Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1413: Ten Thousand Stars Gathering Array

Qianji's analysis is in-depth, simple, vivid, thorough and detailed, and it can be seen that it has taken a lot of thought.

His defense plan is divided into a mobile defense army and a permanent army.

Because the Wan Clan uses the method of transmission, it is unrealistic to form a true "line of defense", so the mobile defense army is the top priority of defense.

After a discussion, the group was led by President Ziling and assisted by the remaining 25 Immortals to organize a mobile defense army.

And Lu Chen's main task was to improve his strength as soon as possible and break through the heavenly defense formation.

At the end of the meeting, Lu Chen suddenly asked the Immortal Venerables, "Senior Immortal Venerables, I have been thinking about a question a few times against foreigners. Other tribes have racial magic skills, then our human race does not have a strong god. Skills?"

Zi Ling shook his head, "Not all races have supreme magical skills. Only when someone of the race breaks through the seventh heaven, can the magical skills be passed down."

Lu Chen wanted to ask about Eighth Heaven, but now is not the time, he can only nod his head.

After the meeting, Xianling Dongtian Yanran became the headquarter of human defense.

The Terran originally lost the final battle, and the people had no motivation to resist, but at this time Lu Chen repeatedly repelled the enemy, and the morale of the people rose greatly. In the fairy cave, the fighting spirit of the celestial immortals was unprecedentedly high.

At the same time, Lu Chen had already entered the training room and began to practice and improve his level!

At the same time, the Immortal Mountain at the junction of the Seven Immortal Territories, the Immortal Venerable Ten Thousand Clan is currently arguing very fiercely.

"The battle of sacrificing the flag has been frustrated again and again, can our flag be completed!"

"When will I learn God's presence?"

"In my opinion, what kind of flag sacrifice is needed to directly launch a general attack on the human race! God's presence can have three thousand dharmakayas, but there is only one body after all. If we launch a general attack, how many can I save?"

"No, we eradicate the human race, nothing more than the resources of the human race world. In the final analysis, it is to enhance our strength, help us break through the bottleneck, and make the martial arts go further, but the flag sacrifice is invincible, and the race is rushed. There are only a handful of people who cultivate demons. When I wait for Dao, my heart will be turbulent and it will be unfavorable to practice. Isn't it counterproductive?"

"Is it possible that we won't fight the human race? For thousands of years, how can there be a reason for thousands of immortals who have won the battle but never destroy the race. If you can't say it, then you can stabilize the Taoist heart!"

"That is, what is the difference between destroying a human race and squeezing a group of ants? Don't worry, the annihilation has no effect on my Dao Heart! I think I will directly launch the general attack!"

"Since everyone has different opinions, it is still the old rule, and the ten thousand people voted to decide."

After two hours, the voting results came out.

Give up the battle of sacrifice flags and launch a general attack directly on the human race!

"If this is the case, my Demon Race will give up!" The Demon Race Immortal Venerable left the table angrily.

As soon as the demons left, the gods also left. The demons and the Titans also began to hesitate...

If there are past practices, there are still laws to be followed by all races, but now they have encountered a situation that has never happened before.

The Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army has ten thousand opinions, and they are destined to be unable to reach an agreement in a short time!


In the Cultivation Room of the Immortal Cave Mansion, Lu Chen was cultivating with the Eight-Layer God and Demon Blending Elementary Mind Method.

Perhaps his cultivation speed is too fast, causing the two-story cultivation tower that can last for a few days, and it will run out of spiritual energy in less than an hour, and lose the advantage of time compression.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, he hadn't considered this.

He hurriedly got up and was about to leave the training room on the second floor and head to the first floor.

Suddenly, he noticed that in the second-floor training room where his aura had been exhausted, his aura began to quickly replenish.

Lu Chen walked out of the training tower strangely.

When he saw the situation outside the cultivation tower, his throat suddenly tightened.

At this time, there were not many immortals in the fairy cave. Most people had brought the human race's next tactics back to their own world. There were not a few people in the fairy cave.

At this time, Zi Ling placed the magic weapon of his own body on the vacant array of the spiritual gathering outside the training tower, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Senior Ziling!" Lu Chen called to Ziling, "You are..."

Lu Chen looked at the Spirit Gathering Array outside the tower. There were thousands of treasures on the Spirit Gathering Array.

Zi Ling turned around, and after seeing Lu Chen, he rarely smiled, "You are only a second-class and first-level cave house. Aura is not sufficient. We are afraid that you will not be able to supply aura when you practice. You gather spirits."

"It just so happens that we have a lot of people. Everyone takes out his magic weapon as a magic weapon to suppress the formation. It should still be able to fill the Ten Thousand Stars Spirit Gathering Array."

Lu Chen didn't know what to say, "This... Thank you, everyone, I haven't had time to thank you..."

Zi Ling took a deep breath and walked to Lu Chen, "It is not you who should say thank you, it is us!"

"I really didn't expect that when the human race was in peace, they would constantly rob each other for coordinates, resources, and wealth, but now, we have become comrades in arms of life and death."

"I don't know how many years I have become the Immortal Venerable. The passion and entanglement in my heart have already been abandoned when I crossed the Tribulation, but in the end, I knew that the human race was going to die, and I couldn't stay outside.

"Lu Chen, in fact, I envy you very much. It's a long journey. It's rare that you can never forget your original intention."

"Perhaps, it is not the gods and demons, the immortal Buddhas, but the "people" who can rebel against these nine days!"

Lu Chen didn't know what to say.

Zi Ling looked at Lu Chen again, his eyes brightened, "Okay, I should go, too. The Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army will do it when I don’t know. The mobile army needs to be run in. You don’t have to worry about spirituality. Practice hard, leave the rest to us!"

Lu Chen nodded heavily and watched Zi Ling enter the teleportation formation.

With the Ten Thousand Stars Gathering Array, the spiritual energy of the cultivation tower is replenishing extremely fast, and Lu Chen can even practice on the third floor of the cultivation tower!

According to the time ratio of one to fifteen, Lu Chen's cultivation time has greatly increased.

In addition, the All Spirits Gathering Array, which has gathered tens of thousands of magic weapons for cultivation, also provided a lot of spiritual support for Lu Chen's practice.

The cultivation effect of the eight-layer god-devil mixed-element mind method has tripled!

1500 points of spiritual power a minute!

A month later, the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army hadn't moved yet, and Lu Chen had practiced for 450 days in the three-story cultivation tower!

I don't know why the actions of the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army are so slow. Two and a half months later, they still haven't launched an attack.

And for these two and a half months, Lu Chen practiced in the Ten Thousand Stars Gathering Array for three years!

On this day, Lu Chen felt a warm current flowing through his body.

The liquid spiritual power in his spiritual core flows through every blood vessel, pore, and internal organs of his body... His physical body began to compress slightly! This is true for muscles, bones, and skin!

When Lu Chen stood up, he suddenly found that his height had changed from a few meters to just 1.9 meters.

"Why did you break through and become shorter?" Lu Chen frowned slightly.

He lowered his head and glanced at his badge, which read "Two Star Savage Emperor (mutation!

"Finally two stars."

Lu Chen didn't care that he was getting short, a bright light broke out in his eyes.

"You tens of thousands of people can't pay attention? Humph, it seems that I can only help you make up your mind!"

"Pangu, I'm sorry, I want to try your heavenly defense formation again!" After that, Lu Chen walked directly out of the training room!

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