Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1383: One shot fixes the universe

Little Beast knew that the immortal battle of the Ten Thousand Races was what my father was most concerned about at the moment.

"Guying, you accompany them back." Shengwu Xianzun said, without a visit order, it would be inconvenient for the little beasts to go back.

"Yes, Xianzun."

When the little beast was leaving, he looked back at the ancient temple, took a deep breath, and muttered, "Dad, Human Xianyu, we are waiting for you!"


Tian Family Martial Arts Field, this morning, the female generals of Tianmen have come out one after another.

The Tian family is a family of martial arts, and the principle of martial arts is perseverance, which must be persisted every day.

The female generals screamed loudly from the martial arts field, and they would inevitably perform every move with all their strength.

At this moment, a tall man walked straight into the martial arts field.

Today, Lu Chen is dressed in a white robe, with long hair tied to the top of his head in accordance with the rules of the Wuji World, with the ends of his hair split behind him.

Lu Chen, who is 9 meters tall, is also outstanding here. The serious Lu Chen has a masculine temperament that men in this world don't have.

All the young female generals on the martial arts field couldn't help but stop, watching Lu Chen curiously.

"It's the seventh brother-in-law, does he really want to practice martial arts?"

"There are some postures, but martial arts training does not arise in a day."

"He seems to be on the third floor of a samurai, he is considered high among men, but in our Tian family, even a family member is more than this level."

Lu Chen ignored the people around him and walked to the weapon rack.

The fifth girl looked at Lu Chen with interest, "Seventh brother-in-law, use a sword or something, the weapons here are too heavy, let me pick a handy one for you."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Practicing "intention"!"

After all, Lu Chen's gaze fell on a two-meter long spear hung on the wall. He kicked the bottom of the gun with the tip of his right foot, and the spear was kicked high and flew directly to the martial arts field.

Lu Chen stepped on the steps, an somersault, and caught the spear in the air.

With the spear in his hand, even if the Yin and Yang are intertwined and the world is reversed, it is difficult to stop Lu Chen's footsteps!

The heavy spear fits better, and the spear shoots out like a dragon, and the gun force is ever-changing. Before the gun arrives, the murderous opportunity has arrived!

"What kind of marksmanship is this! The Zhenguo Shenwu spear is in the hands of the seventh brother-in-law, like an arm, unpredictable!"

"Seven sister-in-law's marksmanship can be opened and closed, but with softness and rigidity, it is almost...whatever you want!"

"Such marksmanship, it's impossible to practice it in a few decades!"

A sturdy woman held a fist next to Lu Chen, "Brother-in-law, I want to ask her brother-in-law's marksmanship, Tian Ying, can you?"

Lu Chen retracted his gun and looked slightly.

This woman is the Tian family's eldest lady, the first master of the Tian family's younger generation, and a school lieutenant from the frontier fortress of the Holy Church. She came home after going home for the funeral of the Seventh Sister these few days.

"Sister, please." Lu Chen said.

Tian Ying uses a heavy knife, which seems to be even heavier than Lu Chen's spear.

Tian Ying clasped his fist, "Brother-in-law, I am the fourth-tier warrior, and I will only use the third-tier strength of the warrior for a while."

Lu Chen said calmly, "No, do it with all my strength."

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback.

With a big difference, Lu Chen actually wants his eldest sister to fight with all his strength?

When you reach the realm of warrior, it will form a spiritual core, which is different in essence from the samurai rank.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Eldest sister, Liger fights rabbits as hard as they can. Don't worry, I will stop there."

The crowd was even more shocked.

Will Lu Chen end there? Say the opposite.

At this time, the old prince of the Tian family also happened to come to inspect the martial arts field and was seeing this scene.

The housekeeper frowned slightly, "Is this Seventh Aunt a bit...too arrogant?"

The old lady didn't say anything, "I have long heard that the Lu family loves martial arts, so let this child understand what a master is, Yinger will be merciful."

Tian Ying thought for a while. After all, Lu Chen was still young, and it was inevitable that he had no knowledge. With his strength, some arrogance among his peers, especially men, was normal.

Tian Ying also saw the old lady on the side. Since the old man didn't say anything to stop him, it seemed that he wanted to teach Lu Chen a lesson.

"Chen'er, then you be careful." After that, Tian Ying exploded with not weak spiritual power, and slashed towards Lu Chen.

This sword force sinks vigorously. At this time, Lu Chen has not yet formed a spiritual core, so he can't make it head-on.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly. Even though he dropped the ten meetings with one effort, he was more than just the "ten meetings"!

Seeing the opponent's sword, Lu Chen made a wrong step, and when he turned around, the white clothes raised!

Just as the opponent fell with a knife, Lu Chen missed half of his position and shot him back...

Tian Ying's knife fell on the ground, but Lu Chen's spear stopped exactly in Tian Ying's throat.

After half a minute, Tian Ying was killed! But Lu Chen calculated the opponent's position to the extreme, not many half points, a lot of half points, when the opponent fell, when the enemy was controlled!

Seeing this scene, the old lady was stunned.

Tian Ying has been on the battlefield for a long time, how rich the combat experience is, and when he is more than a realm higher than Lu Chen, he was defeated by Lu Chen with a single move? !

It's incredible!

Tian Ying was also full of horror at this time, sweating profusely, she could already feel the tip of the spear against her throat!

If he really wanted to kill Lu Chen just now, he would go one step further and he would have been pierced through his throat by the spear in Lu Chen's hand.

This guy... also terrible!

Lu Chen took his gun and gave Tian Ying a fist, "Sister, I'm offended."

Tian Ying is still in a trance, her speed is far better than Lu Chen, but the timing of Lu Chen's move is too accurate.

"Brother-in-law, who is the teacher?" Tian Ying asked.

"It's just self-study." Lu Chen smiled slightly. He is a man who has reached the eighteenth star king, and he has no teacher.

"Sister, if you have a chance, take me to the border next time."

Tian Ying did not directly reject Lu Chen. After all, she is now Lu Chen's defeat, so she is not qualified to say Lu Chen.

After moving his muscles and bones, Lu Chen went to the training room to practice spiritual power.

After a long time, Tian Yingcai was relieved, and the butler was beckoning to her, it seemed that the old lady wanted to ask her something.

"Ying'er, did you really lose to Lu Chen just now?" The old lady frowned slightly, "Isn't it yours."

Tian Ying replied with a fist, "I did lose just now. Chen'er's marksmanship is too superb. I have been in the army for ten years and have never seen such a precise marksmanship."

The old lady squinted his eyes slightly, Chen'er, really is a martial arts wizard?

"In terms of marksmanship alone, I have been in the army for 30 years, and I have never seen such a smooth marksmanship... Yinger, Chener said he was going to the frontier to kill the enemy?"

"Chen'er did say so."

The old lady nodded, "The flower comes from the bitter cold, and the gun comes from the sharpening. If it is really a martial arts wizard, it will be good for him to experience the battlefield baptism. Besides, since Chen'er is married, there is a person from my Tian family. Serve the country!"

"The other person killed the old seven. It seems that Chen'er's child has long been thinking about revenge!"

Tian Ying glanced at the old lady in surprise, did she agree? !

"The training resources in the army are far beyond our Tian family's. You return to the army this time, take Chen'er with you... remember to take good care of him!"

Tian Ying clasped his fist and said, "My boy got it!"

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