Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1430: I'm different from you

At noon, the festival of the hunting **** officially began.

After the high priest performed a series of complicated prayer rituals, the next step was the group war dance...

Since only the time used on behalf of the tribe can participate in the real festival, the sacrifices are temporarily handed over to the clan for safekeeping.

Peripheral gongs and drums shook the sky, and the warriors all around were dancing hard.

"Roar! Ha! Roar!"

Lu Chen had a black line, why no one told him to dance.

No way, who made this part of the festival, Lu Chen could only jump up with him, but his dancing posture was influenced by the Wuji Continental Men's Art Academy, and it turned out to be quite...sexy!

"Oh my god, how irritable is my father's dancing?!" The little beast's eyes widened, his eyes filled with surprise and admiration, "I didn't expect my father to be so versatile, I really want to learn!"

Finally got through the group dance.

The high priest stood in front of the altar and shouted to all tribal warriors under the stage, "The first blood sacrificed will be offered by the first warrior of Varo."

"The Beastmaster of the Ssangyong tribe has hunted down to the top of the ninth-level beast Kui Niu, and is the well-deserved first warrior of Varo Star!"

"Please come on stage!"

The Beast King held his head high, and immediately eight members of the Ssangyong tribe came to him with the huge Kui Niu's head. He held the Kui Niu's head against his shoulders with one hand, and stood out under the attention of everyone, and strode towards the pyramid altar. .

The Black Ape now has no time to pay attention to the Beastmaster, he has been staring at the jackal in front of him.

This guy won't really be on it...

"Wait!" As expected, Lu Chen shouted loudly, attracting everyone's attention.

The Beastmaster frowned slightly, and slowly turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

The high priest on the altar was extremely dissatisfied, "Who are you? Dare to make trouble at the Hunting God Festival?!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I said, you, the first warrior, just talked about it? According to that, I still say that I am the first warrior."

Lu Chen had just finished speaking, and the audience was in an uproar.

"Is this guy crazy? Talking nonsense at the Hunting God Festival, aren't you afraid that the gods will sin?"

"It belongs to the White Wolf tribe. Although the White Wolf was only eligible to participate in the general festival a few years ago, it has participated in it several times. Why don't you understand the rules?"

"Hi...what are the sacrifices of the white wolves?"

The high priest looked at Lu Chen coldly, with a vicious tone, "Joke! It has been an indisputable fact that the Beastmaster is the number one warrior of Varo Star. All the warriors have no opinion on this, so why did I just specify it casually?!"

"You can ask these thousands of tribal warriors, but some people have objections to the identity of the first warrior of the Beastmaster?" The high priest waved his scepter, with a kingly temperament.

Of all the warriors present, no one dared to look directly.

"Have you seen the sacrifices hunted by the Beastmaster? The ninth-level fierce beast Kui Niu! The first warrior of the Beastmaster is the result of strength, and everyone's expectations!"

Lu Chen smiled disapprovingly, "I don't know if it's true because of my strength, but I don't think it's true because of everyone's expectations!"

"That's good, all tribe warriors are fine. As long as you choose me as the first warrior, my White Wolf tribe will only account for 30% of the blessing of the hunting god, and the other 70% will be divided according to the level of sacrifice!"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the other tribe warriors raised their heads and looked at Lu Chen in shock.

The Ssangyong tribe occupies 80% of the blessings of the hunting god. In fact, everyone has no opinion.

There are thousands of Varo Star tribes, and even those who are not qualified to come here may be hundreds of thousands!

And the Ssangyong tribe family dominates 80% of the blessings, how overbearing!

No one dared to mention it before, but what I didn't expect is that today it was proposed by a warrior from a small tribe like White Wolf!

The black monkey sighed and said to a companion behind him, "Silver Fox, quickly go back and report, saying that the jackal is crazy and offended the Shuanglong tribe, so that the White Wolf King immediately organizes the evacuation of the tribe!"

At this moment, Lu Chen didn't know anything about Black Ape, and continued to impassionedly said, "You all claim to be the strongest warriors of this tribe, why? You have the courage to face the ferocious beasts, but you don't have the courage to resist oppression?"

"A tribe accounted for 80% of the blessings, and your thousands of families will only be divided into 20%. In the long run, Ssangyong will become stronger and stronger, and you will become weaker and weaker. At that time, I am afraid that they will not even give you two Chengdu!"

"As long as you choose me as the first warrior, I can guarantee that as long as the blessing of the hunting **** is still there, the ratio I just said will not change!"

When Lu Chen said this to the people around him, hope suddenly ignited in his eyes.

"This ratio is reasonable!"

"That is, why does the Ssangyong family take 80%? I have already had an opinion."

"If we all unite, Ssangyong wouldn't dare to move us!"

The scene suddenly became a little chaotic, and the spirits of the warriors gradually rose, and some even directly called out the name of the White Wolf Tribe!

With a bang, there was a loud noise in front of the pyramid altar, the ground vibrated, and the scene instantly fell silent.

When people looked at the place where the sound was made, they saw the Beastmaster hit the ground with a punch, and the ground was directly centered on his iron fist, cracking out three to four hundred meters!

"A blow to the ground..."

Those who supported Lu Chen suddenly shut up because that person was angry!

The Beastmaster slowly stood up, the head of Kui Niu on his shoulders was like a part of his body, which made people look even more daunting.

He lifted his chin slightly and squinted at Lu Chen, "You said that the name of the first warrior of the Beast King was appointed by the high priest casually?"

"Boy, did you see my prey? It resisted desperately to protect its cubs. As a result, the more you resist, the more painful it will die!"

Everyone was shocked.

What the Beastmaster killed was a ninth-level Kui Niu. What's more terrifying was that he killed a Kui Niu that was protecting the cub. You must know that Kui Niu's combat effectiveness at this time is the most terrifying!

The Beastmaster had told everyone that his strength was beyond doubt, and he was also warning Lu Chen that he would never be merciless to the enemy!

"Boy, you said you want to be the first warrior, okay, then you take out your sacrifice, let us see if the sacrifice of your white wolf tribe is a coyote or a water dog!" Look at Lu Chen.

There was a burst of laughter from the Ssangyong tribe.

"Do you still remember the sacrifices of the White Wolf tribe in the first two years? It's so ridiculous, I really don't know how they have the face to participate in the festival."

"A tribe of two thousand people, who also pretends to be a big tribe, their poor self-esteem is really disgusting."

"This kind of tribe should be destroyed soon, and the rest of you can share a little more blessing from the hunting god."

At this moment, many warriors woke up, this leader is just a member of the White Wolf clan... The previous high emotions were instantly suppressed by the Beast King!

Lu Chen looked at the Beastmaster, smiled slightly, and uttered a low voice, "Little Beast, what are you doing in a daze!"

The little beast woke up from the state of watching the play, picked up the head of the Golden Retriever in the hands of the tribe with one hand, and threw it directly over it several kilometers away.

"Dad, go on!"

Holding the head of the Golden Retriever Jian firmly with one hand, Lu Chen looked at the Beast King lightly.

"I'm different from you."

"My prey is lucky."

"It's dead before it feels pain..."

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