The spirit-shifting pulse-changing array has already begun to operate, and an old man walked up to the wooden table and selected suitable tools on the table.

Lu Wan'er's gaze passed directly through the old man, looking at the grandpa, mother and Uncle Tie who were kneeling in front of him.

"Mother, don't be sad..." Lu Wan'er was already trembling with fright, but she was still comforting her mother, "It's a pity that I have no spiritual veins, but I can't avenge the Lu family..."

"Wan'er... mother, sorry for you!"

Qin Gong was already in tears, "God, please open your eyes, why do you want to be so to Wan'er, she is still just a child!"

"Wan'er, Uncle Tie is useless, and Uncle Tie is useless! Master, I, Ah Tie, failed your request, and I did not protect my lady!" Ah Tie was distraught. , But ended up ruined!"

"God thief, is this your plan! Why!"

Dongfang Bai stood in front of the three of them and sneered, "Hmm, don't you know, in Tianwu Kingdom, my Dongfang family is heaven!"

"Small families like you, the fate of the weak are the plaything in my hands. I let you live, you live, and I let you perish. A "collaboration with the enemy and treason" will not only let you annihilate your clan, but also bear infamy!"

"Remember, God, won't shelter you group of ants!"

Wan'er suddenly said angrily, "No! Even if you kill us all, I believe my brother will not let you go!"

"Your brother?" Dongfang Bai laughed, "Are you talking about that bereavement dog Lu Chen?"

Dongfang Bai stretched out his arms and said loudly, "I have more than 70,000 foreigners from the Dongfang family, 430 people above the spirit king, 123 people above the spirit emperor, three fairy spirits, and one god! "

"My Dongfang family is known as the Clan of the Blue Dragon, guarded by the gods, the family is prosperous, and the power is overwhelming. Why do you say your brother fights with our Dongfang family!"

"I tell you, even if he can't transplant his spiritual veins now, I will definitely catch him and hang his body in public!"

"Oh, yes, that's how I treated your father, so naturally I won't neglect your brother!"

Qin Gong burst into tears and roared, "Dongfang Bai, you frantic beast! You, you are not human!"

Dongfang Bai walked in front of Qin Gong with a gloomy look, then slapped it up!

Qin Gong could withstand Dongfang Bai's slap, he vomited blood, and fell to the ground...

"Father!" Qin Yueqin trembled all over seeing his father's life or death and was already on the verge of collapse.

"Remember! My Dongfang family is the sky, and those who follow me prosper against me will die!" Dongfang Bai looked at Lu's family coldly, "The auspicious time has arrived, and I am ready to dig out the spiritual vein."

The old man responsible for digging up spiritual veins has already selected the tools and is walking towards her.

However, all Wan'er's strength has been exhausted, and tears just slipped silently.

The sky dimmed at some unknown time, as was going to rain.

The world is dim, just like this world where no hope can be seen!

At this time, Lu Wan'er also understood that struggling was no longer useful, and now all that was left was confession.

The only relief is that my brother has not been caught yet.

When I was very young, my elder brother always took her to the forest to show her how to practice. Unfortunately, when I was too young, I only knew to make trouble for my elder brother and asked him to play with her.

At that time, if a child in the village bullied herself, no matter how strong or strong the other person was, her elder brother would stand in front of her to protect her. As long as the family had good food, the elder brother would secretly give her his share...

My brother said that he will always protect himself.

"Brother..." Lu Waner's face was full of tears and blood, with a smile of relief, "Fortunately, you broke your promise this time..."

"Brother, don't avenge us, the Dongfang family is too terrible, Wan'er only hopes that brother can survive."

"Brother, Wan'er missed you so much..."

The rain is pouring down!


A thunder in the sky illuminated the entire martial arts field.

This thunder light also illuminates the entrance of the martial arts field, an extremely hideous face!

A roar resounded throughout the world.

"Today, in your Eastern Mansion, up and down, from the head of the house to the livestock, one counts as one, all..."

"Die to me!"

Hearing this angry shout, everyone looked in the direction of the entrance to the martial arts field.

At this time, one person, one shot, was standing at the entrance of the martial arts field!

"Lu Chen?" Dongfang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly. "Am I right? There is such a stupid..."

Before the Oriental vernacular was finished speaking, the figure had suddenly disappeared in place.

Suddenly, there was a scream behind him!

I don't know when, Lu Chen has already arrived in front of the old man who is walking towards Wan'er!

In front of the old man was a terrifying face.

"Dare to move my sister!" Lu Chen roared, holding the front part of the gun in his hand, and thrusting a shot directly into the old man's heart.

This shot is not a "stab" but a "smash"!

A loud bang!

Due to the excessive force, the old man's body directly crossed in mid-air, and while the spear pierced his body, the old man was directly blasted to the ground by the huge impact!

The ground paved by Heiwuyan was directly smashed into a big hole.

While the old man was being shot, the most important thing was that he was bombarded by the force of Lu Chen's fist, and his entire chest collapsed!

Lu Chen's nose flared, and he immediately drew out his long spear. He fired dozens of spears and pierced the man directly...

This old man instantly changed his face, his head turned into a piece of flesh and blood...

All this happened so quickly that no one in the Dongfang family even had time to stop it. This old man was already dead.

"This, what speed is this!" Dongfang Bai's eyes widened.

A bolt of lightning pierced the sky again, and he saw Lu Chen flash with his own eyes, already behind him.

Dongfang Bai reacted very quickly. It was obvious that Lu Chen wanted to save people. He snorted coldly, "Save people? Dream! Lao Tzu let you watch your mother be killed!"

After all, he directly swung his sword to cut out his sword energy, unexpectedly he wanted to kill the three Qin Yueqin first.

He is right in front of the three of them, and then no matter how fast Lu Chen is, it is impossible to be faster than him!

However, the moment he swung his sword aura, a cold light suddenly flashed behind him.

He was wrong. Lu Chen didn't save people, but came to kill him? !

At the critical moment, Dongfang White hurriedly gave up the attack and quickly moved away.

However, the opponent did not pursue it, but instead took the opportunity to kill the guards behind Qin Yueqin's trio!

Dongfang Bai's eyes widened with anger. This guy's purpose is still to save people, but in this situation, he dare to make a noise? !

"Chen'er!" Yueqin looked at Lu Chen incredulously, but when she thought about it, she couldn't help becoming nervous, and said anxiously, "You, you go!"

Lu Chen turned around, looked at his mother distressedly, resisted the tears, and tremblingly said, "Mother, the child is late, and you and Wan'er have suffered!"

"Chen'er...I, I didn't want you to know, but..."

Lu Chen felt a pain in his heart. Mother was concealing it to prevent herself from taking risks.

But the more so, the more distressed he is.

It's a pity now is not the time to speak!

"Mother, Uncle Tie, you go to save Wan'er, I'll come right away." Lu Chen didn't explain much, and flashed to Qin Gong's side.

Qin Gong was still breathing, and Lu Chen hurriedly picked up Qin Gong.

"Chen'er..." Qin Gong suddenly grabbed Lu Chen, "Grandpa can't do it..."

Qin Gong is just a mortal, and he is very old, how can he eat the East for nothing!

His injury was too serious. At this time, I am afraid that only the Immortal Pill can save him. It is a pity that in the Tianyuan Continent, where is the elixir!

"Chen'er, take good care of... Your mother, Wan'er..." After that, Qin Gong was already breathing.

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