Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1401: I let you see with your own eyes!

Lu Chen's figure was like a black light, shooting directly at Qian Ji!

After Qianji absorbed the entire blood mass, his eyes were rounded, "It's good to let you know how powerful it is to sacrifice to the devil! Swallow it for me!" After saying that, he threw a punch.

When the two sides contacted, it was only a stalemate for less than half a second, and Qianji's body suddenly began to swell rapidly!

In an instant, Qian Ji's body exploded directly!

The entire South China Sea was stained red by countless blood!

Hongyue's eyes widened and sacrificed to the Thousand Chance in the state of the demon. The ability to devour spiritual power was even more terrifying than that of the dark tide. As a result, he didn't even stop Lu Chen from shooting?

How terrifying is the spiritual power contained in Lu Chen's gun?

The blood fell like heavy rain and dyed the sea red.

Lu Chen's figure moved and grabbed a head in the rain of blood.

There is no doubt that this head is exactly Qian Ji, and he is not dead at this time, just looking at Lu Chen's expression, it is full of weirdness.

"Impossible, impossible, you, what level are you on earth! It is impossible that I can't absorb the spiritual power of your blow!"

"You, have you opened a fairy road?!"

Lu Chen looked at Qianji and sneered, "I'm the emperor, why should I open a fairy road!"

"Qianji, it seems that the grievances between us have finally ended."

From the fifth heaven to the seventh heaven, the grievances between them lasted for decades, and Lu Chen finally defeated Qian Ji with a single shot!

Qian Ji finally realized this. He watched Lu Chen in horror, but Qian Ji knew very well that Lu Chen could not let him go, just as he could not let Lu Chen go.

Suddenly, Qian Ji burst into laughter, "Hahahaha, Lu Chen, what if you killed me? Your world is about to end! With you and your three pets, can you stop the Million Immortal Army? !"

"Your victory is meaningless!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, and with a move of his sword finger, he nailed Qianji's head to a high tower built by the defenders.

"Can I stop it, I will let you see with your own eyes!"

Qianji's eyes were full of anger, and he shouted to Hongyue, "Xianzun, attack!"

Hongyue immediately woke up and ordered, "Kill me!"

The Million Immortal Army finally launched a terrorist attack, only with the small hair ball, the small source and the small beast, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist!

A true fairy avoided Xiao Yuan and Xiao Mao Tuan, shifted, and rushed towards the defending army from a position far from the little beast.

"The first work is mine, all mortals will die for me!" After that, he wielded dozens of sword auras!

However, after a short while, his sword aura directly hit a defensive shield!

That real immortal stared wide-eyed, and I never heard that I was the only mad who would set up a formation.

Just as he was wondering, suddenly his chest seemed to be lightly tapped a few times.

After a while, his physical body exploded directly, and for a while, flesh and blood flew across, splashing on the defensive shield.

He turned his head back hard and found that the solo mad had already killed Xiang Xianjun.

That guy just killed himself?

But what is going on with this defensive formation?

Just as he fell, he suddenly saw a peculiar "shadow" among the defenders.

The man was gray and yellow, dressed in armor, and expressionless!

"Yes, is it a puppet?"

This person died so unexpectedly that his attack was actually blocked by a puppet!

At the same time, sneak attackers from other lines of defense also discovered the existence of the defensive array.

According to the truth, a powerful defensive formation cannot be completed in an instant. The people on earth cannot know that they will teleport here, and Lu Chen has been fighting with Qianji, let alone deploying the formation himself.

Until a few immortals discovered the four gray-yellow puppets of the defending army.

"It's a puppet of the earth! Why are there four puppets in this legend, but I am crazy!"

The four earth puppets are evenly distributed in the four locations on the coastline, and the red moon also found that the heaven and the earth are the most refined, swallowing the sky and killing the **** rat, the position guarded by the beast **** is in the middle of the four earth puppets!

"Four earth puppets guarded the line of defense, the three beasts resisted and killed the invaders. At the same time, the position of the three beasts was just enough to take care of the two earth puppets. Once someone attacked, they could quickly support them."

"And Lu Chen alone will attack our army!"

"This Lu Chen has actually deployed such a defense!"

Hongyue took a deep breath, they all underestimated Lu Chen too much!

Lu Chen shouted angrily, "Buddha clone! Devil clone! There are many ghosts!"

"Little Beast, Little Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, pay attention to those who sneak attack!" Lu Chen said, a ghost appeared, and instantly came to an immortal king and shot it out.

The Immortal King wanted to fight Lu Chen, but as soon as he received Lu Chen's shot, his expression changed drastically.

"This... so strong!"

How could Lu Chen give him a chance to break his earth shield with a shot, and the spear came out!

Lu Chen got behind him, grabbed the spear, and instantly slammed into the distance. A faint crow, thirty or forty true immortals, were instantly killed!

Behind Lu Chen, Xiao Yuan carried a massive attack, but stood still!

This guy has been in the Shen Beast Island for three years, and he was beaten so hard and thick.

The consequence of the small hair ball eating with its stomach wide open on the Mythical Beast Island is that its speed is faster than before, and its attack and defense are equally terrifying. Without skills, it is no longer afraid of the fairy king!

The little beast has become a power generator, and all kinds of sacred beast skills are readily available, and the power is amazing.

The army of one million was really constrained by Lu Chen and the Three Beasts!

Hongyue narrowed her eyes.

One person, three beasts and four puppets have formed three lines of defense, and they are all in harmony with each other!

"Red Moon, now we must find a breakthrough as soon as possible. The tens of thousands of people are waiting for our news!"

Hongyue nodded, "I know! It's just that you said the breach, which one should be the breach?"

Lu Chen, the heaven and the earth are the most refined, swallowing the sky and killing the rat, the beast god, and the earth puppet. If you say, the earth puppet is the weakest, but the earth puppet is at the end, only responsible for defense.

The earth and rock shield of the earth puppet is focused on defense, as long as the foot is on the ground, the attack can be transferred to the entire earth!

Of the other four, Lu Chen needless to say, a large number of avatars helped delay, and that black robe was like a **** of death, wherever he passed, there was a lot of casualties.

Xiaoyuan, the more you fight, the more courageous you, provide attack bonuses for all members, small hairballs, can’t wait to take one bite, while improving attributes, increase the recovery ability for the whole team, the combination of small beasts, sixteen **** pets, and an endless stream of skills. You can also add shields and elemental attacks for the whole team!

Who should be the weakness?

Hongyue suddenly became angry, "I can't drag it anymore. Please join hands with me, Red Moon, all of the Xuanling Clan Immortals, and quickly kill me alone!"

"It's true that I can't delay it anymore, I had meant it for a long time!"

"But the mere king, he really can't stand against the sky, my three hundred immortals, I will kill him together, and the opponent's defense will break without attack!"

Unexpectedly, a world where there is no real immortal would actually want them to make a move!

However, now that I can't take care of so much, the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army is ready to go, just waiting for the earth to sacrifice the flag!

The Xuanling Three Hundred Immortals finally decided to take action, and they decided to use joint skills!

"Everyone, we don't have time to fight with Lu Chen. We must kill with one blow, and we will use Xuanling Juxue, Xuantian Six Realms Slash!"

"Please help me!"


As soon as Hongyue raised her hand, his red moon boundary flew out again.

Three Hundred Immortal Venerables, gathered spiritual power in this sword, and the power of the Immortal Venerables, vowed to kill the black-robed man in the crowd!

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