"Yes, it's brother-in-law!" Tian Xiang's eyes widened!

"Open the world... how is this possible!"

Even in the world of martial arts, for thousands of years, women are strong and men are inferior. However, for a person who always likes to break the rules, if he wants to become stronger, nothing can stop him!

A white light flashed, and the figure of a thousand meters away had disappeared in place.

Jin Yan only saw a flash of white shadow in front of her, a powerful hand, she grabbed the spear!

"Hurt my family!" shouted angrily, and the spear was unsheathed, "You are dead!"

Bone suddenly widened his eyes and blocked him with two hammers.

Bai Ying had already arrived in front of Bone Bone in an instant, grabbed the light for a flash, and shouted violently.

"Earth Evil Xuanming Spear·Broyunxiao!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise, and Tian’s gun, which was not made of very good material, directly pierced two Tianlei Bone Breaking Hammers at the same time, and then put on the scale armor of Bone Bone!

One shot, directly pierce the boiled flesh!

Seeing this scene, the three sisters of the Tian family and the West General Jin Yan were all petrified, their minds were short-circuited, and their minds were blank.

A magic weapon, can't stop a stabbing with an ordinary weapon? !

A super power like Bone Bone, in Lu Chen's hands, can't take a trick? !

Bone's eyes widened, he looked at the spear stuck in his body in disbelief, and raised his head to look at Lu Chen in horror, "A man, why is so terrifying...you, who are you?"

Lu Chen looked at her coldly and raised his head slightly, "The King of People!"

After all, with force in the hand, the whole spear came out directly!

Bone had been shot to death, Lu Chen turned around and walked to Tian Ying and the others.

"Eldest sister, second sister, fourth sister, are you all right?"

Tian Ying still had a breath. Tian Xiang was already in a coma, and only Tian Yan was dying of injury.

Lu Chen helped Tian Yan up, "Sister Si!"

"Lu Chen... I didn't expect you to be so strong... Cough cough cough, the fourth sister is not good, don't be sad, the third sister and the seventh sister are waiting for me, I will not be alone..."

"Lu Chen, guard Xicheng, don't let foreigners kill the people..."

Lu Chen had tears in his eyes. In these years, the three sisters did not take care of him less. They regarded themselves as family members. Today, seeing the tragic death of the fourth sister, Lu Chen was very angry.

"Promise me..." The fourth sister's voice became weaker and weaker.

Lu Chen hurriedly said, "Sister Si, I promise you! Not only will Xicheng not be broken, since then, there will be no strangers in the Wuji Continent!"

Tian Yan was surprised. This answer sounded a bit exaggerated, but the man in front of him was a miracle.

Who can say that he can't create another miracle?

"Okay, Sister Si... believe you!"

Jin Yan walked to Lu Chen, "Sorrow for the son."

Lu Chen stood up and took a deep breath.

In the reincarnation of a hundred generations, in addition to practicing again and again, he will also experience countless farewells.

The immortal cuts off the bond of dust, but the mortal has to experience life and death in the reincarnation...

"General West, let the defenders withdraw into the city, and I will cover you." Lu Chen said.


Lu Chen's intent to kill with both eyes was on, "I promised the Fourth Sister, I will definitely do it!"

After all, Lu Chen went straight to the center of the battlefield!

"Die to me!" Lu Chen shouted angrily, his figure instantly accelerated, and a spear shot directly blasted into the enemy's formation!

"General, I don't want more people to die tragically, so I ordered the withdrawal of troops. I will live at the gate of the city!"

Jin Yan looked at the brave man, and knew that they were unable to fight anymore in this battle, so she ordered the withdrawal!

The defenders retreated scattered, and Lu Chen stood alone in front of the city gate. As long as there were chasing troops, Lu Chen raised his gun and fell, and no one could stop the enemy.

Up to now, the human race's 80,000 army, the number of survivors is only more than 10,000. They stood behind Lu Chen, watching the white-clothed man standing in front of them like a **** of war.

It's really a man who is in charge, and he can't open it!

The gate of the city was wide open, and the foreign army saw the gate of the West City open, but could not move forward.

The city gate closed again.

Jin Yan asked Tian Ying and Tian Xiang to be sent for treatment, and walked quickly over the city gate.

On the battlefield now, there is only Lu Chen alone, and he is facing an army of hundreds of thousands on the opposite side!

In the world where men are inferior to women, there is such a brave man, which makes Jin Yan unable to believe her eyes.

"Boy, who are you on earth!" an enemy general asked loudly.

Lu Chen's eyes were cold, "I'm here to kill you!"

"My army of hundreds of thousands, rely on you alone? Even if you are a strong immortal martial artist, it is impossible to resist my army of strangers!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, holding the spear, and holding a few spears in front of him.

"A mere seven hundred thousand? So let's give you a chance..."

"Let's go together!"

Jin Yan almost had an internal injury. Shouldn't it be time to delay at this time, shouldn't it be better for the generals to single out? It's better for Lu Chen to let the family join him directly?

Not only Jin Yan, but the army of strangers on the opposite side was also blindfolded.

"Commander, he, he said let us go together? Why is this man so arrogant!"

"I have never seen such an arrogant person in my life! One person to 700,000 people!"

Seeing that the army of foreigners hadn't moved, Lu Chen was rather impatient.

"Let you go together, you don't want to, that's okay, you don't go, I am going!" After all, Lu Chen moved into the army of foreigners in an instant with a triple gate!

Facing the 700,000 army, Lu Chen actually rushed in by himself?

Jin Yan's mouth grows big, even if I see this kind of thing with my own eyes, I feel that it shouldn't be like this...

"Earth Demon Xuanming Spear·Sky Demon!" Hearing a roar from the crowd, followed by a loud noise in the field, the ground cracked in a radius of several thousand meters, and turbulent black air burst out from the ground.

With a group attacking skill, tens of thousands of foreigners suddenly died tragically!

"Jiuxing taps! Cloud-piercing spear! Baili faint crow!"

In the enemy's formation, the white shadow was like a ghost, madly shuttled through the enemy's formation.

Wherever he went, a large number of strangers died tragically.

Under Lu Chen's fierce offensive, no one could get close to him at all!

Between the guns, the sky and the earth are dim.

Thousands of miles of yellow sand were filled with white shadows flashing.

The sword light and sword shadow, the roar was deafening, and the thick blood filled the entire battlefield.

Lu Chen is like entering the land of no one. Gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha. Whether it is an ordinary soldier or a general commander, there is only one result in front of Lu Chen's spear!

"My God... this person is really a heavenly soldier!" Jin Yan widened her eyes, "There is such a man in the world!"

The soldiers around were staring at this crazy killing feast, already dumbfounded.

"He, what realm is he? Xianwu?"

"No, Xianwu can't be so strong! Could it be... a super power in the Divine Martial Realm?"

"Hey, I know him. He is the uncle of the Tian family. I heard Duwei Tian say that he once defeated the fourth-tier warrior Tian Duwei at the time with the three-tier realm of a warrior!"

"What? There is no spiritual core in the Warrior Realm, how can I defeat the Warrior Realm?"

"I didn't believe it at first, but seeing Lu Chen's demeanor today, I know that there is such a strong person in the world."

Jin Yan took a deep breath and said faintly, "The guns are like dragons, one shot cuts thousands of troops and horses, white clothes are stained with blood, and one person reaches a million heroes!"

"Could it be that if a man starts to cultivate, there will be nothing wrong with a woman..."

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