Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1433: The gap between mortals and gods

A ray of arrow light tore through the space, and instantly arrived in front of Lu Chen!

In the Tongtian Pagoda, Lu Chen had already experienced the sixfold attack of the gods' battle spirits.

It's just that Lu Chen didn't know how the battle spirit of this hunting **** compared to the Civil War spirit of the Tongtian Tower, so he tried his best not to stand firm.

In the Tongtian Pagoda, battle spirit attacks cannot be evaded, but this is not the Tongtian Pagoda!

"Nine steps in the void!" Lu Chen's figure was like a flash of lightning, leaving only an afterimage, and then the person had disappeared.

"If you want to run, do you think your opponent is Xianzun?" The hunting **** snorted, and a light arrow shot out from his hand. Hundreds of simple shadows had already shot towards Lu Chen's landing spot.

"Magic Skill·Planar Arrow·Sky Blast!"

The speed of these arrows was extremely fast, and Lu Chen's eyes were round, and it was too late to stop, trying to dodge in an instant.

Boom boom boom boom...Those arrows were actually nailed in the air, as if there was a layer of ground in the void air...

After each arrow hits the ground, it directly detonates a layer of terrifying spiritual power!

The gas ring exploded instantly in this layer of space, like fireworks exploded in the sky, one after another, one ring after another, sweeping the sky!

The little beast couldn't help being shocked when he saw this scene.

Is this the skill of the gods? Obviously, it is not of the same level as Xianzun!

The arrow of the plane of the hunting **** directly blocked the entire sky. This was an attack that I would never have imagined before!

Lu Chen was even blown out directly from the nine steps in the void!

"God and devil too virtual arm! Dragon God form!" Lu Chen hurriedly demonized his arm, struggling to resist the spiritual attack of the plane arrow!

You know, the hunting **** has the power of heaven, that is to say, Lu Chen must withstand 100,000 times of damage!

Even with the perverted defense of the God and Demon Taixu Arm, Lu Chen was shocked again and again, vomiting blood!

"I knew that you had the Supreme Void Arm of the Gods and Demons, but you didn't know that the arrows of my plane contain the power of resonance, which can penetrate your Supreme Void Arms of the Gods and Demons and directly damage your physical body!" God draws a golden bow, and a golden arrow appears on the bow.

"Just relying on you to be a mortal, still want to eat the gods? I am the only one who is crazy, and now I will let you know the true strength of the gods!"

"This is a height you can never reach!"

"Heavenly God Skill·Destruction·Star Breaking Arrow!"

Lu Chen gritted his teeth, suffering from the resonance damage of the arrows of the plane again and again, staring at the golden arrow.

Damn, this god's combat power is too terrifying, and the methods are also invincible.

It is invincible to practice shooting to this level. Blocking the sky can make the opponent unable to get close at all, and then the firepower will be fully fired, and the output will be crazy.

Lu Chen has experienced many battles, and in front of this hunting god, there is no way to fight back!

After a short period of charge, the golden arrow burst out of the air, shooting at Lu Chen at an incredible speed.

At the moment of his death, Lu Chen yelled angrily.

"God is coming!"

Only magical skills can fight against magical skills!

With God's presence, Lu Chen finally avoided the Star Breaking Arrow!

This arrow hit the ground directly, and the earth was penetrated instantly, forming a bottomless abyss!

However, the power of the Star Breaking Arrow did not dissipate. There was a sudden burst of aerodynamics in the depths of the ground, and immediately after a thousand hectares of forest, it was directly visible to the naked eye for four or five meters!

The entire Varro star was shaking at this moment. Large swaths of giant trees fell, countless mountains collapsed, land broke, and wild beasts, ghosts and wolves howled!

The real world is falling apart! The power of this arrow is already enough to change the landforms in a radius of thousands of miles!

Even Lu Chen couldn't help but feel shocked. Is this the true power of the gods? No, this is just the power of the hunting **** and war soul!

"How can it be so strong!" Lu Chen's eyes were cracking, and he looked at the collapsed ground below in horror.

Didn't this guy say that he is a lower god? It seems to be the weakest of the gods, is it already so terrifying?

"Only I am crazy, I underestimate you." The hunting **** appeared not far from Lu Chen instantly. Lu Chen has a **** presence, and he also seems to have a god-level body technique.

The hunting **** looked at Lu Chen coldly, "Isn't it arrogant before? Why, I'm scared now?"

Lu Chen panted hard and stared at the hunting god, "You are better than the battle spirit in the Tongtian Tower!"

"Hahahaha!" The hunting **** laughed wildly, "Did you forget that war spirits are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. Those war spirits in the Tongtian Tower are just for screening those who are qualified to enter the eighth heaven."

"I'm talking about "qualified" candidates. They are far from becoming true gods! Why do we need to make such a screening!"

"Our battle spirits are still of great use. The gods in charge of the Tongtian Pagoda are all gods who don't have their own territory. It's just a matter of exchange for some power of faith. How do they compare to me!"

"Well, although to be honest, I somewhat appreciate your ability to go against the sky, but I will never let you go!"

"This arrow will send you on the road!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath and turned on all the boost states except for the too virtual form to be activated!

At the same time drew out the God and Demon Promise Sword!

Lu Chen couldn't keep a trace of this guy's battle spirit.

"I said, either tell me where the Hongmeng Divine Tree is, or you can only die!" Lu Chen said in a deep voice.

The corner of the hunting god's mouth raised slightly, "If you die, you have the right to threaten the god?!"

"Divine Skill·Planar Arrow·Black Hole!" On the giant bow, a jet black arrow burst out of the air!

The black arrow exploded directly in front of Lu Chen!

Immediately afterwards, a huge suction force came from the black hole...In the middle of the air, a group of rotating black holes suddenly appeared!

This trick Lu Chen was absolutely unexpected. This guy has at least three god-level skills, each of which is so strong!

Lu Chenyun regained his spiritual power and yelled, "God is coming!"

However, I found that I did not move the position!

The hunting **** sneered, "I'm the only one who is crazy, your God Pro seems to have not practiced home... I have been practicing this black hole for thousands of years, do you think it is a magical skill that can escape?"

"You can never escape the black hole!"

Lu Chen was being dragged into the black hole by the huge pulling force, and even Shen Lin couldn't break free, let alone Nine Steps to the Void, the Triple Door, and quickly moved these skills.

An irresistible force is pulling Lu Chen step by step into the blood basin of the black hole!

"Damn it!"

"The fierce tiger descends the mountain! Attack the Void·Sacred Lotus Sword Heart! Attack the Void·Firepower Suppression! Extreme Ice Flame Sword!"

"Heaven's fury spear! Endless dawn! Heaven and earth evil!"

"The earth is on fire!"

Lu Chen used almost all of what he had learned throughout his life, but the black hole swallowed all the attacks. No matter how fierce Lu Chen's attacks were, it would disappear like a mud cow into the sea!


"Don't come here!" Lu Chen roared. At this time, even if it was a small beast, a small hair ball, and Xiao Yuan had come, there was no way to get rid of it.

On the contrary, they will be drawn into the black hole together!

"Only I am crazy, this is the gap between mortals and gods! You can't even defeat my war spirit, and you want to mix in the eighth heaven? Dream!"

Just when Lu Chen had nothing to do, he was about to be drawn into the black hole.

Suddenly, there was a vision in Lu Chen's heart.

It seems that there is a guy in his animal pen...woke up!

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