Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1429: Can't afford to provoke

Lu Chen's prey was placed in the village like a hill, and Da Zhuang was too scared to speak.

"Golden Retriever... can this thing be hunted too?"

Little Beast smiled slightly, "No one now says that our father and son are here for nothing."

This time I didn’t even save the selection. The White Wolf King was so excited that he said, "The Jackal Brothers are too strong. Our White Wolf Tribe... No, it’s you who hunted the ninth-level beast. This is incredible."

"I don't think there is any need for selection. The Jackal is the strongest warrior of our White Wolf tribe! He will represent our White Wolf tribe and participate in the Great Hunting God Festival!"

The women in the tribe handled the Jin Maojian's corpse. The Jin Maoyan's corpse was also protected by aura, and it would not rot so quickly, but it was better to eat fresh.

These foods can't be eaten for a few days. Some of them need to be made into bacon, and the bones can be made into sharp weapons...In short, the tribe has been busy for a while, and only then can Jin Maojian's body be processed.

Two days later, Lu Chen was finally able to set off, and the White Wolf King personally put on Lu Chen a headdress representing the White Wolf tribe.

"Brother Jackal, this time our white wolf clan can finally exhale once."

"You can choose ten warriors and **** you to the altar of the hunting god."

Lu Chen chose Black Ape and the others, and took the dry food prepared for him by the White Wolf tribe, and the little beast set off with him.

The little beast followed Lu Chen, and the black monkey and others pushed the car behind.

"Dad, shall we not return to the White Wolf Tribe in the future?" Little Beast asked in a low voice.

"You really think that we are here on vacation. The White Wolf King didn't mean that if the level of the sacrificial prey is high enough, you may even get the guidance of the hunting god. The ninth level beast is already the highest level beast here, and it should be able to cause Attention of the hunting god." Lu Chen replied.

Lu Chen's current strength should not be enough to fight against the true gods, after all, when he was titled, he only dealt with the battle spirits of the gods.

Little Beast sighed, "Fortunately, I left a lot of beast cores for my two wives, and they should not worry about food and clothing in the future."

"Why didn't you bring them?"

"Trouble." Little Beast said, "Mythical beasts are only responsible for reproduction. Hey, our mythical beasts are destined to be alone."

Sure enough, the little beast is becoming more and more like a divine beast, especially when he is irresponsible afterwards...

With the black ape and the others following, Lu Chen and Little Beast were not fast, but they were not in a hurry, and just arrived at the main altar of the hunting **** after fifteen days.

From a distance, they saw the towering altar like a pyramid. The side of the base of the pyramid altar was hundreds of meters long. The entire altar was quite majestic, far from being comparable to the small altars in the homes of various tribes.

There should be a place dedicated to the **** of hunting.

When they arrive, there are already many tribesmen.

Judging from the sacrifices brought by these tribes, the White Wolf tribe is indeed only the smallest tribe.

Most of the tribes have a strong body when used, and they actually have a spiritual foundation!

Their trophies even have beast heads of level 5 or 6 and level 6 and 7!

Lu Chen came to Black Ape and asked strangely, "Brother Black Ape, those people cultivate spiritual power?"

The black ape replied, "Oh, jackal, you are talking about the dragon hunters. In some big tribes, there are their own dragon hunters. They have the ability to use spiritual power to increase the limit of the body, which is far from our ordinary people. ."

Then, the black ape said embarrassedly, "Hey, in fact, the first time I told you that the White Wolf tribe is a big tribe, there are some bragging elements, the tribe that can come here must be a tribe with more than 2,000 people, we White Wolf It is considered a big tribe around the territory, but in the entire Varo Star, it can only be regarded as just developing."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, he knew it a long time ago.

It's just that he didn't expect that there are so many cultivators here. He just looked at it and found that the strongest one is probably the strength of the emperor's cultivation.

The Great Emperor Xiu was only one realm away from the King of Humanity, and speaking of it, it was only two realms lower than Lu Chen.

People from various tribes took the heads of the hunted prey, waiting for the final ceremony.

When Lu Chen held the head of the Golden Retriever, the surrounding people retreated far away in swarms.

"My God, this, what kind of beast's head is this? So big?"

"Nine-level beasts? Look at the headgear, they belong to the White Wolf tribe. How could the White Wolf tribe hunt such a powerful beast?"

"It won't be... the one in the land of death!"

At this moment, the crowd behind suddenly became agitated.

"It's the Ssangyong tribe! This time they brought the head of the ninth-level beast, Kui Niu!"

"Kui Niu is the most difficult prey to hunt, and the Ssangyong tribe is about to seize the first hero of the sacrifice ceremony. They can get the opportunity to talk to the hunting god, which is really envious."

"Their warrior is the Beastmaster, really the Beastmaster! I came here this time just to see the Beastmaster himself!"

Lu Chen and Xiao Beast looked for their reputation, only to see a hardcovered man standing on a wooden chariot, with the head of a Kui Niu hanging in front of the chariot.

Countless people crowded around, shouting the name of the Beastmaster, which was extremely conspicuous in the crowd.

Lu Chen asked Black Ape, "What is that guy's background?"

"That is the king of beasts, the first warrior of the Ssangyong tribe, and their Ssangyong tribe is the strongest tribe of Varo." The black ape said unwillingly, "Jackal, although we are also a ninth-level tribute, it is better not to provoke them."

Another member of the White Wolf tribe said, “The Shuanglong tribe is the first winner of the memorial ceremony every time. They monopolize 80% of the blessing of the hunting god, and the other tribes divide the remaining 20% ​​according to the level of sacrifice."

"Moreover, the Ssangyong tribe is the only tribe in Varo star that has an enclosure. There must be no other tribes within 500 of their tribes. Once they are discovered, they will be annihilated!"

"As long as you enter their territory, whether it is intentional or unintentional, they will all be killed by them, and the means are quite cruel."

The little beast squinted his eyes slightly, that beast king is in the human king realm! No wonder it is so arrogant.

"Black ape, the first hero of the memorial service can have the opportunity to talk to the hunting god? Is it true?"

The black monkey nodded, "Yes, after the summoned hunting **** comes, if he is satisfied with the sacrifice, the high priest will let the high priest pass on his will."

"The high priest is the mage who presides over the ceremony, and he is also from the Ssangyong tribe."

Lu Chen frowned and talked with the hunting god. This was exactly the opportunity he was looking for!

That being the case, then he must win the first hero of the festival!

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "They are all nine-level sacrifices, so why can we only fight for the 20%, they can divide 80%?"

Hearing what Lu Chen said, the black ape suddenly became worried and said anxiously, "Jackals, don't provoke them, we can't afford to provoke them!"

Little Beast looked indifferent, and said to the side, "Black Ape, don't worry, the Ssangyong tribe will understand in the future that my dad is the one they can't afford to provoke!"

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