Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1432: The **** of hunting descends

The whole festival scene was so shocked by this scene that Ya Que was silent.

No wonder everyone can't figure it out, the strength of the Beastmaster in this world is the ceiling here, and ordinary people simply can't stand it!

There was chaos in the black ape's mind, and the jackal clearly said that he was a golden retriever who was hunted by a leak, but why could this guy kill the Beast King in seconds?

And the Beastmaster didn't even have the slightest chance to resist!

The crush of this kind of strength has exceeded their understanding.

When Lu Chen came to the high priest, the high priest seemed to be looking at a monster, shaking all over, not daring to move.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "From now on, for the blessing of the God of Hunting, the White Wolf takes three, and the other races get 70%. Is there a problem?"

Where did the high priest dare to have any questions at this time, and he trembled, "No, no!"

Lu Chen turned his head and no longer looked at the high priest. He carried the head of Jin Maojian and came to the altar.

Behind the altar is a round square pool. The pool is made of all metal. It is high on all sides and slightly lower in the middle. In the center is a statue of a god, half man, half horse, holding a bow and arrow, in the shape of stepping on foot and shooting the sun.

"Half-human..." Lu Chen frowned slightly, the humans here actually believe in half-human gods.

When Lu Chen first came to the Eighth Heaven, he didn't know the Eighth Heaven, but Ziling Immortal Venerable and the others said that the Human Race had no gods in thousands of years, so even if the Eighth Heaven Human Race gods, they are probably extremely rare.

"Hey, how do you talk to the gods!" Lu Chen asked back.

The high priest shook his whole body. He was so afraid of Lu Chen. He was startled when he suddenly spoke.

Fortunately, Lu Chen only asked about the sacrifice process, and did not intend to kill him.

The high priest hurried over, bowed and said, "Please put the best product on the altar, and then drop the blood of the warrior into the holy blood pool where the **** is located. If the hunting **** is satisfied with the tribute offered by the warrior, he will descend upon the gods. Consciousness, bestow the blessing of the hunting **** this year."

Lu Chen nodded, put the head of Jin Maojian on the altar, flicked left and right in the void, cut a hole in the finger of his right hand, and dripped blood into the square pool under the idol.

The drop of blood flowed slowly to the foot of the **** statue along the angle of the pond, and after a while, the blood finally touched the left forelimb of the **** statue!

With a bang, the entire pyramid altar shook suddenly at this moment.

The high priest couldn't stand still, so he had to hold the pillar next to him tightly and shouted in horror, "What's going on, why is there such a big movement!"

"Could it be...the **** of hunting has come?!"

The vibration quickly extended outwards, and the ground around the pyramid began to shake violently, and the towering trees in the distance fell directly!

The scene of the festival was panicked.

"How is this going?"

"The whole earth is shaking. Could it be that the hunting **** is angry?"

The originally cloudless sky was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and strong winds.

Participating in the festival can not stand up, all retreat into the forest, hug the trees in order to stabilize the figure.

The black ape was almost swept away by the strong wind, but was grabbed by the little beast on the side and stabilized.

Now that he is still standing in the open space, I am afraid that only the little beast will be with him.

"Hundred beasts, what the **** is going on? Gods have come before, and there has never been such a horrible phenomenon!" The black ape looked at the changes in the world in horror.

The little beast finally put away his usual cynicism, and slightly frowned and looked at the sky above the pyramid.

There, the clouds swirled, forming a huge whirlpool.

A golden light shot down from the whirlpool.

Something seems to be coming down!

The little beast looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "It's not that the hunting **** has really come down, right."

The figure at the top of the Pyramid of Little Beast King, the gust of wind lifted his robe, but he stood still as a mountain.

"Lao Hei, you find a place to hide, the farther the better, maybe this place will be ruined." After the little beast said, he added a bipolar basalt shield to Lao Hei, then stepped against the wind and walked up the pyramid. altar.

Little Beast came behind Lu Chen, "Dad, I don't know if that guy's real body came down."

Lu Chen also knew that if he now fights with the gods, he will be more ill-informed.

"Let's take a gamble." Lu Chen said, "My time is running out!"

The little beast nodded, and waited for the gods to come with his father.

The clouds rotate until they are as thick as a kilometer!

Finally, a solemn and low voice resounded through the world.

"Interesting! You are the emperor who entered God's Realm as a mortal, I am the only one crazy?!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked into the clouds, and said loudly, "Yes, it's me!"

"So, you are here to fight for my territory?"

Lu Chen said, "I have no interest in your territory, I just want to know where the Hongmeng God Tree is!"

"Hahahaha, I'm the only one who is crazy, I heard you are crazy, why, when you see me, you don't even dare to tell the truth?"

"The eightfold gods, to cultivate the power of the heavens, you must have the people to worship and gather the power of faith. Although you are not a god, you have not opened the way to the gods, but you have broken the upper limit of the king and have already walked out of another path. I am afraid that the same needs The power of these beliefs!"

Lu Chen frowned. He still doesn't have any abilities related to the power of faith. He didn't know if it was the hunting **** who made random guesses, or he missed something.

"I don't care about other people, I have already said that I am not interested in your territory." Lu Chen repeated it.

With a bang, the sky thunder and lightning pierced the sky, as if it symbolized the wrath of the gods!

"Only I am mad. When you come to my territory, you declare war on me. Even if I am only a lower god, I can't tolerate a mortal being arrogant!"

"Want to know the location of the Hongmeng Divine Tree? I think you should go to **** and ask!"

As we spoke, in the clouds, a cloud of golden light became brighter and brighter, illuminating the sky.

A huge God of War, slowly revealing his true body from the whirlpool of clouds.

As soon as the **** descended to the world, the surrounding warriors of all races bowed to the ground without resisting the violent wind.

"My God, the **** of hunting has come! See the **** of hunting!"

"God of hunting, I beg you to give us Frost and Snow tribe peace and peace of mind with my whole family."

"Yes, he is the true hunting god, he, he has come to the world!"

The hunting **** is 50 meters high, and the normal half-human race, even the largest half-rhinoceros, is only three or four meters long, while this half-deer man is more than fifty meters!

He is holding a golden bow, which is already full of bows, "I am the only one who is crazy. With me, you can only die!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "This is not his real body!"

"Dad, how do you know?"

"Even if I become a god, I don't believe that his body will grow so much. The idol in the Tongtian Tower is only a dozen meters away. Can this guy be fifty meters in real body? I don't believe it!"

Lu Chen stared at the hunting god, and said to the little beast, "Little beast, you should step back first and act according to the chance!"

"Yes, Dad!"

Afterwards, Lu Chen yelled in a low voice, "The gods and demons live together!"

His black hair was instantly dyed white, and a black spear rose slowly from the void.

Lu Chen looked at the hunting god, "If you are here in real form, maybe I still care about you a little bit. Just a war spirit wants to kill me? You too overestimate yourself!"

"Since I am here, I must know the answer. Either tell me where the Hongmeng Divine Tree is or..."

"Die to me!"

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