Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1373: Tianling Xeon

When Lu Chen arrived at the lake, he picked up the fishing rod and fish basket, followed his mother back to the house, and found that only Tian Heng was here this time.

"Sir, you are back." Master Tianheng saw Lu Chen's return and hurriedly got up.

Lu Chen said calmly, "Master Tianheng is looking for me, but to understand the danger of Tianwu Kingdom?"

Tian Heng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Lu Chen to be so direct. He hadn't spoken yet. Lu Chen already knew his intentions.

"That's the case, your husband is also a member of the Tianwu country. If there is a crisis of extinction in the country today, please do it!"

Lu Chen put down the fishing rod and fish basket, "Master, I remember when Shang Guanhong hired me to worship, he said that I didn't need to do anything."

Tian Heng said anxiously, "Sir, it is true, but now the Kingdom of Heavenly Martial Arts is almost unprotected, and we really can't stop the offensive of the Kingdom of Heavenly Sage, so we have to invite Mr.

Lu Chen came to the table and sat down. He didn't comment on what he had said before. He just asked, "I remember a few years ago, the three kingdoms were quite powerful. How could Heavenly Saint Kingdom suddenly rise in recent years and swallow the two countries?"

"Mr. I don't know, the masters of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom were born!" Tian Heng said, "Ten of the Heavenly Spirit Powerhouses joined the consecration of the Heavenly Sage Kingdom at the same time fourteen years ago. Those ten are astonishingly powerful, and one can be an army of millions! "

"Heavenly Spirit Power?" Lu Chen frowned slightly.

In Tianyuan Continent, the strongest person he had ever seen was only a god-level powerhouse, like the blood trench, he was already the number one powerhouse in the Heavenly Saint Kingdom.

"Sir, the military strength of the three kingdoms was indeed the same, but after the appearance of these ten people, the balance of power of the three kingdoms was suddenly broken. Tianwei was defeated, and my Tianwu was at stake."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Are there no Heavenly Spirit powerhouses in other countries?"

"Yes, there is a Heavenly Spirit powerhouse in the Tianwei Enshrinement Institute, but he has died in the battle. Two Heavenly Spirit powerhouses in my Tianwu Kingdom were also forced to leave the customs, but the number is obviously not as good as each other."

"Then you think I am the opponent of those ten people?"

"Mr. 14 years ago, he already had the strength to kill the strong gods. Even if he doesn't reach the heavens, it's a great power. Now we can only block one for a while."

Seeing Lu Chen seemingly unmoved, Tian Heng said anxiously, "Sir, when Tianwei was destroyed, General Tiansheng killed more than 3 million troops!"

"Even if they don't hurt the people, the assets confiscated are countless. In the past two years of fighting, there has been no change in Tiansheng's country, but the taxation of the people in Tianwei country has doubled, and the people are not living."

"After all, they will not treat the people of the two countries equally. If the heavenly saints really dominate the three kingdoms, they will become more and more intensified. By then, my Tianwu people will never get ahead."

"Sir! The country will die, the family will be broken!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Don't tell me these nonsense, when my home is broken, where will the country be?"

"Sir, this... At that time, King Hong also obeyed Dongfang Qinglong's words, besides, King Hong was not too bad for you all these years!"

"Needless to say, you can go." After that, Lu Chen directly issued an order to evict the guests.

Although Tian Heng was unwilling in every possible way, but seeing that Lu Chen no longer looked at him, there was no room for discussion at all. This kind of thing was reluctant to come, and he could only leave in anguish.

After Tian Heng left, Qin Yueqin sat beside Lu Chen, "Chen'er, will you go?"

Knowing the son is better than his mother. Although Lu Chen never mentioned that he was going, Chen's mother could still feel that Lu Chen would not stand by.

Lu Chen sighed, "Not for Jiangshan Sheji, but for the dawn people."

Qin Yueqin nodded, her eyes filled with relief, "Chen'er, your father used to be like this."

"Mother, is there any news about Wan'er, Yan Zhu, and Uncle Tie?"

"Zhizhen Lingyuan has joined the battlefield, and Wan'er and Zhuzi seem to have joined the army to fight the enemy. Ah Tie visited us half a month ago. When you went up the mountain to chop wood, he seemed to be in a hurry and didn't wait for you. Going to Tianwu City should be related to this matter."

Lu Chen nodded, "Wan'er has grown up too."

"Mother, let's pack things and prepare to go to Tianwu City. I don't worry about you being here alone."

"Chen'er, Master Tianheng just said that the ten heavenly spirits of the Heavenly Sacred Country, you, are you really going to?" Qin Yueqin suddenly became worried again.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Tian Ling is in front of me, so vulnerable!"

Qin Yueqin was stunned for a moment.

The Heavenly Spirit powerhouse is the strongest powerhouse in the Tianyuan Continent, and it can be said that he is the ultimate powerhouse who has spied on the heavenly rank.

And Chen'er actually said such words, his realm should be...

"Chen'er, you... what realm are you now?"

Lu Chen looked at his mother, only this person, he could not lie to her!

"Eighteen Star King!"

The ancient world cannot become immortals, so for many immortals who come to the ancient world to experience, their realm is difficult to improve.

However, Lu Chen was different.

He has not become immortal at all. In the past fourteen years, Lu Chen has not only repeatedly consolidated his spear intent, but also has not let go of his realm. He has already broken through to the King of Eighteen Stars!

"The King of People?"

"Mother, I can't explain some things clearly, anyway, you believe that Chen'er is."

Qin Yueqin does not understand her son's realm, but she believes in Lu Chen!

"Okay, my mother doesn't know much about cultivation, but I believe you can do it. I'll go and pack things."

"I will help you."


Seven days later, Lu Chen and Qin Yueqin came to Tianwu City together.

At this time, when the Heavenly Saint Kingdom attacked, looking far to the west of the city, the wall of Tianwu City was billowing smoke, the city wall was ruined, and a large number of warriors were rushing to repair.

There are almost no ordinary people in the city, but warriors from all over the world have rushed here, entrenched in various areas of the city, and jointly defended against foreign enemies.

The city was too chaotic, and even the carriage was unusable, so Lu Chen took his mother on foot.

"Who are you? Why are you still coming to Tianwu City now?" Several warriors saw Lu Chen and Qin Yueqin and stopped them.

Lu Chen replied, "My friend, do you know the camp of Zhizhen Lingyuan?"

"Zhizhen is in the southwest camp. Oh, I said, little brother, you can quickly take this old woman away. This is not where you should come."

Qin Yueqin was 50 or 60 years old at this time. Although she was in good health, she was already an old woman over half a hundred years old.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your concern, I'll leave if I find someone." Lu Chen said perfunctorily and took his mother to the southwest.

Not long after, Lu Chen saw a banner planted not far away with the words Tianwu Zhizhen, which should be the Zhizhen Lingyuan.

The so-called camp is nothing more than an open-air rest area. After the war, the academy of the Zhen Lingyuan suffered heavy losses, and the wounded rest here.

"Chen'er, you say that Wan'er and Yan Zhu will have nothing to do." Qin Yueqin was also worried when he saw so many wounded people who were seriously injured.

After a lot of setbacks, they finally found Lu Wan'er and Yan Zhu.

Today, Lu Wan'er is already standing out and standing tall and standing in the crowd.

"Wan'er!" Qin Yueqin hurriedly shouted when she saw Wan'er.

Wan'er looked back and ran over immediately, "Mother, why are you here? Brother, why did you bring your mother here."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Mother, don't worry about you. By the way, where's the pillar."

"Yan Zhu is helping me distribute medicine. Now the pill is in short supply, the dean has asked me to be responsible for refining the medicine. Oh, yes, Uncle Tie is also helping."

Lu Chen nodded, raised his eyes to see a figure busy among the wounded, and smiled slightly, "Yan Zhu."

When Yan Zhu heard the figure, he hurriedly looked back, and soon found Lu Chen.

After seeing Lu Chen, Yan Zhu hurried over, "Master! Why are you here?!"

Lu Chen looked at the hundreds of wounded around, the smoke filled the distance, thinking that hundreds of people had been forced to leave their homes, and said calmly, "This war should also be over."

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