Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1364: Endless killing

"Grandpa!" Lu Chen wailed, tears streaming down uncontrollably, mixing with the rain.

"Hahahaha, Lu Chen, are you very sad?" Dongfang Bai laughed, "Ah, I should be a little lighter just now, so that your grandpa can say a few more words to you. It's my fault, my fault. "

Lu Chen turned his head abruptly, staring at the speaker.

"Dongfang Bai, I want to smash you into pieces!"

"Oh, isn't it? I'm so scared." Dongfang Bai said so, but he smiled.

"But Lu Chen, I really didn't expect you to have the guts to break into my Dongfang house? Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk, originally said that it would take some weeks to catch you, now it's okay, this idiot himself delivered.

Lu Chen ignored Dongfang Bai, picked up Qin Gong's body, and walked to his family.

Uncle Tie stripped away the iron determination from Wan'er one by one. Qin Yueqin was distraught when she learned that her father had passed away, but on the other side, she picked up Wan'er who could not stand.

"Grandpa!" Wan'er looked at Qin Gong's body sadly.

Although the old man is only a mortal, he gave all he can to his brother and sister...

Lu Chen gently put down Qin Gong's body, squatted and touched Wan'er, "Wan'er, I'm sorry, brother is late."

"Brother...you, you'd better go, they are too good..." Wan'er cried and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's eyes were full of tenderness, "Silly girl, take a good rest here and leave the rest to brother!"

"The Dongfang family owes us, I want to take back all the money!"

"Chen'er!" Qin Yueqin held Lu Chen, and Uncle Tie wanted to say something, but Lu Chen didn't stop.

"Mother, Uncle Tie, Chen'er knows that today I came to settle my grievances!" After that, Lu Chen stood up and looked at Dongfang Bai on the opposite side coldly.

"Dog thing, you led people to slaughter my Lu family that day, but I ran away. Today, I am saving people under your nose. What use do you think you have? What's the face clamoring here?"

Dongfang Bai hated Lu Chen for the most part because he let Lu Chen run away and lost his face.

Adding to his carelessness just now, he was caught in Lu Chen's plan, and was calculated by a little boy, and Dongfang Bai felt that his face was dull.

At this time, being stimulated by Lu Chen again, Dongfang Bai was instantly furious!

"Okay, dare to talk to me like this, and later I will make your whole family better than dead!" Dongfang Bai said angrily.

Afterwards, Dongfang Bai looked at the crowd at the banquet, clasped his fists and said, "Patriarch, elders, Elder Xu is dead, today's spiritual vein transplantation may be postponed."

Dongfang Qinglong sat indifferently on the table, "If you postpone it, let's postpone it, dare to break into my Dongfang home, this person should not let him die easily."

Dongfang Bai smiled slightly, "Yes, Patriarch."

After receiving the Patriarch’s instructions, Dongfang Bai had no worries and screamed, "Come on, take this person! Remember, don't kill, his life is mine!"

The surrounding people responded, "Yes!"

There is no longer any need to maintain the Shifting Spiritual Transformation Array, and thousands of people have gathered around.

Lu Chen stood in front of his family, armed with a gun!

"Kill!" A large number of dark shadows used it like a tide.

Lu Chen kicked the gun body with his right toe, and the red spear spun around in his hand. Then Lu Chen shouted angrily, "You Dongfang, none of them are innocent. Let me die!"

The rain is majestic, the thunder is roaring, the sky and the earth are dim...Blood suddenly appears!

I saw Lu Chen's figure blurred, and his blood spear in his hand was like a flame jumping in the dark, jumping among countless enemies!

Jiuxing points acupuncture points, cloud-piercing guns, pneumatic random...

After hundreds of millions of exercises, Lu Chen's shooting has become a physical instinct!

The power of the Earth Shaman Xuanming Spear was brought to the extreme at this moment!

Sometimes, the enemy in front of Lu Chen exploded and died, sometimes, the enemy waiting for an opportunity from a hundred meters away, suddenly blew himself up!

Coupled with Lu Chen's rich combat experience and skills, thousands of people charge, but no one can get ten meters close to Lu Chen!

There is no complete corpse under the Disha Xuanming Spear! And Lu Chen's subordinates never survived!

There is only endless blood and flesh flying across the entire martial arts field!

At the banquet, Dongfang Qinglong narrowed his eyes slightly, "That kid is using the...Earth evil Xuanming spear? This marksmanship is so overbearing and impossible to guard against?!"

An elder said, "I've heard of people practicing before, but most of them are poor ghosts who can't afford good exercises, and no one can use this effect."

"This set of marksmanship is notoriously useless, but it is also notoriously difficult to practice. It takes 100,000 shots to get started on the first layer alone."

The other person snorted coldly, "Even if he trains the first few levels, I am not worried at all. No one knows that the last three poses of the earth evil Xuanming gun are also the strongest three poses, and they cannot be practiced at all!"

Dongfang Qinglong nodded, and that was true.

At this time, Lu Chen had only killed some foreign children, and there was nothing to worry about.

However, Dongfang Bai was a little uncomfortable.

How many thousands of people have not won Lu Chen alone? Although these foreign disciples are not strong enough, they are at least the spiritual master level. Lu Chen killing them is like killing a chicken? !

What level is this kid? !

Thousands of people encircled and suppressed, and in the end, only the debris was left on the ground. The blood was washed away by the rain, but there was too much blood and the heavy rain could not wash away, but then Heiwuyan!

"Dongfang Bai, do you have this ability? Dongfang Family, do you have this ability?" Lu Chen screamed, "It seems that Dongfang Family is just a bunch of rubbish!"

Dongfang Bai was furious, "Kill me!"

More enemies are coming, like the Kuroshio, already covering the entire martial arts field.

Lu Chen yelled, "Good job!"

"Earth Evil Xuanming Spear Baili Faint Crow!"

Lu Chen stepped out of the wall like electricity, the enemy was not yet close, I am afraid there is still two to three hundred meters away from Lu Chen, but thousands of people felt that their chest was lightly tapped nine times...

After a short while, a terrifying explosion occurred in the crowd, and flesh and blood bombs were exploded in the enemy team instantly without warning!

"This, what marksmanship is this! How to prevent it?" Someone watched his companion explode and died, his eyes full of horror.

"How could Earth Shaman Xuanming Spear be so terrifying?!"

"This guy's attacks sometimes attack the front row and sometimes behind him, it's too terrifying..."

Tens of thousands of people besieged Lu Chen alone, but at this time, all these people felt fear in their hearts.

It was the Disha Xuanming spear that was too weird, and it was Lu Chen that made it so fierce that he would never leave alive!

The heavy rain could not wash away the blood on the ground. Lu Chen was like an insurmountable mountain, blocking the front of his family, and like a killing machine, with countless souls under the gun!

It is impossible for the Dongfang Family to show weakness and surrender. Even if everyone is afraid, they can only rush towards Lu Chen in waves.

Then the killing will not stop.

Lu Chen's eyes were blood red, his eyes seemed to penetrate time, and he returned to the rainy night.


"Third brother, your life is more precious than mine, and you have a nine-star chaotic spirit vein!"

"When I reach the top, I will be an immortal, and you, you have infinite possibilities...so, I want to beg you."

"Cultivate hard and don't give up no matter how hard you are, no matter how tired you are, until one day, you are strong enough, help grandpa, help my father, my mother...help the Lu family...get revenge!"

Lu Chen's eyes were wet, and he didn't know whether it was tears or rain.

He pierced a person's chest with a shot and shouted, "Brother Lu Gui, Lu Chen will avenge you today!"

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