Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1395: back to Earth

Lu Chen's whole mind suddenly went down at this moment.

This is Lu Chen's first close contact with a woman in reality!

After wandering through the world for hundreds of years, Lu Chen finally broke...first kiss!

After Xiang kissed, Jiu'er blushed, pursing her mouth and looking at Lu Chen shyly.

Lu Chen swallowed, "Jiu'er, you..."

"Brother Lu Chen, you are like this, which makes people feel distressed..." Jiu'er said in a very small voice, "Along the way, you have shouldered too much."

"Brother Lu Chen, I'm going back, you must survive, we all will survive!" Jiu'er had moist eyes, and after speaking, he turned and left Lu Chen's room.

Lu Chen didn't react for a long time.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Lu Chen regretted not leaving Jiu'er.

"Just left?" Lu Chen sighed, "Hey, I thought I could communicate in depth..."

Just as Lu Chen was regretting, Xiao Beast pushed in and shouted, "Dad! We are ready, I am going to see my brother!"

Lu Chen was frightened in a cold sweat. Fortunately, nothing happened with Jiu'er just now, or he would be hit by the little beast!

"It's just Dad, Da Huang stays here alone, I always feel uneasy, or I'd better take him with him."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I tried this Heavenly Dao defensive formation before, and I can't break it now. In that case, even Xianzun will be trapped if he enters here."

"They won't enter rashly."

Lu Chen naturally considered this issue and continued, "Rhubarb is very comfortable in the training room, which shows that this environment is helpful to its cultivation. If it is transferred in the middle, it may make it abandon its previous cultivation skills. I have already cooperated with him. Uncle Lishang said, let Jin Luan accompany Rhubarb specially, and if there is any danger, he will bring Rhubarb back to the earth as soon as possible."

Little Beast nodded, "Okay, when will we leave, Dad?"

Lu Chen didn't know, and said, "Wait another day, Mulong said that my earth guard will be repaired soon."

"Dad, are the Earth Guards good? I haven't seen you use it yet."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "It's okay, this time Pangu Immortal Venerable has left a lot of resources. Mulong said that there are several earth cores, which can not only repair the earth guard, but also strengthen and improve it. I don't know what the final effect will be."

"I'll go to the practice room to practice first, and ask me if something happens." After Lu Chen finished speaking, he went to the practice room.

Lu Chen checked all the equipment on his body.

Since he was promoted to the Human Sovereign Realm, all his equipment and techniques had to be re-extracted.

Fortunately, Pangu left more than a thousand spiritual tablets, and Lu Chen had already extracted all the equipment and techniques on his body.

This time in the ancient world, Lu Chen practiced spear intent. After all, he now has a technique that he can practice.

"The fourth level of the God of Extinction Spear is for endless dawn. Now I have a great sense of spear, let's try it first."

Lu Chen's thoughts moved, and the Mighty Spear turned into an afterimage. In an instant, the entire practice room suddenly exploded spiritual power, and the room with poor lighting suddenly appeared white light, bright as day!

Although it's just a test gun, the practice room dedicated to practice is directly crushed!

Lu Chen's eyes widened. He expected that he would not need too much time to practice Endless Dawn, but he didn't think that he would succeed in one shot, and he would ruin the practice room...

There is only one practice room here!

A figure sprang out from the refining room and saw Lu Chen standing there with a dazed expression, giving Lu Chen a stare.

"Are you asking us to sleep on the streets from now on!" Mulong gave Lu Chen a fierce look.

Lu Chen blinked, "I didn't mean it!"

"Believe you a ghost! I tell you, if you want the earth guard, just be honest, don't disturb me!" After all, Mu Long went back to help Lu Chen refine the earth puppet with a good temper.

Lu Chen shook his head. It seems that he still doesn't practice the exercises. Go to the practice room to consolidate the lower realm a bit.


One day later.

Earth, China National River City, Lu Chen is walking on the bustling commercial street with a young man.

I don’t know if the Seventh Heaven’s Teleportation Array could not perfectly connect with Lu Chen’s landing capsule, or the Pangu Immortal Venerable’s Teleportation Array was special, which caused Lu Chen to appear on the streets of Jiangcheng after teleporting.

Fortunately, there are a lot of pedestrians around, but if they don't deliberately pay attention, they won't care when there are two more people around.

Lu Chen now has long hair and is wearing a black gold dragon robe, which is incompatible with the attire of the pedestrians around him.

The same is true for the little beast, who is about 1.8 meters tall and wore a black dragon robe with a white background.

Xiao Yuan turned into a little hair ball, and the two little guys stood on Lu Chen's shoulders, looking at everything around him curiously.

Since Lu Chen went to Seventh Heaven, he has not returned to Earth for nearly eight years.

If one were to count the space cultivation for hundreds of years, the reincarnation of the three generations, it should be said that Lu Chen has not returned to the earth for hundreds of years!

"Dad, is this your hometown? It's actually a world of technology!" Little Beast looked at everything fresh, and looked around, looking like he had never seen the world.

"Follow up." Lu Chen said, "When I have time in the future, I will take you to have fun."

"There are too many people here and the space is crowded. Summoning Shi Wing may hurt passers-by. I remember it seems not far away, let's hurry up."

The people around were not too surprised to see the two dressed up.

Now the earth is under the influence of the nine days. It is common for people to wear the nine-day costumes.

The two beauties who came across couldn't help laughing when they saw the little white mouse standing on Lu Chen's shoulders.

"Look at that person putting the pet on his shoulder, the little one is so cute."

"That tall man, how do you feel a little familiar."

"Yes, when you say that, you really feel like you have seen it somewhere, but you can't remember it for a while."

Because Lu Chen's appearance, height, and dress have been greatly different from before, many people don't know now that it is the strongest on earth who walks in front of him.

Lu Chen suddenly heard the beauty mention the little hairball. Even though the little hairball has followed Lu Chen for so many years, the little hairball should not hit the attention of the earth, but Lu Chen turned his head to the little hairball on his shoulder and said, "Little hairball, I don’t need to say more, I can only eat what I give you!"

After walking for a while, Lu Chen scratched his head, Jiang Shi had changed so much, he seemed to be a little lost.

"Get a taxi," Lu Chen said, and then stopped a taxi.

The driver drove in front and looked at the little beast in the back seat in the rearview mirror from time to time.

"This mount is so soft, it's much more comfortable than sitting on a ten-winged dragon scale!" The little beast was excited.

"Hey, young man, haven't you ever taken a car! Toss my car again and I will break it for you!"

Lu Chen is also a black line, forget it, he should put the little beast into the animal pen...

Not far in front is a heavily guarded military base. The original villa area has now completely turned into a military area.

"You can only stop here, you can't get close in front." The driver said, "Please scan the payment code on your phone, or you can scan your face."

Lu Chen was stunned for a while, his mobile phone hadn't known where he was going for a long time.

"Sweep your face."

Lu Chen scanned his face at the payment device.

[Didi, the verification is successful, Huaxia officials have paid the fare on their behalf. 】

The driver didn't hear clearly for a while, what? Huaxia officials pay the fare on their behalf? What do you mean!

He hurriedly looked at the payment device.

[Verification result, top secret is not visible]

[Nine days of identity data, top secret is not visible]

[The payment is successful, the payer is Jiang City Finance Bureau. 】

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