don't know what it is!"

At this moment, the boy's parents hurried over.

"Yu'er, what are you doing with her, don't get your hands dirty!"

"Lu Wan'er's spiritual veins are quite rare. As long as her spiritual veins are transplanted, you will learn martial arts, refining tools, and refining medicine in the future. Don't kill her now!"

Lu Waner's eyes widened, staring at Dongfang Xuanyu, "What are you talking about, your Dongfang family is the murderer of our Lu family?!"

Dongfang Xuanyu looked at Lu Wan'er with a smile, "What? Don't you know?"

"Oh, by the way, you didn't seem to be born at the time. It seems that your family protected you very well. I didn't tell you these things in detail."

"Yes, it was my Dongfang family who slaughtered your Lu family, so what? I only hate being born too late, not catching up!"

"Speaking of that time of extinguishing the door, I'm angry! Let Lu Chen's trash run away? Think about it, a person with a nine-star chaos spiritual vein has not heard from him for eight years, and annihilated sentient beings. How bad is this understanding? ?"

"It's better to offer the spirit veins obediently in the first place, which saves many years of wandering."

"Yu'er, all right, it's about to start, why waste your tongue with this person." The man took Dongfang Xuanyu and walked back.

Dongfang Xuanyu looked back at Lu Wan'er with the same **** eyes, "Don't worry, your family will be reunited soon. Whether it's your mother, your family's watchdog, your grandfather, and your trash brother... We will never let it go!"

Although Lu Wan'er is not very old, she has become more and more sensible since her brother left. She has been smart and smart. From the words of Uncle Tie, her mother and grandfather, she knows what happened back then, and now she understands thoroughly.

"Dongfang, I'm a ghost and I won't let you go!"

However, none of the tens of thousands of Dongfang family members present took Lu Waner's words to heart.

What should be busy is still busy.

A group of masters from the Dongfang family are sitting in the observatory, waiting leisurely.

"Yu'er's luck is really good, the nine-star three spiritual veins, or the three types of spiritual veins of gold, fire and wood, this kind of spiritual vein is definitely the top spiritual vein."

"The Lu family doesn't know what it has accumulated in the previous life, Lu Chen's nine-star chaos spiritual channel, and Lu Waner's nine-star three spiritual channel."

"What kind of virtue can they accumulate in the Lu family? It's not our Dongfang family in the end? It's just a pity that Lu Chen didn't get the spirit veins of that little beast. It's a waste."

"Poor culture and wealth, you can't become a strong man if you have a good spiritual line. Lu Chen and the others are poor in the Heavenly Sage Kingdom. How can they have the financial resources to supply Lu Chen to practice? It's a waste of excellent spiritual line."

At this moment, some subordinates hurriedly walked over, "Patriarch, elders, Qin Yueqin, Qin Gong, and Atie have already been caught. What should I do?"

"Oh?" A middle-aged man stood up with great interest, "I haven't seen him in eight years, but finally caught it today?"

If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely know this person.

It was Dongfang Bai who killed his father in the first place!

"Yes, they didn't know that we had already caught sight of them, wandering outside the house for a few days, and when Ah Tie arrived, they were caught in one fell swoop."

"Yeah." Dongfang Bai nodded, "Well, it's all acquaintances. Why don't you let them come together to see the process of digging out Lu Wan'er's spiritual veins and then killing them?"

"Hahaha." A strong man in the main seat laughed.

This person is burly in stature and looks about forty years old, but his aura is overwhelming, and the elders around him cannot compare with him.

"Elder Bai, you really know how to play, this method is very wonderful, hurry up! Go and bring people up"

"Yes, Patriarch!" The servant hurried down.

This person is impressively the Patriarch of the Dongfang Family, Dongfang Qinglong!

Not long after, someone pressed the three of them to the big formation.

"Wan'er!" When Yueqin saw Lu Wan'er, she couldn't help crying, shaking her whole body.


Ah Tie glared at the Dongfang family, "You gang of beasts who are inferior to pigs and dogs are simply utterly conscience!"

With a slap, an oriental person next to him slapped up, "Be quiet, I!"

Dongfang Bai stood up, "Come here, tie this family to the opposite side of Lu Wan'er, and open their eyelids to me. I want them to see Lu Wan'er's spiritual veins dug out!"

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