Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1387: Buy a few rings

How did the Inhumans think that Lu Chen alone would be so terrible, otherwise they would never choose to besiege Lu Chen, instead they should pull the line apart, attack the city while avoiding his edge.

It's just that the current Inhumans, the Inhuman Army was attracted to the city gate by the retreating defenders, very concentrated, and Lu Chen was too fast to kill faster, they had no time to change their tactics, and they were already defeated!

This is a massacre, a massacre of 700,000 foreigners by one person!

Lu Chen gave priority to killing the opponent's generals, making it more difficult for the alien army to regroup and organize siege in a short time.

The opponent Xianwu, the powerhouse of the Divine Martial Realm, lost a shot to Lu Chen! Not to mention those warriors, war masters!

In less than three hours of fighting, the battlefield has been piled with corpses, blood stained with yellow sand!

Originally, the alien race was determined to win, but he was forced to retreat by Lu Chen's life!

The remnants of foreigners fled, and Lu Chen did not rush to chase them out.

I said before that there was an army of 700,000 foreigners, don't even want to run, but at this moment Lu Chen still hesitated.

At this time, the city's defense is empty, if you chase it rashly, if the opponent takes advantage of it, it will be difficult to handle it.

In short, there will be time in the future, not in a hurry.

Even if Lu Chen didn't pursue it, there were hundreds of thousands of foreigners who died in the Xicheng battlefield. Such a record is enough to shake the ruling and the opposition!

Seeing the miserable defeat of the foreign army, all the soldiers on the wall shouted, and everyone was shouting the name of Lu Chen.

"The God of War Lu Chen! The God of War Lu Chen! The God of War Lu Chen!"

Lu Chen didn't have much trouble in his heart, and this name was not unfamiliar. When he was on earth, players were used to calling him the God of War, or simply called the God of War.

Jin Yan personally opened the gate to welcome Lu Chen triumphantly.

"What's wrong with my eldest sister and second sister?" Lu Chen saw Jin Yan, and the first sentence was to ask about Tian Ying's situation.

"Tian Ying and Tian Xiang are both being treated by doctors. It will take some time for Tian Ying to recover, but Tian Xiang...Even if he wakes up, the spiritual core is severely damaged, and he is afraid that he will not be able to practice in the future." Jin Yan looked sad.

The three sisters of the Tian family were trying to save her, one dead and one wounded, and the life and death of another one was uncertain!

Lu Chen said coldly, "Now that the city's defenses are weak, if I pursue it, you may not be able to stop it if the opponent desperately attacks the city."

"General West, let someone clear the battlefield first. I'll go see the two sisters."

Now there are only more than 30,000 soldiers left in the West City garrison, and there are more than this number of corpses on the battlefield.

It took a full day and night to clean up before the guards cleared the dead body in front of the city gate.

On this day, Lu Chen was visiting Tian Xiang. After two days of rescue, Tian Xiang finally showed signs of improvement.

At this moment, a female soldier came to the tent, "Mr. Lu, please, General Xi."

"Okay, I'm going now." After that, Lu Chen got up and went to General West.

When the female soldier reported, she didn't forget to give Lu Chen a second glance.

This is the first God of War of Shengwu! Sure enough, he was different from other men, he was calm, vigorous and vigorous, and he was like a king!

General Xi was also seriously injured, but at this time she didn't have time to rest, and she was in charge of the city if it was the right size.

When Lu Chen came in, she was checking some accounts.

After seeing Lu Chen, Jin Yan got up and walked over, "Mr. Lu Chen, you are here."

Lu Chen clasped his fist and said, "General Lu Chen is here, is there anything wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing big." Jin Yan said, "After taking inventory, the battle of Xicheng killed a total of 540,000 enemies. According to the military regulations, the beheaders can obtain spiritual cores. A total of 540,000 spiritual cores have been completed. Sent to Tian Duwei's jurisdiction."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "Other soldiers should have killed them too,"

Jin Yan said embarrassedly, "We have 80,000 defenders out of the city, with only more than 10,000 left. There are many outnumbered enemies. Many people did not kill the enemy, and at most they only wounded people. I estimate that the total number of our kills may be There are just over 10,000 people."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Well, give me 400,000 spiritual cores, and distribute the rest to the soldiers who swear to death."

"This..." Jin Yan widened her eyes and looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

You know that Lu Chen's opening means that he has given out more than a hundred thousand spiritual cores.

It is impossible for many people to earn so many spiritual cores in their lifetime!

"Sir, I, I thanked Mr. for these soldiers!"

Lu Chen nodded, "They deserve it."

It's just that Lu Chen changed his mind and thought about it, and said, "General, I have one more thing I want to ask the military for help."

"Oh? What's the matter, as long as he is within the scope of his duties, Jin will do his best!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's not a big deal. The quarters sells the ring, but the average soldier exchanges the ring for too small."

"If the general can help redeem the top ring, I am willing to buy it with 400,000 spiritual cores!"

Jin Yan couldn't help but smiled, "It's just to accept the ring, that needs 400,000 spiritual cores so much, you don't have to worry about it, I can just exchange one for my husband."

Lu Chen vaguely said, "One is not enough, I may need to buy more."

Jin Yan frowned, "Buy a few more? The most advanced space for receiving rings is no longer small. Based on the spiritual core, it can hold 100,000."

Lu Chen was a little embarrassed. Normally, after all, it is enough for most people to have a ring.

Jin Yan was suspicious, but seeing that Lu Chen seemed to have something unspeakable, she skipped the reason and asked readily, "It's Jin who took the liberty. It doesn't hurt to buy a few more precepts, just a few more precepts, where is the husband? The spiritual core compensates."

"Mr. needs a few, even if you speak, this kind of small money, I am a general of the West Side!"

"Well, since the general said so, I can rest assured, I need 1,000..."

Jin Yan almost opened her wound, "One, one thousand?! Sir, so many giving ring, you, you can't bring two hands and two feet..."

Lu Chen had a black line, could this woman think that she wanted to be a nouveau riche, and she was hanging on the ring?

"This, you can actually put the ring in one of the ring..."

Jin Yan was a little embarrassed, she only blamed her for her fixed mindset, thinking that taking the ring is to save space, so she naturally carried it on her body, but she forgot to have this method.

At this moment, Jin Yan's heroic spirit disappeared, and she said in a desperate manner, "It's just that, sir, you want to take so many precepts, what on earth are you going to put?"

"Spirit core." Lu Chen said directly.

"Spirit core?" Jin Yan calculated an account in her mind.

One hundred thousand or one thousand rings is one hundred million! Lu Chen wants to reserve 100 million spiritual cores? What does this guy want to do!

Besides, if he wants to obtain 100 million spiritual cores, is he really going to destroy the Inhuman Race? !

However, as the general of Xicheng, Haikou where he collapsed, no matter how difficult it is, he must honor it!

Jin Yan said with a slight embarrassment, "Although my military rank is enough, I want to buy 1,000 top-level rings. Recently, it is really tight..."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "General, let the team that sent the spirit core come back."

Jin Yan breathed a sigh of relief and immediately said, "Then I will let them look back."

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