Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1399: Swallow the dark tide

Before the TV, Bei Xueyi's eyes widened.

Isn't this what your uncle told yourself?

If everyone says that the human race is the weakest, then they have the strength and let everyone shut up!

Human race should be the strongest among all races!

At this moment, Bei Xueyi had planted a seed in the heart of the immature Bei Xueyi, and became the seed of the strong!

Whether you know Lu Chen or someone who doesn't know Lu Chen, at this moment, you understand the meaning of Lu Chen's ID.

I am the only one in the vast universe!

Qianji's eyelids shrank, "I am the only one who is crazy, you are still as arrogant as ever! Very good, I will come and see if you have any arrogant capital!"

Qian Ji turned around and held a fist to a tall man in the army, "Red Moon Immortal Venerable, Qian Ji asked to go to war, first kill me alone!"

After the man held his hands, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Thousand Chance, with such confidence, your Kuroshio Swallowing Practice is completed?"

Qianji smiled triumphantly, "It has been trained three years ago."

"Oh?" On the side, another Immortal Venerable also said, "Interesting, it is said that the Kuroshio Swallowing Sky is extremely overbearing. It is the top skill of the puppet master. Even if the Immortal Venerable encounters it, it is quite dangerous. I am interested in seeing it."

Hongyue thought for a while, it seemed that he still had concerns. After all, he had heard of Lu Chen's strength a long time ago. Five years ago, he could be said to be invincible under the Immortal Venerable. After all, Qian Ji was just a scattered immortal.

"You are my Red Moon adviser. You shouldn't have been in danger. This battle is the first battle to annihilate the human race. It is of great significance, so let's call out your dark tide of swallowing the sky, and I will give it a try."

Qian Ji clasped his fist and said, "Thank you Hongyue Xianzun for your respect, and that subordinate will dare to take the Xianzun's move."

After all, between Thousand Chance's fingers, countless black flying insects have flown out, the number is difficult to calculate, like dark clouds covering the sun!

"God Devouring Demon Insect!" Someone in the fairy army has recognized such small puppets, "There are so many!"

"Thousands of Machines are truly accomplished in puppetry, no one can match!"

"It is said that the God Devouring Insect can devour spiritual power. Although one is small, these tens of millions of God Devouring Insects are like black clouds. It is unimaginable whether it is defensive power or destructive power!"

"You can control so many puppets at the same time. I now finally understand why Red Moon gives Qian Ji such a high treatment. This guy is too strong!"

Thousands of Gods and Demon Insects, covering the sky and sun, surround the side of Qian's fuselage.

"Xianzun, please do it."

Hongyue Xianzun nodded slightly, "I have seven successes, if you can stop it, I will let your request be granted."

After speaking, Hongyue raised her hand slightly, and a red scimitar slowly emerged from the void.

Qian Ji narrowed his eyes slightly, "Red Moon Breaks Boundary!"

Suddenly, Hongyue swung out with a single stroke, and a sword energy that stretched for thousands of meters struck down from the sky.

The speed of this sword is extremely fast, the sword energy is ten miles, the sword energy is blasted, the sea has already been affected, and the waves are raging!

Qian Ji immediately raised his palm, "God Devouring Demon Array·Moshou!"

The black-squeezed God Devouring Demon Insects lined up in a line, reaching a full length of two to three kilometers.

The sword energy hit the magic array instantly.

However, the expected collision of spiritual power did not occur, and a large number of God Devourers instantly swallowed the spiritual power contained in the knife energy.

Of these several thousand meters of sword energy, the middle section of the three kilometers directly disappeared, and only the sword energy at the two ends still blasted out.

After half a breath, those two sword qi swept far away, but wherever they passed, any building was directly cut and flattened until it stretched hundreds of meters away and hit the ground before it stopped!

And the ground in the distance was directly split by two bottomless gullies!

Seeing this scene, people have been frightened.

Obviously, Hongyue didn't do her best with this move. However, with a single stab, the sea and the ground were opened, and the sword vigorously stretched for ten miles. This was already unimaginable destructive power.

However, the Magic Array of Thousand Chances can easily resolve this knife effortlessly!

Those god-eaters are really terrifying to incredible!

Hongyue also seemed to be amazed at Thousand Chance's strength, "I didn't expect Thousand Chance you could actually block my move."

"Very well, I agree that you will go to war, so I must be killed madly, and with his blood, I will sacrifice the banner of my fairy master!"

The corner of Qianji's mouth raised slightly, and it seemed that he had already proven his strength.

As soon as she turned around, Qian Ji had changed her face, and her eyes were full of excitement.

"Only I am crazy. I heard that you have always wanted to chase me down. Today I will give you a chance. The grievances between us should also be broken!"

Lu Chen looked at Qianji indifferently, "You are still so stupid. If I were you, I should hide behind this army of millions of immortals. Maybe if I was lucky, I could run again, but you actually want to fight with me alone."

It was the first time that Qian Ji was called "stupid". In Lu Chen's words, he also hinted that Qian Ji was a cowardly creature and ran away several times.

This was also where Qianji was most angry, at this time he was already furious.

"I am the only one who is crazy, I will break your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Qian Ji looked at Lu Chen coldly, "I am the only one who is mad, and your God-Swallowing Rat, as long as it is truly formed and released, I will still swallow it for you in front of my Swallowing Dark tide!"

"Compared with your sky rage spear, a sword that breaks the sky, and the Sacred Lotus Sword Heart can not hurt me a bit! Do you think you have any chance of winning?"

"Remember! I was able to kill you back then, now I can still kill you!"

"Our grievances should also end!"

"Xianshu·Puppet psychic!"

Those God Devouring Demon Insects suddenly became excited, seeming to be some kind of increasing puppet technique.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, try the unsolvable moves I have carefully prepared for you!"

"Xianshu·Swallowing the dark tide!"

Qianji's body disappeared in place at the same time, this puppet technique actually still has a skill astral body, Qianji has been hidden in the endless God Devourer Insect.

Countless ferocious monsters, overwhelming the sky, swarmed from a distance.

It was finally about to start, and at this time, everyone was so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

People saw the solitaire still standing there, and he didn't even grab the spear next to him, and he was already fidgeting anxiously.

"I am the only one who is moving wildly, the black tide swallowing the sky is too terrifying, why is he still standing there!"

"Xianzun can swallow it with a single move, but I can't run away if I don't move!"

In the imperial capital, in a villa, a middle-aged man has already jumped up from the sofa in a hurry, “I’m the only one crazy, you are so moving! Even if you abused my prince of the dynasty again and again, but now it’s a matter of the survival of the earth. , You, you can't die!"

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't know that the prince of the dynasty was worried for him now.

Facing the overwhelming god-eaters, Lu Chen just snorted, "Thousand Chance, if you say you are stupid, you are really stupid at home."

"Compare Hongyue with me, is he also worthy?"

It wasn't until the Kuroshio Swallowing Heaven surrounded him that Lu Chen said in a low voice, "God and Demon's Eyes!"

"Thousand Chance, you practiced into the Dark Wave of Swallowing Sky, but do you know what I have practiced in the six illusions?"

After that, Lu Chen screamed, "Earth evil Xuanming spear·Heaven and earth spear!"

Above the dark clouds and between the stars, a white light lased down from the sky, like a laser beam, galloping thousands of miles in an instant, breaking through the clouds, and blasting towards the center of the demon array!

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