A few hours later, Lu Chen suddenly rushed out of the water. Hundreds of Chaos Beasts followed closely. This scene had already seen the little beast and the others!

Hundreds of Chaos Beasts rushed forward, Lu Chen shouted violently, "God!"

Lu Chen was already on the shore in an instant. He panted and looked back. The Chaos Beasts finally didn't chase him.

Lu Chen withdrew from the imaginary form, "These guys are really hard to deal with... It seems that it will take a while to get out of here!"

Fortunately, in this trial, Lu Chen's harvest was good.

Not only did he get a lot of rations for Little Beast and Little Mao Tuan, his extreme humanity and God's Prosperity have been improved to varying degrees.

When Lu Chen was resting, he suddenly noticed a response from a sound transmission talisman of the Ten Thousand Realms, and he found this sound transmission talisman.

"I am the only one who is crazy. I am a bone charm. I have two news that I think may be of interest to you."

"A few days ago, a few lower gods found Netherworld to inquire about your whereabouts, and the appearance of the other person was not good. You have to be more careful in Kaitian Holy Land."

"In addition, six months later, our Zizhou God Domain will hold a battle of the gods below the five-star subordinate **** once every 50 years, and the prize seems to be related to the god-devil rebellious set. If you are interested, you can come to me."

Lu Chen widened his eyes and said to the sound transmission note, "The prize is related to the destiny of the gods and demons?"

Unexpectedly, Chuanyinfu responded at that time.

"Only I am crazy, you are here! Yes, I know that you have collected seven gods and demons rebellious suits, and there is also a piece of the gods and demons rebellious suits in the eighth day, called the soul of the gods and demons. The news of the soul of the gods and demons, and one of the rewards of the battle of the gods in the Zizhou, seems to be a clue."

Lu Chen cycled brows.

What a coincidence, not long after I came to the Eighth Heaven, there was news of the Soul of Gods and Demons in the recent Battle of the Gods prizes?

Considering that someone seems to be looking for him, that is to say, it seems that someone pays special attention to himself in eight days.

Will there be a connection between the two?

However, even if this coincidence seemed more like someone deliberately caused him to be taken the bait, Lu Chen had to go.

The rebellion of the gods and demons is the core of Lu Chen's combat power. Apart from the ethereal equipment of the gods and demons Wutian, he must find a way to get the soul of the gods and demons!

"Bone Charm, do you know who is looking for me? How strong is it?"

"They are all members of the Heavenly Dao Temple. I can't see through their strength. To enter the Heavenly Dao Temple, the minimum strength needs to be a five-star lower god!" Bone Mei said, "They seem to have an unfriendly attitude when they mention you. It’s hard to deceive them because of pressure, but he only said that he was teaming up with you to hunt in the Open Heaven Holy Land, but he didn’t say that you later returned to the Open Heaven Holy Land alone. I hope you don’t blame him."

"It's just that, I'm worried, if they follow along and check it out, it shouldn't be difficult to find that you haven't come out at all."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "The Temple of Heaven? What is that place? God's Domain does not also have a school?"

"It's not a sect, but a system of gods organized by Tian Lun, one of the eight main gods."

"The **** system is conducive to gaining more power of faith. In a large world, it is often not a god, but a system of gods. The **** system allows the gods in the system to share the power of belief in multiple worlds. It is more profitable than controlling a small world by yourself."

"Furthermore, there are still struggles in God's Domain. Where there is contention, there must be power, even for us gods."

"I'm the only one who is crazy. It is not clear in the sound transmission. You can come to my world of faith. You will tell you what I can tell you if you want to know."

Little Beast looked at Lu Chen exaggeratedly with a look of "Dad, the opportunity is here".

Lu Chen was also a black line, and gave the little beast a glance.

He said to Tranquility Talisman, "I am trapped somewhere in the Holy Land now, and I will see if I have a chance to go out in the future."

"Oh... well, then you have to be careful, those people should have reached the Holy Land at this moment."

"Okay, thank you Bone Charm!" Putting away the sound transmission note, Lu Chen's expression became solemn.

"As soon as I came to Eighth Heaven, someone came up with clues about the gods and demons' rebellious fate, and it was the battle of the gods below the five-star subordinate gods...little beast, it seems that someone in Eighth Heaven especially wants to see us." Lu Chen looked at it. Little beasts them.

"Temple of Heaven..." Little Beast frowned, "Dad, are you going to the battle of the gods?"

Lu Chen thought for a while and said firmly, "Go!"

"Whether it's against me or not, it's still unclear. Besides, no matter what they want to do, I must get the clue to the soul of the gods and demons!"

"Then, what about those who are looking for you?"

Lu Chen looked at the endless water and smiled slightly, "If they have the ability, they can come here to find me."

For the next time, Lu Chen continued to practice every day.

It's just that in addition to cultivating spiritual power, Lu Chen also deliberately entered the water, using those chaotic beasts to stimulate his potential, and to enhance the extreme of humanity and the perception of God's presence.

By the way, give the little beasts their strength.

In addition, Lu Chen also began to delve into the swordsmanship of Demon Abyss.

[There are ancient demons in the sword, and the sword reveals the devilish energy, like facing the devil abyss, chaotic mind and knowing the sea! 】

[There is only one type of Demon Abyss. Everyone has different accomplishments. Comprehension can be divided into three levels. The primary Demon Abyss is average in power, slightly stronger than the top immortal arts, and the Intermediate Demon Abyss, whose power is beginning to appear, can be the same as ordinary magic skills. War, the top Demon Abyss, chaotic God moves Buddha. 】

"It's actually the sword technique of divine consciousness attack?" Lu Chen was quite surprised. It was the first time he encountered this skill.

And according to the instructions of the Demon Abyss, if you can comprehend the top Demon Abyss, the power seems to be stronger than the ordinary magical skills, and the gods and Buddhas are unstoppable!

There is only one type of Demon Abyss, but if it can really shake the mind of the gods and Buddhas, it can definitely be called one of the killer's trump cards!

In six months, the battle of the gods in the Zizhou Divine Realm is about to begin. Lu Chen’s physical body is probably worthy of a five-star lower god, but his divine skills are too few. With Demon Abyss, Lu Chen’s The odds of winning will be much greater.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen shifted the center of his training to God's Prosperity, the Extreme of Humanity, and Demon Abyss.

Five months later, Lu Chen went into the water again to practice.

This time, he tried for two full days.

The underwater chaotic beasts were sent to Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Beast, and Rhubarb by Lu Chen.

The two beasts have food they can't finish, and their strength has skyrocketed.

Two days later, Lu Chen emerged from the water, "There is not much left of the underwater Chaos Beast, you leave the Holy Land with me!"

"You can go?!" The little beast danced with excitement, and finally left this ghost place!


Returning to the land, I was mad to find that the entire land chaos beast entrenched at the entrance of the lake had already dispersed.

Lu Chen instantly turned on the symbiosis of gods and demons, shot out like a dragon, and quickly solved a few chaotic beasts nearby.

"Let's go!" As he said, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I want to see who is so interested in us!"

Lu Chen sent a voice transmission to Bai Gu,

"Bone Charm, I am looking for you now and take me to the Battle of the Gods to meet the world." Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly.

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