Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1370: She is voluntary

In the Mengjia Mansion, lights and festoons are everywhere, and the marriage between Mengxi and Li Haobai will be held today.

Mengxi was dressed in red and sat alone in the room. She just heard the rumor that the Dongfang family was bloodbathed by Lu Chen alone!

Mengxi's eyes were full of surprises, "It's him, it's really him! Brother Lu Chen really took revenge!"

One person slaughtered more than 70,000 people from the Dongfang family, and halted the army of 500,000!

How overbearing this is!

Unfortunately, she didn't see it with her own eyes...

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man walked in.

Seeing this person, Mengxi suddenly put away the smile on her face, and looked away with a straight face.

"Xier, Li Haobai will soon be here to welcome her, you..."

"I know." Mengxi said coldly.

"Xier, I know what happened to Lu Chen, do you regret it?" The man looked at his daughter worriedly, "Xier, hey, you are still too young, I have to say something to you clearly."

The man sighed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Mengxi also didn't expect that a strong father would suddenly be like this, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"If you regret it and leave with Lu Chen, I won't stop you again. However, the Li family will definitely put this bill on our Meng family. Our two families have a marriage contract. The hatred of taking away their wives. , How can the Li family give up?!"

"And if Lu Chen comes back and finds that you are not willing to marry Li Haobai, then Lu Chen will probably not let my dream house go..."

"Although that person Lu Chen is revenge, there is no moral problem, but it is said that the Dongfang family's martial arts field corpses are everywhere, and it is terrible. It shows that he is also a cruel person."

"You said, what should our dream family do to protect ourselves?"

Mengxi was stunned for a moment. His father's words were not unreasonable. As soon as the news of Brother Lu Chen came through, Meng's family was now the first to be in a dilemma!

Mengfu said earnestly, "Xier, in fact, Li Hao is a good white man. He just has a strong self-esteem. When I made a marriage plan, I considered it repeatedly. I'm afraid you will not be happy in the future!"

"I have loved you since I was a child, even if you ran away from home, I just let people secretly protect you, and it's up to you."

"I know that you have no feelings with Li Haobai, but that's because you didn't have any contact with Li Haobai. This time you also saw it. Although he was angry in your heart, he never made a big move. That kid is talented. , With good character and good appearance, if you are not Lu Chen but Li Haobai, you may not like him."

"Xi'er, your marriage is not only yours alone, now the fate of Meng's family is in your hands!"

"The only way now is to tell Lu Chen that you are marrying Li Haobai voluntarily, so Lu Chen will give up, and Li Jiameng's family will marry, and the strength can be improved in the future."

"Would you like to watch your mother, grandmother, brothers and sisters, and remind you all day long?"

Mengfu said a lot, and the sentence was reasonable, Mengxi did not want to listen, but had to listen.

"Father, don't tell me..."

"Xi'er, people like Lu Chen will surely dominate in the future. A man like that is certainly attractive, but if you really marry him, you may not be happy!"

"For you, Li Haobai has tolerated for many years and worked hard, but what about Lu Chen? What has he done for you? Xi'er, trust Dad, finding someone who loves you is more important than finding someone you love!"

"For the sake of Mengjia's thousand-year foundation, I beg you!"

"Father, don't talk anymore." Mengxi was heartbroken, but couldn't refuse his father's request. "Daughter...daughter got it!"


Lu Chen's family buried Qin Gong, just behind his old house mountain, with his grandmother.

"Mother, don't be sad." Lu Chen helped his mother, "everything is over."

Yueqin nodded and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, "Father, my daughter is not filial. Not only did she fail to provide for you, she also made you tired."

"Fortunately, Chen'er came out and took revenge for the Lu family and you..."

In honor of Qin Gong, everyone returned to Qin Gong's former residence.

Ah Tie asked, "Madam, what shall we do in the future?"

Yueqin looked at Lu Chen, "Chen'er, do you have any plans?"

Lu Chen said, "Before the Heavenly Saint Kingdom’s people secretly monitored us. After I was arrested, they explained their intentions and wanted me to worship the Heavenly Kingdom.”

"They said that they don't need me to do anything, as long as they agree to become the worship of the country, they will give me a lot of money and treasure every year..." Lu Chen continued, "I guess their purpose, to be precise, is that they don't want me to help. In the other two countries, it doesn't matter whether I do anything or not, just don't be an enemy of them."

"I thought to myself, Wan'er will use a lot of resources in her future cultivation, which is a good choice."

Yueqin nodded, "You have grown up, Wei Niang believes that you will make up your mind."

"Brother, will you teach me to practice?" Wan'er looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and touched Lu Wan'er's head dozingly, "Silly girl, as long as you want to learn, brother will teach you. But you can't be afraid of getting tired."

"Wan'er is not afraid of getting tired, I will also protect my mother and Tie Shu!"

Ah Tie burst into laughter, "Ah, Wan'er actually still wants to protect me, hahaha, well, now I am not afraid of any Dongfang family."

"Uncle Tie, you are also a member of our family." Wan'er said.

After so many things, Ah Tie has indeed become a member of the Lu family.

Lu Chen thought of something and said, "But I want to go to the Heavenly Sacred Kingdom first. Shang Guanhong has promised to protect your safety. You will live here for the time being and wait for my return."

"Brother, are you going out again? What are you going to do?" Wan'er was reluctant to bear Lu Chen.

"I, go..." Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Go and find you a sister-in-law!"

Settling in his family, Lu Chen once again found Shangguanhong, who was temporarily living in Xizhou City, and promised to become an offering to Tianwu Kingdom.

Once this matter is finalized, in the Tianwu Kingdom, mothers are the safest.

That same day, Lu Chen rode a Tayun horse and hurried to the Holy Kingdom of Heaven.


Twenty days later, the nationwide discussion of the sword of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom had just ended, and it was the time when rewards for the strongest and strongest newcomer of the Heavenly Sage were distributed.

But Lu Chen didn't have much interest in these things. If he didn't catch up, he didn't catch up. The purpose of his trip was no longer to participate in the national debate.

When he arrived at Meng's house, Lu Chen found that the place was heavily guarded, and there were at least hundreds of people patrolling the Meng's house uninterruptedly.

When Lu Chen approached, there was more than Lu Chen immediately, "Stop, whoever!"

"Lu Chen, I'm here to find your lady Mengxi." Lu Chen said.

"Lu..." The man shuddered as soon as he heard Lu Chen speak, and then the guards behind him were all concentrated.

Looking at Lu Chen, I was surprised and scared.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, are these people so afraid of themselves?

"You, you are Lu Chen, Lu Chen from the Dongfang family of Tianwu in blood?!"

From the reaction of the other party, Lu Chen seemed to know something.

"You set up such a rigorous defense, isn't it to defend me? The Dongfang family destroys me first, the Lu family first, I just use the human way to treat the human body."

"Mengxi is my friend, I have no intentions."

The opposing team captain gasped hard, and plucked up the courage to say, "The eldest lady is no longer there. She married to the Li family half a month ago!"

"What!" Lu Chen whispered in surprise.

Lu Chen's reaction directly caused hundreds of guards around him to pull out their swords at the same time...

"Lu Chen, you, listen to me, my lady married voluntarily. If you don't believe me, ask her yourself!"

"At this moment, he is in the Tiancheng Martial Arts Arena, accompanying his husband to receive the award for the strongest newcomer."

Knowing that Mengxi had fallen, Lu Chen left without saying a word!

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