Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1410: say it again

Lu Chen had entered a state of no-self, and he practiced it over and over again in accordance with the exercises taught in his mind.

Each world exudes different spiritual powers, and even the star core itself has its own consciousness!

These unique characteristics have become the key to identifying these worlds, and capturing these weak spiritual fluctuations is also the basis of the avatar of the Ten Thousand Realms!

For Lu Chen, these seem not to be difficult.

His subtle aura has reached the third level, his aura is arbitrary, and since the fifth heaven, Lu Chen has absorbed a large number of star nuclei. These conditions allow Lu Chen to quickly identify the world.

And the biggest difficulty of God's Prosperity, in addition to the operation of spiritual power, the most important thing is the understanding of the "ten thousand worlds".

Along the way, Lu Chen has experienced much more than others.

The Maze of Ten Thousand Realms, the six illusory realms, are different from other people’s experience of holding aloft and watching flowers. He has been integrated into the Ten Thousand Realms time and time again. He is like a part of those worlds, becoming a citizen there, and working hard. Feel the people and things in those worlds...

"Feel the ten thousand worlds, experience the ten thousand worlds, blend in the ten thousand worlds..."

Lu Chen was immersed in the cultivation, unknowingly, twenty-five days have passed!

For a mere twenty-five days, to Lu Chen, who has practiced for hundreds of years, it was almost like a flick of a finger.

As far as the outside world is concerned, less than two days have passed.

They are on standby at any time in Lishang, and they will notify Lu Chen as soon as they find an army of ten thousand races in the human world.

Only Mulong was a little boring, he had no choice but to chat with Qianji.

"I wanted to practice magical skills in two days. Lu Chen is really crazy."

Qian Ji snorted coldly, "I said you are really weird, don't you guys be curious, how could that pervert get a magical skill in a blink of an eye?"

"In the entire Seventh Heaven, in addition to the racial magic skills, there are no more than three single magic skills. As a result, this guy got one copy as soon as he turned his head!"

"If I knew this was the case, I would kill him if I said anything!"

Mulong shook his head, "Didn't you just want to kill him, but you don't have the strength."

At this moment, seven or eight people came out of the teleportation array, and they anxiously looked for them as soon as they came out.

"Li Shang, they are here, they are here in my world!"

"We have it here too!"

The transmitter is also continuously transmitted by someone.

Li Shang looked at Mu Long anxiously, "Mulong Immortal King, can you please call Chen'er, a lot of people are here at once!"

Mulong put away the leisure during the small talk, "Okay, I'll call Lu Chen now, the guys must have thought about it, they must go to these worlds at the same time, so that Lu Chen will be caught off guard!"

With that said, Mu Long rushed into the cultivation tower with a single body technique.

Not long after, Mu Long brought Lu Chen to the teleportation array.

As soon as everyone saw Lu Chen, they rushed to talk about the situation in their world.

"Our army of millions of immortals is suppressing the realm, and we are only four hundred immortals. It is impossible to stop them. Please help Mr. Du Kuang!"

"Our side too!"

"Mr. Du Kuang, save our planet!"

Lu Chen raised his hand and said, "Don't worry, the battle of sacrificing the flag is just a battle, so there is only one world they really attack."

"You take my clone into your world first!"

"Doppelgänger? Mr. Du Kuang, if you are a clone, let alone Immortal Venerable, even we can easily identify it..." Yixian said anxiously.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Don't worry, just do what I said."

After all, Lu Chen directly cloned himself.

A total of 23 people here asked for help, and Lu Chen had 23 clones.

Although these people were suspicious in their hearts, they saw that Lu Chen was so sure, and they had no better way now, so they could only take 23 clones into their own world.


An old man looked up at the sky full of immortals, like a heavenly soldier!

If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely recognize this old man, who was the old Sanxian waiting for Sendai to register.

And his planet was chosen unfortunately! Waiting for them, there is only the word "destruction"!

It stands to reason that the strength of this world is quite good among the human races, one immortal venerable, thirty or forty immortal kings, hundreds of true immortals, and tens of millions of immortal cultivators.

It's just that the Immortal Venerable and the ten Immortal Kings, after the defeat of the Ten Immortal Venerables of the Human Race, left the world, not knowing where to go to be alone.

At this time, the old man's cloudy eyes were full of tears.

Who can stop this celestial army?

Human race, destruction, immortals, mortals, all have the same result!

The opposite fairy army hasn't done anything yet, it seems that they are communicating with others through a golden sound transmission talisman.

After a while, the first Celestial Demon Race Immortal Venerable laughed, "Hahahaha, okay, then my Celestial Demon Race will take down this battle of flag offerings!"

The man hovered in the air and looked at the people below him with cold eyes, "What? You dozens of immortal kings, a group of waste real immortals, and these criminals who make up the number, still want to block my heavenly devil immortal army?!"

"Why not, your whole clan kneels in front of us, looking at your waist begging for mercy, maybe I will be all-hearted and let you make a living?"

Countless cultivators looked at the sky in despair.

For them, the words of Xianzun are God's will!

However, an immortal king of the human race shouted angrily, "Hundred Demon Immortal Venerable, do you think we are three-year-old children? Anyway, we are dead, our human race will never be better than death with some dignity, I don’t lose a yellow crane today. Kill two and earn one!"

Hong Mo sneered, "I really don't know how to promote it! But it doesn't matter, you are right, even if your entire human race kneels in front of our demon race, we will kill no one in your world!"

"Human race, it is trash, it is not worthy to exist between this world!"

"I wanted to wipe out your human race long ago!"

"Yellow Crane, right? I'm sorry to tell you that you can't kill a demon clan! I'm the first one. I will refine you with a soul refining furnace first!"

"All the people in this world of you will enter my Heavenly Demon Soul Refining Furnace, and the human race will perish. You don't have to reincarnate. Then... all of them will be wiped out for Laozi and become nourishment!"

Speaking of the soul refining furnace, Huang He couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

"Magic Hong, you, you are so cruel!"

Hong Mo smiled slightly, raised his hand, and a three-legged bronze cauldron appeared beside him.

Then the copper tripod became bigger and bigger, with a diameter of a thousand meters!

"From the beginning of the final battle, the fate of the human race has been decided! The demon will finally obey the orders, regardless of the immortals, men, women, old or young, put them all in!"

When the old man from Sendai sighed, in front of the 400 Immortal Venerable Heavenly Demon, wherever they had the power to fight, they couldn't escape being refined and transformed into bones...

At this moment, from behind, a real fairy dragged a figure and quickly appeared beside Huang He.

As soon as he saw the person brought by the true immortal, Hong Mo suddenly widened his eyes, and his voice was no longer the same as before.

"Yi, crazy for me? You, why are you here?"

"Lu Chen" smiled slightly, "Is it weird? You can all come here, why can't I come alone?"

"Hong Mo, right? I was too far apart just now. Could you please repeat what I just said, I didn't hear clearly." Lu Chen looked at Hong Mo with a smile but a smile.

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