Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1365: Bloodbath Dongfang Home

With a blood-stained spear, Lu Chen is like killing a Buddha, washing sin with the blood of the wicked!

"Under the Spirit King, there is no one to beat?!" An elder stood up.

Another person also said, "You can't let him go crazy anymore, the inner disciples have already died a lot."

All of a sudden, dozens of elder guards stepped down from the stands and rushed towards Lu Chen.

"Retreat below the Spirit King!" An elder shouted loudly.

A group of elders had surrounded Lu Chen. When the others thought they had escaped, Lu Chen suddenly shot out.

"I said, you are all going to die!"

"Earth evil Xuanming spear, boundless spear intent!" Lu Chen fired the spear wheel with residual blood in his hand, directly hitting the ground!

A thunder rang through the world, and the ground of Heiwuyan cracked directly, destroying most of the entire martial arts field!

The soles of thousands of people around were shaking violently, and at the same time, a lot of black mist was ejected from the cracks in the ground!

Countless gun shots from the bottom up, instantly rushed into the sky.

"Earth Shaman Spear Intent? Yes, it's...the seventh level!? How could it be possible that he became the seventh earth Shaman Xuanming Spear!"

"Be careful with your feet, he uses earth veins as a medium!" A spirit emperor yelled, then leaped high, and a golden air shield was born under his feet.

However, not everyone has such strength!

Endless guns gushing out, these practitioners are inevitable, can't stop them, and in the blink of an eye, the bodies of thousands of people directly exploded.

Suddenly, the martial arts field of the Dongfang family was filled with blood and fog!

Dongfang Bai's eyes widened at this time, he looked at Lu Chen in horror, the **** in his mouth!

"Eight years, how is it possible, how could someone have increased their strength to such a terrifying level in eight years!"

"The seventh stage of the Divine Xuanming Spear. Even the gods and the heavenly spirits have not been made. He has made it in eight years? This is impossible!"

Thousands of people besieged and killed one person, but at this time, the Dongfang family's martial arts field was full of corpses, and these broken limbs belonged to the Dongfang family!

Ah Tie looked at Lu Chen incomprehensibly, "Chen'er's progress is too terrifying... Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone reaching such a terrifying level in such a short period of time!"

Yueqin's eyes were full of tears, "Chen'er, this child, can achieve today's achievements, he must have made an effort that ordinary people can't imagine..."

Wan'er couldn't help but screamed, "Brother, take revenge for the Lu family!"

Lu Chen couldn't answer Lu Wan'er, but saw him leaping high and piercing an elder's Tianling Gai with a shot.

This person is a spirit king, but in Lu Chen's hands, he didn't have a chance to use a single move, and he was killed on the spot by Lu Chen!

"Kill the Lu family!" Someone tried to get close to Lu Chen's family. Who knew he had just finished speaking, a long spear shot from a distance, directly piercing his throat!

Immediately afterwards, a figure was as fast as lightning and pulled out a spear.

The man's neck immediately burst into blood, and he couldn't speak.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I'm here, do you want to move my family? Dream!" After all, a shot resulted in this person!

Looking at the "blood man" in the crowd, Dongfang Bai stepped back involuntarily.

This person was too terrible. Tens of thousands of people were besieging him, but he couldn't break through the defense line he guarded. In front of him, those stumps and broken bodies were already piled up like a mountain, and the guy was not injured!

"This, this guy, maybe he has already cultivated to the heavenly spirit..."

Until now, Dongfang Qinglong couldn't sit still!

He slowly stood up, his eyes fixed on the crazy slaughter figure in the field.

"Elder, take my paternal seal and wake up the town's sacred beast!" Dongfang Qinglong whispered to an old man behind him.

The old man showed good looks, "Patriarch... really wants to wake up that guy? After all, Qinglong has been sleeping for thousands of years!"

Dongfang Qinglong said, "This person's strength should be above the gods, and judging from his fighting skills, I really can't imagine how an 18-year-old child would behave so calmly!"

"For more than twenty minutes, there is not a single omission! Even the battle-tested generals can't do this!"

The elder frowned, "It is true, no matter how angry he is, his position, use of exercises, and offensive and defensive conversion are impeccable. This person must have been baptized through countless life and death battles..."

Dongfang Qinglong nodded and said, "Because of this, I must invite the sacred beast of the town clan!"

"Yes, Patriarch, I'm going now!" After that, the Great Elder took the paternal seal of Dongfang Qinglong and left in a hurry.

The battle in the field continued.

"Lu Chen, I don't believe you are not tired!" An elder blocked Lu Chen's spear intent with a spirit shield, but he was fine, but the people behind him were killed one after another!

The cloud-piercing spear is the technique for fighting cattle from the mountain. He can protect himself, but he can't protect the tribe, but if he protects the tribe, I am afraid he has already died by the gun at this moment!

"Earth Evil Xuanming Spear, pneumatic at random!"

This is another trick. Within 500 meters, the intention of the gun is arbitrary, the intention is pointed, and the result of the gun is invisible!

Thousands of people from the Eastern tribes around were slaughtered instantly!

"Inner disciple, go back!"

Many people plan to take advantage of the chaos to retreat.

"Nine steps in the void!" Lu Chen flashed in front of the group of people with nine steps in the void.

"What kind of body is this, why is it so fast? It's impossible to capture whereabouts!"

The disciples of the inner race were lowering their heads and fleeing. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning. It seemed that for an instant, they saw not a person, but a blood-bathed demon standing in front of them with a gun!

"Baili faint crow!"

In just a moment, after Lu Chen killed thousands of people, he quickly regained his family in front of his family with nine void steps...

More than two hours later, the corpses were everywhere on the martial arts field, the ground was stained red, and there were more than 10,000 people in Dongfang family, but only a thousand people were alive at this time!

And these more than one thousand people are now tightly forming a tortoiseshell formation, defending hard!

Dongfang Bai was still alive, but at this time he had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Maybe it's not that he is too strong, but... Lu Chen didn't plan to kill him at all!

To be precise, I don't plan to kill him now!

An elder in the front row looked at the surrounding corpse mountains and blood, his eyes were round, and he wailed in sorrow, "The tens of thousands of children from my Dongfang family were killed by one person today! This, is this true!"

Even at the scene, such a result is unimaginable.

Lu Chen looked at these survivors coldly, his blood-red eyes narrowed slightly, "When you slaughtered more than 700 people in my Lu family, did you think you have today?!"

"You, you...what the **** are you! Why have you become so terrible in just eight years!"

This question is a question that lingers in everyone's hearts. Even Lu Chen's mother, Uncle Tie, and Wan'er can't believe it. Is it really Lu Chen who is standing in front of them now?

Lu Chen held a long spear and approached the opponent's defense step by step. With each step he took, he took a step back...

"What? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Aren't you the heaven of the Heavenly Martial Kingdom? It's a pity that you just provoke me!"

"Even if you are a heaven, I will pierce this heaven!"

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