Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1431: You are dead

He was dead before he felt the pain!

Now two images appeared in everyone's mind at the same time.

The Beastmaster angered a Kui Niu who was guarding the cub. After fierce battle, the Beastmaster finally killed Kui Niu.

The jackal of the White Wolf tribe met a Golden Retriever, and the battle was over.

In such a comparison, it seems that the Beastmaster is suddenly weak...

Lu Chen held the head of the Golden Retriever, and sighed, "I'm sorry, I don't have much experience in hunting this time. I just shot one at random, and it's slightly stronger than the coyote water dog."

The faces of the Ssangyong tribes were pale.

The Jackal guy, following what they just said, slapped them in the face!

Golden Retrievers are both ninth-level beasts, but ninth-level beasts also have strengths and weaknesses.

Kui Niu's defense is extremely strong, but the attack and flexibility are insufficient. Jin Maozhen's defense is also quite strong. The golden hair covers the whole body and has extremely strong defense. Moreover, they are more flexible and attack more terrifying!

The area where Jin Maozhen lives is called the "land of death", but Kui Niu only lives in scattered places. One territory has a name, and one does not. From this we can also see that people's fear of Jin Maozhen is still there. Above Kui Niu.

When Lu Chen was holding the head of the Golden Retriever, Beast King's eyelids contracted.

"No wonder I have the confidence, it turned out to be lucky and picked up a dead golden retriever!"

"As everyone knows, Golden Retrievers only hang out together. It is impossible for you to hunt Jin Retrievers by yourself. You are so cheating when we are three-year-olds!"

Lu Chen curled his lips, "You don't care if I miss it. As far as the sacrifice is concerned, my sacrifice is not lower than yours!"

After that, Lu Chen looked at the other warriors around him, "You said, am I qualified to compete for the title of the first warrior?"

Most of the people were originally on Lu Chen's side, and at this time they responded.

"Since it is the general festival, it should be public. I think this white wolf warrior has also come up with a ninth-level sacrifice, so he should be eligible to compete for the title of the first warrior!"

"They are all ninth-level sacrificial offerings, so the White Wolf Warrior can't be the first warrior for any reason."

"I support the White Wolf Warriors to fight for the first Warrior!"

At this time, thousands of people were supporting Lu Chen, and the entire ceremony site was in chaos.

The high priest looked at the Beastmaster and saw that the latter nodded quietly at him. The high priest waved his scepter and shouted, "It's all quiet!"

"White Wolf Warrior, what is your name?"

"Jackal!" Lu Chen said loudly.

"Well, since you also provided the ninth-level sacrifice, then you are eligible to compete for the position of the first warrior."

"Since you are a warrior, you should fight for honor and for the tribe! I asked you to fight the Beastmaster. Can you dare to fight?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "If you want to learn from each other, I will learn from each other, but if you want to fight each other, then I have to agree."

"Okay! Worthy of being a white wolf warrior, courageous!" The high priest said immediately, as if he didn't want to give Lu Chen any chance to go back.

The black ape's heart has already mentioned his throat, and he trembled, "Duel...this, why do you have to fight, and learn some things, why do you have to take the other party's life!"

"Brother Jackal, let me tell you not to stand up. Look at what you want to do now!"

He looked at the little beast anxiously, and the little beast just sighed, "Hey, I'm going to fight so soon, and I want to see if there is the next stage of war dance, now it seems that there is nothing pretty..."

The black ape looked at the little beast in shock, "A hundred beasts, the jackal is your father, how can you act so indifferently!"

Seeing that the black ape is very concerned about his father, Xiao Beast feels more affectionate about him, and said heartily, "Old Hei, let me tell you, when I worry about my father, that's the situation where my father is almost bound to die. That's it. , My dad can live till now, so ah, I'm already numb. Little scenes like this are not interesting at all. It's better to watch dad dance."

After all, Little Beast was someone who had seen big winds and waves with Lu Chen, so he didn't need to worry about such small scenes.

Black Ape looked puzzled and at a loss, "How do I feel that this time the Jackal Brothers are bound to die..."

For the black ape and others, the situation of the jackal now has no turning point.

After all, the little beast is young, and the black ape turned around and whispered to another tribe, "Spread the word back, saying that the Jackal brothers died for the tribe, and let the White Wolf King pray for the jackal's soul rest in the clan festival."

The man looked at Lu Chen's back and sighed.

The strength of the Beastmaster has reached its peak, and no one is his opponent.

"Hey, the jackal saved us in the first place. During this period of time, he has got along well with us and has become a member of the White Wolf tribe... I didn't expect him to have the courage to take on the duel of the Beast King, at least he did not lose the face of our White Wolf clan!"

"I'll go back now!" After speaking, the man turned and ran quickly, not into the forest.

At the center of the festival area, the Beast King and Lu Chen stood opposite each other.

The beast king folded his arms and looked at Lu Chen with a smile, "Jackal, I said, my prey will die miserably! Today is the day of the ceremony, then use your blood to sacrifice the hunting god!"

The high priest gave an order, and the duel began!

The Beast King burst out with terrifying spiritual power, and a huge illusory figure appeared behind him.

"Hunting Soul!"

"Earth Power·Tear!" A huge hole cracked in the ground, connecting the feet of the Beast King and Lu Chen.

The Beastmaster suddenly disappeared in place, and in the next second, a figure flashed across the crack, and hugged Lu Chen directly from behind him.

The muscles of the two arms of the Beast King slammed, two big hands clasped Lu Chen's chest, and he was about to buckle his fingers into Lu Chen's flesh!

"Hahaha, kid, it's kind, dare to take my duel? Then taste the feeling of being torn apart by me!"

However, the Beastmaster's fingers were as hard as steel, and they didn't cut Lu Chen's flesh!

"what happened!"

Lu Chen was surprisingly calm, and said calmly, "If you want me, you are more kind."

"Have you heard a word?"

"Don't let me alone be close?"

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, he suddenly pressed his right hand on the sturdy arm of the Beastmaster, squeezing hard...

The Beastmaster's arm deformed and collapsed!

"Ah!" The Beastmaster let out a heartbreaking roar, he hurriedly let go of his hand and supported his right shoulder.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and Lu Chen was already standing in front of him.

After he lost with one hand, his right hand became a sword finger and lightly touched the Beastmaster's forehead.

"It doesn't matter if you kill or not, but you really are a bit offensive, and you actually want my life?"

"Then I'm sorry."

"You are dead!"

A slight tingling sensation came...

Lu Chen put down his arm, picked up the golden hairy head on the ground directly, and walked towards the pyramid altar step by step.

Many people still don't understand what happened.

How did the jackal get away, why the Beastmaster didn’t react at all in front of him? He pointed his finger behind the Beastmaster’s forehead, why did the Beastmaster stand motionless...

When Lu Chen had already stepped onto the steps with one foot, a muffled noise suddenly came from behind him.

In a **** mist, the jackal boarded the altar of the hunting god!

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