Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1366: Town Clan Beast

"Give me my life!" Lu Chen yelled, a virtual nine steps, already rushing towards the enemy line!

"The third elder, the fourth elder! The other spirit emperors, the silhouette of the spirit king!" An elderly white beard suddenly flashed in front of Lu Chen.

Then two people flashed out of the defensive array.

These three people are obviously stronger than the others, and they are extremely fast, far beyond the Spirit King and Spirit King that Lu Chen met before.

The one who is stronger than the spirit emperor is the fairy-level powerhouse, who is the top powerhouse in the entire Tianyuan continent!

The three of them used knives, and the two of them used swords. They suddenly violently slashed towards Lu Chen!

"Sanyuanization Magic Sword!"

"No trace of the piercing sun!"

"Sword intent! Kill my tens of thousands of people, Lu Chen, take my life!"

The three of them suddenly got into trouble, and the shot was a special skill. Obviously, they had been preparing for a long time and intended to kill Lu Chen in one move.

Uncle Tie exclaimed, "Chen'er be careful!"

However, Lu Chen just snorted coldly, "Hiding in the crowd, does it mean I can't see how good the three of you are?"

"Unfortunately, the fairy wants to kill me, not enough!"

"Earth Evil Xuanming Spear·Netherworld Spear Intent!"

Lu Chen was actually prepared, facing the siege of the three, he shot directly in the front!

The remnant blood spear turned into a huge scarlet spear, and it collided head-on with the three ultimate moves of the three powerful immortals.

There was a loud bang, and several qi rings in the field were surging, and the emperor would be shaken out by the huge afterwave!

In an instant, three figures flew out at the same time like cannonballs, but a black figure did not retreat but moved forward, a void nine steps, had caught up with one of them.

One shot directly pierced the heart and smashed it into the ground!

The other two faeries shook out hundreds of meters away, and then they vomited blood. They looked at Lu Chen not far away in shock.

"Impossible, you, you are... the Spirit Realm!"

"The 18-year-old God Spirit Realm is almost unheard of forever!"

Lu Chen stepped on the corpse and drew the spear, then coldly looked at the two faeries, "Henggu hasn't heard of it? Then, have you heard of it now!"

"You, you killed tens of thousands of people, wouldn't your spiritual power be empty!"

"Nine Star Chaos Spirit Vessel is so overbearing!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Do you regret not catching me in the first place, so as to take away my spiritual veins?"

"In other words, your Patriarch is also really interesting. He can't hold his breath while watching the tragic death of his people?"

"Nine steps in the void!" Stepping on the void, Lu Chen came to the two elders instantly, "Fairy? In the Tianyuan Continent, he is a master, but in front of me, Lu Chen, but an ant!"

"Die to me!"

Two shots, Lu Chen killed two more!

At this time, other people were shocked and short-circuited.

A fairy-level powerhouse, Lu Chen, a young man who had only practiced for eight years, directly killed him with one enemy three!

Then they, the spirit kings, are like tile dogs in front of Lu Chen, vulnerable!

Sure enough, Lu Chen had no intention of stopping at all, and entered the enemy line.

At this time, Lu Chen was like a tiger entering a lamb, in the shadow of a sword, light and sword, the gun has not arrived, people have forgotten!

The 1,000 or so elites left in the Dongfang family could not stop Lu Chen from killing.

Weeping again and again, blood splashed on the spot!

Dongfang Bai discovered one thing, as long as he is, wherever he is, it is safe, Lu Chen will never come to kill him...

However, at this time, seeing Lu Chen's cruel methods, he had no room for happiness at all.

The surrounding clansmen died tragically, but they were still alive, but Dongfang Bai clearly felt that Lu Chen's occasional glance was like a demon, gloating at a soul that was about to die, extremely cruel!

It was another hour, only Dongfang Bai was still alive on the court!

Lu Chen suddenly drew a spear from a corpse, and did not continue to pursue it, but leisurely looked at Dongfang Bai with a frightened face.

"Dongfang Bai, have you ever thought that one day you will live better than dead?" Lu Chen looked at Dongfang Bai with a smile.

"Lu Chen, you, you murderous demon! You have more than 70,000 lives on your hands!"

"You said that my Dongfang family should kill you Lu family, don't you deserve to die if you killed so many Dongfang family members?!"

Lu Chen sneered, "It's a joke, what did you say before that those who obey me will prosper against me, and those who go against me will perish? Now you tell me about benevolence, justice and morality?"

"Dongfang Bai, don't you find it ridiculous?"

"Right now, your Patriarch is still watching the show. That's okay. I just have time to settle the account between the two of us with you."

Lu Chen's smile disappeared instantly, his blood-red eyes fixed on Dongfang Bai.

"Kill my father! Kill my grandfather! Dongfang Bai, you will not be enough to offset your sins if you die ten thousand times!"

"In that case, I will make you better than death!"

Seeing Lu Chen's gaze, Dongfang Bai shuddered in his heart, and he hurriedly looked at the owner of the house.


At this time, Dongfang Qinglong finally stood up slowly.

In an instant, he was in front of Dongfang Bai.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and the strength of this guy was far above the three fairy spirits.

Dongfang Qinglong looked at the broken limbs around, "So many people died..." suddenly sneered, "These wastes are really useless!"

"Patriarch, you!" Dongfang Bai looked at Patriarch in shock. If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, it would be hard to believe that Dongfang Qinglong said this sentence himself!

Dongfang Qinglong yelled angrily, "Shut up! If it weren't for you to do things badly, and arrest this person earlier, how could my Dongfang family's vitality be badly hurt?!"

Dongfang Bai hurriedly shut up.

Dongfang Qinglong looked at Lu Chen again with a smile in his eyes.

"Lu Chen, I admit that your strength has exceeded all of our expectations."

"You have killed so many people, I do feel a bit regretful, but after thinking about it, I feel that this may not be a good thing!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, could Dongfang Qinglong be crazy?

Dongfang Qinglong seemed to see Lu Chen's doubts and continued, "You may not know yet, but the Dongfang family has a secret technique that can plunder the spiritual veins of adults!"

"You have such a terrifying strength at the age of eighteen. With no resources to cultivate, you can see how exaggerated your Nine Star Chaos Spirit Vessel is!"

"As long as I can integrate your spiritual veins, hahahaha, let alone the Dongfang family, I am the **** of the Tianyuan Continent!"

"What I want is to dominate the world and be king forever!"

"What Oriental family, compared with my great cause of dominance, it is not worth mentioning!"

Lu Chen looked at Dongfang Qinglong coldly, this guy was really crazy.

"Lu Chen, your strength should be in the Divine Spirit Realm, and you have actually practiced the Earth Evil Xuanming Spear... I have to admit that I am not sure of victory."

"But you have been fighting to death, your physical strength has been exhausted, I now have at least 80% chance of winning!"

Lu Chen looked at Dongfang Qinglong coldly, "I'm afraid you don't know, I will kill you, 10% physical strength is enough!"

Dongfang Qinglong pretended to suddenly realize, "Oh, yes, if I guessed it right, your Di Xuanming Spear has been trained in seven or eight layers, and the last one is probably almost the same, so you still have a hole card."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, this guy actually thought that he had already learned the Profound Sky!

But he is still so relaxed now, it seems that he has a confident capital.

While talking, Lu Chen only felt that the ground began to shake. Then, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, but at this moment, the heavy rain stopped immediately.

In the sky, there are faint shadows rolling.

Dongfang Qinglong smiled slightly, "Sorry, you have a hole card, and I also have a hole card!"

"Now my hole card is here, and your life is already mine!"

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