Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1411: Leave me a hundred immortals first!

At this time, Hong Mo Xianzun kept a thought in his mind.

This guy alone blocked the mysterious skill of the Xuanling race, Xuantian Six Realms Slash, this guy, alone, killed 300 Immortal Venerables of the Xuanling Race!

Although there are more Immortals of the Sky Demon Race than the Xuanling Race, but in terms of top strength, between himself and Hongyue is the uncle!

Suddenly, Hong Mo's arrogance was suddenly extinguished.

At this moment, the Ten Thousand Realms Sound Transmission Talisman was moving, and Hong Mo slightly narrowed his eyes and quickly opened the Ten Thousand Realms Transmission Talisman.

"Only I am crazy about us! Demons, you can rest assured to attack!"

"Wait, I'm the only one, he, he actually appeared before our army! What is going on?"

"Why? Do you see the soloism? I also have one here! No, don't be afraid. Either it's a clone of the soloism, or someone pretends to be him!"

Hearing the news of other immortal army, Hong Mo's nervous mood finally relaxed.

If only Jinshaxing had solipsism, then he would still be afraid, but if solipsism were everywhere, then there would be no need to be afraid.

Hong Mo brought up his spiritual power and carefully observed the changes in the aura of "Lu Chen", it turned out that this was just a virtual image!

He smiled slightly and said to the Ten Thousand Realms Sound Transmission Talisman, "Wait for my Celestial Demon Race to win the battle for the sacrifice flag!"

After that, Hong Mo put away the Ten Thousand Realms Sound Transmission Talisman, raised his head slightly, and said to Lu Chen, "It's really naive, thinking that you can fool me with this trick? I'm the only one crazy, why? Would you like to hear it again?"

"I said, all the people in this world, no, should be the entire human race, they will be wiped out and completely disappeared from this world!"

Huang He looked at Lu Chen worriedly, and said to the true immortal who had sent Lu Chen over, "Why don't you bring your true body and get a clone? Can the Xianzun not be able to distinguish the true identity!"

The man also looked helpless, "The fairy king, I'm the only one who said that I will bring this...If he brings his real body, then the fairy army will change the target instead."

The avatar Lu Chen said to Huang He, "Let everyone retreat and leave it to me here."

"This..." Huang He was a little at a loss.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "What? Do you still have a way to resist the Celestial Demon Army?"

Obviously, Huang He has no choice, so he can only choose to let the army retreat.

The clone Lu Chen calmly looked at the mighty fairy army in the sky.

Suddenly, as soon as Lu Chen raised his hand, a black spear appeared beside him. The gun body was pitch black, but red light emerged from the inside, as if something was imprisoned in the cage, with its teeth and claws open, trying to rush out of the cage.

"Yes, the Void Destroyer Spear!" Hong Mo's eyes widened.

The body can be cloned, but how to clone the weapon!

This clone, with a real Void Destroyer Gun? !

Is it crazy to be the only one!

The cold light in Lu Chen's eyes appeared, and he said in a cold voice, "Remember, dare to offend my human world, how many immortal armies of your ten thousand races come, how many I will kill, Lu Chen!"

"Symbiosis of Gods and Demons!"

With a bang, Lu Chen's white hair suddenly rose, and his whole body was surging with terrifying spiritual power, and his whole body rose into the air.

God and demon too empty arm, heart demon, put to death, **** and devil Tianwei, God of War possessed, demon transformed... Lu Chen turned on directly.

It's only a pity that Lu Chen's Taixu Arm still ruined the temporary outfit that Flame Demon sent him to the Demon Lord...

The crowd of Heavenly Demon Immortal Venerables looked stupid.

What clone can learn all the skills of the body?

"You, are you a clone or a body? You, you are a war soul? Impossible, I can't recognize it! You are a clone!" Hong Mo roared.

Lu Chen's eyes were red and the corners of his mouth opened with a grin, "It was a clone just now, but now...you'll know if you try it!"

"Conquering the Void·Void Destroying Spear·Endless Dawn!"

The white light flashed, and the gun broke through the sky!

In the sky, the dark clouds are pushed back by this gun light, endless gun intent, like dawn, illuminating the earth!

The Flood Demon defended Lu Chen's attack with a giant cauldron!

However, he has a giant cauldron, but other immortals do not.

As he spoke, there was already a heavy damage to the Immortal Venerable, and the horror of Endless Dawn was that the gun intent was endless. Once he was hit hard within the attack range, it probably meant that this person would be more powerless to resist the ferocious attack of Endless Dawn.

Sure enough, many people have fallen from the sky in the lower-star Immortal Venerable!

The Immortal Venerable couldn't stop Lu Chen's blow, not to mention the fact that those immortal kings were really immortal. All of a sudden, a large number of figures in the immortal army fell directly from mid-air, life and death are unknown!

Huang He widened his eyes and watched this scene in horror.

"One person resists the army of millions of immortals, and kills the powerful immortal with one move. My world, there is such a powerful human race in the world?!"

"What is the realm of Sole Madness? Why can it be so strong?"

The already desperate face of the old man in Sendai was replaced by a look of shock at this time.

"The realm of the king of humans, to resist the immortals! Four twelve-level catastrophes, going against the sky!"

The old gentleman's information has obviously not been updated for a long time, and now Lu Chen is no longer the king.

At this time, Lu Chen had already killed the Million Immortal Army!

"No, this is definitely not a clone! Quickly retreat!" Hong Mo shouted angrily, while the Heavenly Demon Soul Refining Furnace resisted and retreated.

At this time, who else would think that Lu Chen here is a clone? !

"Hong Mo, quickly inform the other people, I am the only one who is really here!" Another Immortal Venerable said anxiously.


The demon beast tribe just got the news that the only mad real body is on the side of the demon tribe, and now the demon tribe is retreating, and they need to take the opportunity to quickly take the world in front of them.

However, in the opponent's line of defense, there is also a avatar standing alone.

"Only I am crazy, your true body is coming, it's too late!" The monster fairy did not dare to waste time, and gave an order, "Quickly destroy this world!"

Suddenly, the figure of the avatar Lu Chen was blurred, and the biggest change was that the avatar's hair turned white and his left arm was demonized!

Then, a black shadow flashed by.

"Gunxu·One sword breaks the sky!"

The Immortal Venerable hadn't reacted yet, he already felt a chill in his chest, and Lu Chen had already appeared behind him!

He lowered his head, looked at the wound on his chest incredibly, then turned his head to look at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Who told you that my real body is on the side of the Celestial Demon Race?"

Xianzun's eyes became wider and wider, and there was confusion in his mind.

After practicing to Immortal Venerable, what else could shock him to such an extent?

"Only I am crazy, you, this, this is...what's going on..."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "That is to say, I was not there during the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War, if I were there, you ten thousand clans would also be worthy to win?!"

"Gunxu·Disha Xuanming Spear·Sky Profound Disha!" After saying that, Lu Chen let out a low voice, still breaking into the monster clan formation!

There are more than two hundred fairy beasts, and no one can beat...

"Tai Xu form!" Lu Chen suddenly shouted.

"Today, the army of ten thousand races, as long as anyone does it, regardless of race, leave me a hundred immortals first!"

Hearing this skill, the demon beast clan immortal has already trembled!

How did this guy do it?

Facing the multi-line tens of thousands of immortal army, he unexpectedly opened the killing ring!

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