Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1371: Brother Lu Chen

In the Tiancheng Martial Arts Arena, thousands of people watched the ceremony and witnessed the birth of the two strongest heavenly kingdoms.

Xue Hao defeated the powerhouses who were also in the Divine Spirit Realm, and won the crown of the first person in the Heavenly Sage Kingdom. Li Hao easily defeated the Spiritual Supreme opponent and became the strongest under the age of 20 in the Heavenly Saint Kingdom.

Wen has no first and Wu has no second. At this moment, only these two people on the Wudou stage accept the award.

The monarch of Tiansheng Kingdom, Yan Zijun, came to the stage in person and distributed rewards to the two.

"Congratulations to Master Xuehao for his martial arts!" Even the monarch Yanzijun should be polite to the super powers who hide the blood.

This blood trench was originally enshrined in the consecration courtyard. Seeing that he won the first place, Yan Zijun felt very happy.

Xue Hao nodded slightly, "Zijun, you and I don't need to be polite. Go and see that Li Haobai. The Li family has a very promising kid, the 19-year-old Spirit King, who is much better than before."

"Thank you, Master Xuehao for the suggestion, Zijun has this intention."

Next, Yan Zijun walked to Li Haobai, "Haobai, congratulations."

Li Haobai's identity is naturally inferior to the **** trench, holding a fist and saluting, "Thank you, King Yan."

"Hahaha, Haobai, no need to be polite. This is the badge of the strongest newcomer, only one in ten years. I have sent other rewards to Li Mansion."

With that said, Yan Zijun put on a badge for Li Hao Bai.

"There are only a handful of people in the world who can have this badge." Yan Zijun smiled.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that you just married half a month ago. It's really a double happiness. It's just such a happy event, why didn't you notify me."

Li Haobai was a little bit astonished. The monarch could not be moved by their Li family. King Yan said that, obviously showing good intentions.

"Since double happiness is coming, I can't as well add another happy event." Yan Zijun said.

Li Haobai looked at Yan Zijun incomprehensibly, "Haobai is dull, I don't know what is the happy event that King Yan said?"

Yan Zijun smiled slightly, "I don’t know if Haobai is willing to come to the affiliated courtyard of my Heavenly Sage Enshrinement. Although this affiliated courtyard has much less enshrining resources, it may not be able to enter the enshrinement in the future. Spare no effort to cultivate."

Li Haobai's eyes widened. Of course he knew the Affiliated Hospital of the Enshrinement Yuan. In short, it was the preparatory class of the Enshrinement Yuan!

As long as you enter the affiliated courtyard of the worship court, you can receive a lot of resources every year, which is the place that all geniuses want to enter the most.

However, usually the affiliated courtyard only accepts immortal spirit level powerhouses. Only at this level can there be greater hope of entering the **** spirit realm. After all, the investment of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom is hoped to be rewarded.

But this time, Yan Zijun actually sent an invitation directly, asking him, the fairy king, to join the affiliated courtyard!

"Thank you, King Yan for showing love, Haobai is willing!" Li Haobai clasped his fist.

Yan Zijun smiled slightly, "Your wife Mengxi is also a rare talent. If the enshrinement institute opens, she can also come and listen to you!"

Li Haobai was even more shocked. Yan Zijun's importance no longer needs to be said, and he even agreed to let him take Mengxi to attend the class!

"This... King Yan..." Li Haobai was excited, and thought for a while, "Thank you, King Yan! I invite Mengxi to come on stage with me, thanks to King Yan for the reward!"

"Okay, I also saw your wife. Actually, if you didn't have your enchanting villain, Mengxi would have hoped to compete for this strongest newcomer."

Li Haobai quickly pulled Mengxi to the front of King Yan.

The couple salutes in two pairs, thanks to King Yan for making an exception.

In the stands, Yan Zhu sighed for a long time, "Hey, Master, you are still a step late after all. Now Mengxi has become someone else's wife..."

He had brought Lu Chen's words to Mengxi, and he still remembered that Mengxi was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

Originally, Yan Zhu was also happy for Master, but before long, Mengxi still married into the Li family...

Yan Zijun turned around and shouted to everyone in the audience, "My Heavenly Saints are full of talents, but for all talents, my Heavenly Saint Kingdom will come to you!"

"Everyone cheers for the blood trench, Li Haobai!"

The audience stood up, thunderous applause...

Li Haobai took Mengxi's hand and looked at her affectionately, "Xier, I will definitely become the happiest person."

If it were other women, tears must have flowed into his eyes at this time.

But Mengxi just froze for a moment, saying nothing.

She turned to look at Bai Xing and Yan Zhu in the stands. Seeing those two people, she seemed to see that person.

Brother Lu Chen, sorry...

Mengxi's eyes were a little fuzzy, everything was doomed, she sighed, and was about to withdraw her gaze.

But at this moment, she saw a man standing at the entrance of the fighting arena.

Seeing that person's first glance, Mengxi's heart jumped quickly.

"Lu, Brother Lu Chen!"

There was thunderous cheers in the audience, and Lu Chen stood alone at the exit, looking at the people on the stage from a distance, with wet eyes.

Li Haobai took Mengxi's hand, but Mengxi did not resist, which seemed to indicate a possibility.

However, he still has to figure out one thing!

Lu Chen walked directly to the Wudoutai.

At this time, many people also saw the man who appeared suddenly.

Heavenly Saint Kingdom's strongest, strongest newcomer, the monarch, and the two consecrations behind the monarch are all on the stage, when someone broke in?

"Is that guy crazy?"

"Who? I'm in the ring this time? You're going to die?"

Yan Zijun also saw Lu Chen, frowned slightly, his face was displeased, "Who dares to break into the martial arts stage without authorization? Come, drag out!"

Four or five personal guards of King Yan marched toward Lu Chen aggressively...

Suddenly, when Lu Chen's figure moved, he had flashed onto the martial arts stage, and he was standing beside everyone!

Xue Hao's eyes widened suddenly, and a person could come to King Yan with such ease. Doesn't this mean that if he had just shot Yan Zijun, he would already have a chance?

He hurriedly stood in front of Yan Zijun, staring at Lu Chen, and said in a deep voice, "What are you going to do! Come, surround the Wudoutai!"

A large number of Yan Wang's personal forbidden army quickly surrounded the Wudoutai, with three floors inside and three outside, withdrawing their weapons one after another, waiting for it!

Lu Chen didn't pay attention to the blood trench at all, nor did he care about the imperial troops, he just looked at Mengxi.

Lu Chen's voice was a little hollow.

"Did Yan Zhu bring my words to you?"

Mengxi's tears flowed down all of a sudden, she did not dare to look at Lu Chen's eyes, but wanted to look at Lu Chen again.

Mengxi at this time was extremely entangled and painful.

Seeing this, Li Haobai hurriedly pulled Mengxi aside, staring at Lu Chen, "What are you doing!"

Lu Chen glanced at Li Haobai and yelled, "Get out of the way, I'll ask her, it's not your turn to interrupt!"

Li Haobai narrowed his eyes slightly, "If you dare to move Mengxi, I will kill you now!"

"You are not worthy!" Lu Chen said coldly, then looked at Mengxi, "Mengxi, I just want to know the answer."

At this moment, Xue Hao shouted violently, "Arrogant kid, don't look at the place, dare to come here to mess around! Do you use this as your backyard?!"

After all, Blood Trench will do it.

Mengxi suddenly cried, "Stop!"

Then she broke away from Li Haobai's hand, walked out from behind Li Haobai, and stood in front of Lu Chen.

She looked up at Lu Chen, tears could not stop streaming down.

"Brother Lu Chen..."

When I heard the word "Lu Chen", the audience was shocked.

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