Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1414: Break the line

When Mulong, Qianji, Lishang, Jinluan, Gu Yan and others saw Lu Chen coming out of the training room, they all seemed to have a foreboding that something major was about to happen, and they hurried to follow.

Outside the fairy cave, human immortals continue to enter the heavenly defense array and join the human defense system.

It seems that Ziling is also working hard to grow the team of the human race and contacted many people.

At this time, people saw a group of people walking out.

The first person, dressed in a shabby fisherman's fashion, walked away quickly.

"That's me alone? He, what is he going to do?!"

"How does he dress like this?"

People followed in surprise.

Seven or eight miles away, he had reached the edge of the Fairy Spirit Cave Mansion, and at the same time, this was where the Heavenly Dao defensive array was located!

When looking from the inside out, you can vaguely see an arc-shaped transparent mask, which completely covers a large area around it.

Lu Chen looked at this defensive formation and took a deep breath.

Lonely fishing alone is sleeveless. This is very important for Lu Chen, who only has a couple's suit left...

Lu Chen threw the hat to Mu Long, staring at the defensive formation.

"Pangu, thank you for all this!" Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

How strong is the Tiandao defense array? There are tens of thousands of immortals in the human race, and there are many immortal kings, but no one will think that they can break the defensive array of heaven!

Not even this idea!

Lu Chen, who was in the state of a one-star human emperor, couldn't break through the heavenly defense formation!

It was such a powerful formation that kept the human race's last line of defense and bought time for Lu Chen.

Pangu Immortal Venerable said that when Lu Chen broke the Heavenly Dao defensive formation, it was the time when he had the strength to challenge the ten thousand races.

And now, Lu Chen was already standing in front of the defensive formation.

Afterwards, Lu Chen's eyes lit up for war, and he shouted in a low voice, "Symbiosis between gods and demons!"

Put to death, dragon blood is boiling, dragon **** form, **** and devil star body, **** and devil too virtual arm, heart demon...

Wait for 5 minutes to enter the Taixu form!

Lu Chen lifted his left hand, the God and Demon Promise Sword, and the Void Destruction Spear emerged.

Lu Chen's strongest state, plus two artifacts!

"Tai Xu Formation·One sword breaks the sky!"

"Tai Xu Form, Void Destroying Gun, Sky Fury Spear!"

The two strongest single attacks were launched at the same time. Lu Chen held a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. The whole person was like a white light, and he slammed into the heavenly defense formation!

In the midair, I saw a tiny black spot, ferociously fitted with a huge defensive cover that carried the world!

There was a loud bang, the world shook, and the earth rumbling!

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.

After a few seconds of supporting the transparent spiritual power shield covering the sky and the earth, a crack suddenly appeared on the spiritual power wall in front of Lu Chen!

Immediately afterwards, this crack began to crack outwards, and in an instant, the crack spread throughout the entire Tiandao defense formation!

"My God! Break through the defensive formation of Heaven's Path by one person!" Mu Long's eyes widened, which even Xianzun was far from able to do.

A few years ago, he could still have a few tricks with Lu Chen, but now it seems that he has been left out of sight by this guy.

"It's broken, it's really broken!" Li Shang said excitedly, "Chen'er, great!"

"The child Chen'er is too strong... Immortal Lord Lu Yuan, if you can see this scene, you will definitely be proud of him!" Jin Luan's eyes were tearful.

These earth celestial immortals watched Lu Chen grow up. After a few years, Chen'er has been ridiculously proud of the seventh heaven. How could they not be excited.

After decades of persistence, hope has finally come!

Lu Chen saw that the Heavenly Dao defensive formation had not completely broken open, and in his anger, he hit the Buddha body clone again and launched a confrontation method. The domain had a special "Broken Void" for countermeasures!

Under the blessing of Taixu Form, the power of the three combined blows of the Shattered Void is several times greater than before.

There was another loud bang, and in an instant, the powerful Heavenly Dao defensive shield was smashed directly under Lu Chen's fist!

The fairy cave sky that has been hidden, at this moment, sees the sky again!

Lu Chen fell back to the ground and shook his head, "It was only broken by two attacks, this formation is so powerful!"

Mulong is now accustomed to the way Lu Chen speaks, anyway, he can't understand it in the way of ordinary people.

Qian Ji's body was stiff on the side, but the expression on his face was extremely wonderful.

"This, this guy, is not a person!"

After breaking the Tiandao defensive formation, Lu Chen turned around and walked to Mulong's side and took his own hat, "Mulong, the defensive formation has been broken. Once the ten thousand races know about it, they will definitely take action."

"So, I'm going to find them now."

Mulong frowned, "Lu Chen, I will accompany you! Although I am useless, I can help you show the way anyway."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "What are you talking about, how could you be useless, you are my strongest refiner!"

Li Shang and others also came over.

"Chen'er, we are not at ease, let us go."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "The general ledger has been settled, you can all go."

As he was talking, Zi Ling didn't know where it came from, it might have come after receiving news.

"Lu Chen, are you going?"

Lu Chen turned around and looked, "Senior Ziling, you are here too, yes, the heavenly defense has been broken, so this account must be settled with the Ten Thousand Clan!"

"Wait a minute, you can't let the Ten Thousand Clan feel that our Human Clan is no one, we will go with you!"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Okay."

Not long after, Ziling had already mobilized the entire human mobile army. It can be seen that during this period of time, the mobile defense army has already possessed extremely strong mobility.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Senior Ziling, you are all gone, in case ten thousand people just launch an attack..."

Zi Ling said, "The mobile army is meant to deal with emergencies. Lu Chen, your battle here is the battle that will ultimately determine the fate of the human race. We can't let you go alone!"

"Furthermore, you are actually the main force of support. Without you, our mobile army can't stop the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Army."

What Ziling said was also the fact that this battle concerns the entire human race, and they also have the right to follow.

"Okay, then you don't get close, lest you are in danger, follow behind Ten Wings."

"Ten Wings!" Lu Chen gave an order, and the dragon appeared, "Ten Wings, don't let other people's mounts fail to fly."

"Roar!" Although Shiyi was reluctant, but the boss spoke, it could only keep a low profile once.

The dragon shuttled quickly through the clouds, and Lu Chen was afraid of change, and let Shiyi rush to the Seventh Fairy Mountain at the fastest speed.


In the Seventh Fairy Mountain, clouds and mists were lingering, and the Immortals of the Ten Thousand Races came from all directions one after another.

Today should be the last meeting. Judging from the previous coordination, most of them are going to abandon the flag sacrifice war and directly attack the human race.

At this time, huge mounts landed on the mountainside one after another, and then tens of thousands of Xianzun went to the top of the Seventh Fairy Mountain "Xianding Tiantai".

However, when the immortal ancestors of various races approached the Xianding Tiantai, they found that someone had already arrived here.

Eight human immortals are standing in the center of Xianding Tiantai in a square array, with exactly three people at one side.

Among these people, except for one who is a fairy king, the other seven are actually scattered immortals.

"These human races dare to run to the Seventh Fairy Mountain? The Sanxian Immortal King also dare to go to the Xianzun rooftop? Let's die!"

"Now Lao Tzu sees the Human Race and kills these people!"

At this moment, eight people retreated at the same time, standing behind a man.

The man was dressed in a sash, and the hat hid his appearance, but he just sat there quietly.

A low, cold voice suddenly spoke.

"Who just said to move my friend? Come on, they are standing here, you guys have a try!"

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