Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1384: die on the battlefield

Lu Chen finally followed Tian Ying to join the army as he wished.

Returning to the army with Tian Ying, there are also the second sister and the fourth sister.

It is said that the third sister was also in the army before, but unfortunately died on the battlefield later.

"Eldest sister, do you want to pretend to be a man dressed as a woman?" Lu Chen followed Tian Ying and rode his horse to the western border defense.

"You are also dressed up as women. You are so angular, a fool can't tell that you are a pretty guy!" Tian Ying smiled, "Don't worry, there are male soldiers in the army, and our three sisters are all here, you are here. No one can touch you in my camp!"

Lu Chen sighed and the eldest sister protected him. As a result, the military career he was looking forward to would suddenly lose a lot of fun.

In 473 years of Wu Li, Lu Chen was seventeen years old and officially joined the army.

The alien is not a human race, nor is it a certain alien in the nine heavens. These aliens are infinitely large, with thick skins, natural hard scales, and their wisdom is not inferior to humans.

While watching the battle, Lu Chen discovered that whether it was a human defender or an army of aliens, the winning team would take out the other's spiritual core.

The battle between the two armies was bloody, but Tian Ying was also worried that Lu Chen would feel uncomfortable the first time he saw it. However, the market that Lu Chen saw was more than that.

"Sister, this spiritual core can be refined directly? Why take the other's spiritual core?"

Tian Ying asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"It's fine."

Tian Ying shook his head, "You guy is really different from ordinary men. Even if the female soldiers see these scenes for the first time, they will be very scared."

"The reason why you can directly take the other party's spiritual core is actually related to an ancient legend on the Wuji continent." Tian Ying said, "It is said that when Nuwa pinched a person, half of a piece of soil became a person, and the remaining half was thrown away. I was crushed into a stranger."

"So, we and foreigners are actually complementary ends, and we can both directly absorb each other's spiritual core!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, as expected, there is nothing strange in the world!

Tian Ying made a request to Lu Chen that even if he had outstanding marksmanship, he would not be allowed to go into battle until he reached the realm of warriors.

After all, there is no spiritual power blessing, and ordinary attacks cannot even pierce the scales of foreigners.

There are many training formations in the army, and Lu Chen can only use one small training formation in Tian Ying's barracks at present.

Even so, it is better than sneaking at home before.

With the help of the practice formation, Lu Chen broke through to the realm of warriors in one and a half months, nurturing his own spiritual core.

Based on the experience of the Tianyuan Continent's life, Lu Chen roughly concluded that he could cultivate to the God Spirit Realm in eight years, and to the Heaven Spirit in another four years.

In this life, there are spirit gathering formations in the barracks, and the speed of cultivation is even faster.

However, it is obviously too late to complete the Hundred Turns Kings within a mere hundred years, and the alien spirit core has become his greatest hope!

Lu Chen wanted to kill the foreigner early, but for more than five years, Human Race was only defensive, and the foreigner had never launched a decent attack.

Lu Chen really looked down on this kind of small-scale war, so he might as well continue to practice.

Due to the relative peace on the West Side, the southeast two defense lines have moved a large number of refugees to the West Side.

In the past few years, Xicheng has become the safest place for the entire line of defense.

On this day, Tian Ying was training new recruits, and a soldier hurried over, “Report! Tian Duwei, the army of foreigners suddenly moved from south to west, and the 700,000 army is rushing to our west gate. The commander in chief has orders. , Xicheng's army will meet the enemy and be sure to resist for three days!"

Tian Ying's eyes widened, "What a draw! The commander-in-chief is leading the main force into the hinterland of foreigners, but they came to attack our defense line!"

At this time, the main human force wanted to rush back for rescue, usually four or five days, even if it was a rush march, it would take at least three days.

The entire Xicheng army now only has 110,000 soldiers, but this time the foreign army is 700,000, which is seven times more powerful!

Tian Ying glanced at the recruits who were training. In this battle, I am afraid that these recruits are not yet proficient in the battle, and will go to battle to kill the enemy.

"You immediately take people to evacuate the people, don't cause panic!" Tian Ying said.

"General West has already evacuated!"

"Oh, I see."

Without further ado, Tian Ying quickly rectified his 10,000 soldiers and prepared to defend the city wall.

Half an hour later, in the distance, a black shadow pressed towards the West City line of defense.

Xicheng soldiers have not seen such a battle for many years, especially the newcomers, it is inevitable that they are a little nervous.

Standing at the head of the city here, Tian Ying shouted loudly, "All will listen to the order!"

"Now the enemy is now, and the enemy has several times the number of ours. The coming is menacing, and it is bound to win!"

"But what did I wait for the beginning of my army?"

"Go to battle to kill the enemy and protect relatives and friends!"

"Behind us is the sacred church, where we have our fathers, elders, family, husbands, and children!"

"Once it breaks through, they will all become dead souls under the sword!"

"Would you like to watch your parents, husbands, and children being slaughtered by foreigners!"

Everyone raised their heads one after another, and there was already a different light in their eyes.

A soldier shouted, "No! To move my family, just step over my body!"

Tian Ying exclaimed, "Yes, even if we fight with one soldier and one soldier, as long as we have one person, we must never let foreigners slaughter our fathers and villagers!"

"How about life and death! Even if it's dead, I will treat it as a shroud of horse leather, cover my face with yellow sand, and die on the battlefield!"

Roars erupted from the city wall!

The second sister Tian Xiang hurriedly came to Lu Chen's training room. Fortunately, she was not malicious. Otherwise, Lu Chen, who was practicing in a state of selflessness, would have difficulty resisting.

After finally shaking Lu Chen up, Tian Xiang said anxiously, "Chen'er, you go!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Where?"

"My eldest sister has an order, let you **** the people to evacuate! The army of foreigners is coming to the city, hurry! It will be too late anymore."

"An army of foreigners?" Lu Chen frowned.

"Yes, 700,000 troops! Once they break the city, the people will be miserable!"

Lu Chen wanted to go to the war very much, but the military order was so. If a stranger broke the city, he could not guarantee the safety of all the people, and the transfer of the people was also important.

"I see." Lu Chen took the spear and was about to leave the training room. He suddenly looked back at the second sister, "Where are you and the eldest sister, the fourth sister?"

Tian Xiang smiled slightly, "This is our mission, we will not go!"

"Chen'er, go back and tell grandma, parents, that the child is not filial and can't fulfill his filial piety..."

Lu Chen was not locked tight, he had already heard this battle, the second sister and the others were ready to die.

It's just now that time is running out, Lu Chen turned his head and left the training room.

Seeing Lu Chen's departure, Tian Xiang shook his head, "Seven sisters, you really have no luck, such a good man, it's a pity..."

A voice suddenly came from outside the door, "Second Sister, you must wait for me!"


A large army of foreigners approached the city, and General Xi led his troops to meet the enemy, but the scale of the battle formation between the two sides was really different.

The army of foreigners was like a big sack, half surrounding the 80,000 army of General West.

With a roar of the dragon's horns, an army of foreigners rushed over like sea water.

General Xi held up his saber, "Death to the West City! Kill!"

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