Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1374: Kill only twelve people

Ah Tie also rushed over quickly, seeing Lu Chen excited.

"Uncle Tie, what level is it now?" Lu Chen asked.

"All these years of experience, now I am also the Spirit King!" Ah Tie was full of pride, "Chen'er, how about you, have you broken through the heavenly spirit?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's considered a breakthrough."

"Good guy, 33 years old Tianling! This is unheard of!"

"Uncle Tie, Wan'er, Zhuzi, please don't say anything about my coming here. I don't want Shangguanhong to know that I am here. We will live near the Zhizhen Lingyuan camp for the time being. Just do your business as usual. "

"Chen'er, are you really going to make a move? The heavenly spirit powerhouses of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom are coming, I guess they are going to launch a general attack."

Lu Chen nodded, "I know, they are what I'm waiting for!"


The Kingdom of Tianwu had suffered heavy casualties, and three days later, the army of the Kingdom of Heaven had launched a massive general offensive.

Millions of troops lined up in front of the walls of Tianwu City, looking at the dark shadows from a distance, with almost no end in sight.

In front of the Tianwu city pool, Tianwu warriors lined up, and more than one million warriors stood in front of the city, ready to fight.

Not long after, a rush of white shadows suddenly flashed in the sky, and then, those few white shadows stopped in front of the Heavenly Saint National Formation.

In the square formation, Uncle Tie said to Lu Chen, "Chen'er, those people are here! You must be careful then."

Lu Chen nodded.

Hundreds of people walked out of the enemy's battle formation, and the head of the person was the Heavenly Sage Monarch Yan Zijun. Behind him were all the super powers of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom, and the group walked directly in front of the Tianwu National Formation.

Jun Yanzi looked at Shangguan Hong and smiled, "King Hong, we have been in this battle for more than a month. Even if the masters on my side don’t take action, you won’t be able to hold on for long. If I don’t like you, surrender. ."

Shangguan Hong looked at Yan Zijun coldly, "King Yan, are you lying to the child? How do you Tianwu treat the army, don't you think I don't know?"

"Tianwei's three million troops are all killed by you!"

Yan Zijun smiled slightly, "I asked you to surrender, but I didn't say that I would let you go, but at least let the people suffer less."

"King Yan, you can save the time, how do you treat the Tianwei people, who does not know? Don't pretend to be a saint here!"

Yan Zijun smiled slightly, "You really don't see the coffin or cry. The twelve heavenly spirits behind me are enough to level your Tianwu City!"

The strength of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom is really strong. There were originally two Heavenly Spirit-level powerhouses in the Enshrinement Institute, plus ten Heavenly Spirit-level powerhouses who rushed in, there were already twelve Heavenly Spirit-level powerhouses.

Behind Shangguanhong, an old man squinted his eyes slightly and shouted, "Why do you talk about so much nonsense? If you want to fight and fight, it's impossible for the old man Can Yun to be afraid of you boys!"

"Who is so big in my words, it turns out to be Master Tianling Canyun." One of the people in the opponent's formation smiled, "You have lived for more than one hundred and fifty years, and you should die!"

The other person's eyes were full of contempt, "It's just a mere seven-star heavenly spirit, we have no lower level than you!"

Yan Zijun smiled slightly, "It's okay, it seems that they are all in a hurry to die, so I won't bother to speak."

"All the generals of the Heavenly Saint Kingdom obey the order!"

"Blood-washed Tianwu City!"

Just as Yan Zijun was about to leave, suddenly a voice came from the flank of the Tianwu Army.

"and many more!"

Yanzijun, Shangguanhong and others all looked in the direction of the sound in surprise.

I saw one person walked out slowly from the ranks of the Supreme Spirit Academy.

Dean Zhizhen was stunned when he saw someone from his college.

Who is this person? Are you a disciple?

Why are you so courageous, dare to speak out at this time? That is a dialogue between the top combat forces of the two countries, where is the turn of the unknown men like them.

It's a pity that he hasn't had time to stop the man, who has already walked to the place where Yanzijun is.

When he saw this person, Yan Zijun was stunned for a moment. He searched carefully in his mind and suddenly found a memory that matched this person.

"Lu Chen?"

In the queue behind Yan Zijun, Li Haobai was also stunned.

Lu Chen? ! He hurriedly looked at the woman next to him, and as expected, Mengxi stayed in place.

Maybe she had thought that they would meet on the battlefield, but when this moment really came, she was so caught off guard.

Shangguanhong's eyes widened, he turned around and hurriedly asked Tian Heng, "Master Tian Heng, didn't you say that Lu Chen would not come?"

"He really said that to me, and I didn't expect him to appear now."

"It's just that he wants to stop King Yan alone, right?"

Lu Chen didn't even have a weapon, and stood directly ten meters in front of Yan Zijun.

Yan Zijun couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, but the strong heavenly spirit next to him whispered, "King Yan, don't panic, I will protect King Yan later."

Only then did King Yan calm down.

Lu Chen looked at King Yan indifferently, and said, "Do you know that I am worshipped by Tianwu?"

King Yan was stunned for a moment, but the twelve heavenly spirits guarding him around him, his confidence came back.

"How about knowing?"

Lu Chen said calmly, "Since you know, you still led your troops to attack Heavenly Sage, didn't you put me in your eyes?"

"Lu Chen, even if you are a strong celestial spirit now, but there are twelve strong celestial spirits around me, do you think it is necessary for me to take you seriously?" Yan Wang said coldly.

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "So, your confidence comes from those twelve Heavenly Spirit powerhouses?" As he said, Lu Chen's gaze passed between Li Haobai and Mengxi in the back row.

"Your subordinates also have wives and daughters, and I don't want to kill them."

"King Yan, since your confidence comes from the twelve heavenly spirit powerhouses, then I will only kill twelve people!"

"After these twelve people die, you have to return the territory of Tianwei Nation, and the three countries sign a 100-year armistice agreement."

As soon as Lu Chen said this, the entire battlefield almost exploded.

On the side of Heavenly Saint Kingdom, there was almost a mess.

"What? He said, he wants to kill twelve Heavenly Spirit level powerhouses? Did I hear him wrong?"

"What a joke, let alone the Tianwu Kingdom, it is the Tianyuan Continent. Throughout the ages, no one has dared to say such arrogant things!"

"Only kill twelve people? At first I thought he had kept his hand, but it turned out to be the twelve Heavenly Spirit Xeons? Hahaha, I have never heard such a funny thing in my life."

The Tianwu Kingdom was also shaking.

"Who is that person? Yes, is he crazy?"

"It seems to have come out of the Supreme Spirit Academy. As expected, everyone in the Supreme Spirit Academy is normal."

"Master Can Yun dare not say such arrogant words, he, what does he want to do!"

Mengxi stared directly at Lu Chen.

Is this brother Lu Chen? He seems to have changed a lot, becoming more indifferent, calmer, calmer and calmer.

Fourteen years ago, she had no chance to see Lu Chen slaughter the Dongfang family, but today, she saw Lu Chen challenge the Twelve Heavenly Spirits alone!

This is probably more excessive than destroying the Dongfang Family.

However, Lu Chen's brother stood there, as quiet as still water and motionless as a mountain, which gave her an insurmountable feeling. This kind of courage was simply... fascinating!

For 14 years, Mengxi has been a wife and a mother.

But just see you again.

It's like seeing that young man in secret, his heartbeat speeded up and he couldn't help himself...

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