Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1400: How long has it been in full state?

One shot from Heaven and Earth is already the strongest shot of the Earth Evil Xuanming Gun, and it is even more powerful than the one used by Lu Chen now!

Countless god-eaters and demon insects hovered and swallowed the spiritual power of this hit, and a beam of light fell from the sky between the South China Sea.

At the bottom of the beam of light, countless monsters devoured spiritual power madly, forming a rolling black "base" at the bottom of the beam of light, which actually blocked the sky and the earth from penetrating through!

"I'm the only one crazy, this shot of yours can't break my magic circle!" Qian Ji's voice sounded!

Hongyue narrowed her eyes slightly, "This God Devouring Demon Insect puppet is really powerful, but I am the only one who is so powerful that this shot is so powerful that Thousand Chance can actually block it."

"It seems that there is no suspense in this battle."

At this moment, Lu Chen let out a cold snort, and suddenly grabbed the extinguishing gun, and plunged into the boundless black mist!

I don't know how many people are dumbfounded at this moment.

Just now, the world had a shot that contained the thousand opportunities, the sky swallowing dark tide has not yet come to attack the soliers, but the soliers have broken into the worm wave?

This is not looking for death? !

However, what no one knows is that in the last year of the Tianyuan Continent, Lu Chen stood in the monstrous sea, the water was overwhelming, and his guns were in full swing and his intentions were arbitrary!

When the lake fell, Lu Chenshui wouldn't touch him!

Today, countless god-eaters came over, and Lu Chen shot out like electricity!

Large swaths of the corpses of the God Eater insects began to fall from the insect tide!

A fairy stared his eyes wide, "This, what's going on?!"

"I don't know, Lu Chen took the initiative to enter the range of the insect tide, and even killed a large number of monsters!"

Hongyue frowned suddenly and said, "The destructive power and defensive power of the insect tide are extremely terrifying, even beyond my expectation, but we have overlooked two points!"

"Red Moon, what have we overlooked?"

Hongyue said, "Whether it is swallowing the sky or the dark tide or the demon formation, the power of the **** devourer lies in the number! Because of this, Thousand Chance has spent so much time making so many **** devourer puppets! "

"However, we were frightened by the power of the insect tide, but we forgot that the individual God Eater insects are not that strong!"

"Another point, the God Eater is finally made into a puppet. In other words, there is no need to destroy the God Eater puppet directly. You only need to cut off the connection between the puppet and the puppet master to make the God Eater puppet. Lose resistance!"

"With a powerful shot from Heaven and Earth, Lu Chen attacked the Thousand Chance's main body, thus restraining a large number of monsters, rushing into the Worm's Nest, cutting off the spiritual connection between the puppet and the puppet master, and then defeating the Thousand Chance. !"

"It's just that, breaking into the Worm's Nest alone is not something that everyone can do, not to mention that the puppet technique used by Thousand Chance is extremely high. Only the spiritual power puppet line is used to control the puppet, which is between the tangible and the invisible. To cut off the puppet line, you need to reach the level of observing the spirit truthfully!"

"Whether it's transporting a gun or taking a little aura, this guy has reached a very terrifying level!"

After Hongyue's analysis, everyone realized that from the very beginning, Lu Chen had no useless moves.

He had already figured out a strategy to deal with Qian Ji.

Qian Ji was obviously not stupid, and had already started to control the God Devourer and rush towards Lu Chen.

"The God of Extinction Spear·Sky Fury Spear!"

"Earth Demon Xuanming Spear·Sky Demon and Earth Demon!"

Two super powerful group attack skills are used at the same time, and the sea surface is instantly like boiling water, frantically blowing up countless hundreds of meters of water curtain!

If you want to swallow such a terrifying spiritual power, there is still time for the worms to attack Lu Chen!

Thousand Chance hurriedly settled, resisting the Heavenly Fury Spear and the Heavenly Profound Earth!

"Thousand Chances, you still have too few monsters!" Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I said to the side, and dare to come and kill me, saying that you are stupid, you are really stupid!"

Pieces of worms were cut off by Lu Chen and fell from the sky!

This feels like cutting the flesh from the thousand fuselage with one knife!

Thousands of opportunities may not be overwhelming, and shouted, "Only I am crazy! I will kill you!"

"Forbidden Technique·Sacrifice to the Demon!"

Suddenly, countless God Devouring Demon Insects in the sky were suddenly drawn into flesh and blood by a line of spirit silk.

In the sky, a terrifying blood group was covered with dense bloodshot eyes, and countless flesh and blood gathered on the blood group from all directions!

"It's a forbidden technique to sacrifice to the devil!" Hongyue's eyes widened, "I can't help Lu Chen when I see the sky swallowing the dark tide. This thousand opportunities has already lost my mind! I will kill Lu Chen at the expense of tens of thousands of god-eaters. !"

"It's just that I didn't expect him to have this hand!"

In the blood mass, Qian Ji's body emerged, and he was enjoying the feeling of countless blood flowing into his body.

Lu Chen tried to swing a gun gas, but the gun gas was directly absorbed by the blood.

Qian Ji looked at Lu Chen with interest, "I'm the only one crazy, I didn't expect it, this is my most powerful move!"

"How can I not be ready to deal with you?"

"Don't you like to divide and break? Now all the powers of the god-eaters, demon insects, are concentrated on me. I see how you can divide and break them!"

"Now my strength, even Xianzun must be afraid!"

Lu Chen stood up in the air, looking calmly at a thousand opportunities.

Qianji suddenly looked at Hongyue, "Xianzun, please order an attack and let him be distracted!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but sneered. He was worthy of a thousand opportunities. He liked to calculate everywhere, and he used all means to achieve his goals. He changed his mind like drinking water.

Hongyue nodded and said, "Well, all races are waiting for the outcome of this battle, and we can't delay it anymore."

"Clean up the ground defenders first!" Hongyue gave an order.

Behind him, the army of millions of immortals began to flock to the shore.

"Roar!" With a roar, a huge white tiger suddenly didn't know where it came from, jumped up and rushed into the fairy army.

"Squeak...Roar!" A white mouse suddenly swelled a hundredfold, and its voice changed.

In front of the shore guard, a young man spread his wings and stood in front of the army.

In front of the TV, Lu Yao saw the man and shouted excitedly, "It's Brother Xiao Beast! Brother Xiao Beast is so powerful! And Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan!"

Lu Yi's nervous mood, as the little guy shouted excitedly, calmed down a bit, "Brother, you are more mature than before, and you have already left behind!"

Time has made Lu Chen stronger and stronger!

The little beast looked at the fairy army and roared, "Dad has an order. Those who cross this line will kill you without mercy!"

Lu Chen had already arranged Xiao Beast and them on the shore!

Lu Chen looked back at the Three Beasts. He didn't know how long these three guys could last. He had to solve the thousand opportunities as soon as possible!

"Sacrifice all the God Devouring Demon Insects?" Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Okay, this saves me a lot of trouble."

"I want to see if you can swallow the spiritual power of my move!"

Lu Chen yelled violently, "The form of the dragon god! The **** of war is possessed, the devil is transformed! Put it to death! The dragon's blood is boiling! The gods and demons are heavenly! The gods and demons are stars! The gods and demons are too empty arms!"

How long has it been since I was in full state? Lu Chen couldn't remember a bit!

All of a sudden, the world changed color, dark clouds rolled, squally wind roared, and sea waves furious!

"Qianji, die for me!"

"Conquering the Void·Void Destroying Spear·Sky Fury Spear!"

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