Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1396: The final preparation

Seeing Lu Chen walking away, the driver suddenly slapped his thigh and woke up suddenly.

"I know who he is! He is... a mad god! He is back! Oh my god, I actually got a mad god!"

It was a long time since I went home. The soldiers at the door didn't know Lu Chen, so Lu Chen could only ask Li Muhua to come out and pick him up.

Li Muhua rushed to hear the news, and when he saw Lu Chen, Li Muhua's eyes were red, "Chen, you are finally back!"

"Is this your friend?" Li Muhua looked at the little beast.

"My son!" Lu Chen didn't give him a chance to express his emotions. "Immediately notify the Earth Alliance that the Ten Thousand Clan is coming, and let them be prepared!"

"What? Thousands of people attacked, what do you mean? Is it nine days? Chen, have you been confused? This is the earth."

Lu Chen said anxiously, "You are confused, I am talking about the earth!"

Li Muhua only now understands the seriousness of the situation. Ten thousand races directly invaded the earth!

To figure this out, Li Muhua rushed to the rear like crazy, yelling as he ran, "Go home by yourself, Lu Yi and the children are at home, I'll report to my superiors!"

Lu Chen went straight to his villa without stopping.

From a distance, looking at the yard outside his villa, a woman was watching two children playing in the yard, Lu Chen suddenly stopped.

Bei Xueyi has grown up to be an older child. He should be eight or nine years old, but he has reached a height of about 1.5 meters.

The child Bei Xueyi took was about five or six years old, with white skin and a faint shadow from when he was a child on his body, and those big smart eyes were exactly the same as Mu Sheng.

At this moment, Lu Yi, who was looking after the two children, seemed to be aware of something and looked up here.

He saw Lu Chen at a glance, and he couldn't help but slowly stood up, his expression was incredible, "Brother..."

Before Lu Chen could react, someone on the side suddenly shouted, "Auntie!"

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Beast rushed past Lu Chen, came to Lu Yi, and said excitedly.

Lu Yi was stunned, "Aunt? Are you?"

Lu Chen walked over and shook his head helplessly. The original warm reunion scene was destroyed by the little beast.

"He is a little beast, haven't you seen him in the fifth heaven, but he was still young at that time." Lu Chen said weakly, "this kid looks more anxious."

Lu Yi looked at the little beast in shock. Now this guy has grown into an adult, standing next to Lu Chen, saying that no one believes the father and son, but the brothers are about the same.

When the little beast was young, he didn't know anything, and didn't know how to call people. Now this guy knows more and more things, and he has taken the initiative to call people.

"Little beast... you've grown up so much..."

"Aunt, these two are my younger brothers? One is Xiao Yi and the other Xiao Yao."

Lu Yi remembered now and hurriedly called the two children over.

"Xiao Yi, see who is back? Yaoyao, come here!"

Xiao Yi still has some impressions of Lu Chen. He came over happily when he saw Lu Chen, "Uncle!"

Lu Yao frowned slightly, thought about it, and decided to follow his brother to call someone, "Uncle."

Lu Yi and Lu Chen glanced at each other and couldn't help but laugh.

This kid is smart or smart, but it's a pity that he still called him wrong.

"Silly boy, this is not your uncle, this is your father!" Lu Yi smiled and squeezed Lu Yao's face.

Lu Yao stared at Lu Chen, "Dad? But, aunt, he is a little different from the picture."

"And me and me, I'm your brother!" The little beast hurriedly introduced himself for fear of missing himself.

Lu Yi saw that Lu Yao had something to do with his relatives, and said embarrassedly, "Brother, the child is still young, and I have never seen you before, don't mind."

Of course Lu Chen wouldn't mind. He squatted and looked at Lu Yao carefully. This is his son with Mu Sheng.

"Lu Yao, my dad came back too hastily this time. I didn't prepare any gifts for you. Tell my dad what you want, and my dad will bring it to you next time!"

"I...I want...Mom..."

Lu Yao's words suddenly hurt Lu Chen's heart.

Since the last time I met Mu Sheng at the Xianzu Ruins, Mu Sheng still doesn't know what happened, but unfortunately he has never had time to look for Mu Sheng.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Okay, next time, I will bring your mother back with you!"

"Dad, you can talk to your aunt about business matters, and I will play with Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan."

Lu Chen nodded. He didn't come to visit relatives this time.

"Brother, do you have anything to do when you come back this time? How many days do you want to stay? I basically take care of my children at home every day, so I can accompany you more."

Lu Chen was about to say something. At this moment, Li Muhua drove an off-road vehicle and hurriedly stopped in front of Lu Chen's door.

"Morning, hurry up, sit on your ten-winged flying dragon, Pacific Earth Alliance headquarters! There will be a meeting with the world leaders in one hour, and you will be able to do it!"

Lu Chen nodded and called out Shi Wing casually.

A giant dragon is floating in the air. Fortunately, here are all villas, otherwise the surrounding buildings will definitely collapse.

Lu Chen grabbed Li Muhua's wrist and said to Lu Yi, "Yiyi, just ask the little beast, I'll go with Muhua first."

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Chen jumped up, leading Li Muhua directly onto the back of Ten Wings.

On the side, Bei Xueyi and Lu Yao looked at the dragon in the sky with shocked eyes.

"Wow, Yaoyao, that's your dad's mount, isn't it handsome?"

Lu Yao looked at the dragon and said quietly, "My future mount must be cooler than Dad's!"


Lu Chen informed the Earth Alliance headquarters of the matter, and there was a commotion in the venue.

"Thousands of races are coming, and they are all powerhouses above the immortal level, then can't we stop it?"

"Why are they destroying the human race!"

"The difference in strength is too great! Crazy God, how likely is it that the ten thousand races will attack the earth first?"

Lu Chen said calmly, "I can't be sure, but whether it's hitting our earth first or hitting our earth later, one thing is certain, they will never release the earth!"

"This... Mad God, then, what do you think we are going to do now?"

Lu Chen said, "I tell you this so that you can prepare."

"You need to do two things. First, use all means to monitor space changes. If the enemy invades, find the enemy as early as possible."

"As soon as you find an enemy, notify me as soon as possible!"

"Second, be fully prepared to deal with emergencies!"

The Jagged Great Wall looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Lu Chen, does what we do now make sense? The world of science and technology is simply vulnerable to the world of martial arts. What's more, if you really say that there are countless tens of thousands of races. True immortal, immortal king, and even immortal venerable, it will only be an instant to destroy the earth."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "To destroy the earth, they have to ask me whether I can agree!"

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