Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1448: The eight gods system

"Dad, do you think that white bone spirit is theirs?" Little Beast asked.

Lu Chen said calmly, "It's very simple. I just told Gu Mei to come out now. If she really is from the Temple of Heaven, we should be able to meet their people as soon as we go out."

Little Beast frowned. It turned out that Dad hadn't been dazzled by the woman. However, it seemed that with Dad's character, women seemed to be unable to deceive him...

If you don't ask for anything, you can't deceive!

Just in case, Lu Chen summoned the little beasts back for the time being.

Sure enough, until Lu Chen left the Holy Land, he didn't meet anyone from the Temple of Heaven's Path.

It was five months since the people from the Temple of Heaven came to look for Lu Chen. They couldn't find the island in the lake, and they wouldn't stay here forever.

Not long after, they saw the bone charm hurriedly and walked towards them quickly.

"I'm the only one crazy, come with me."

When it reached a place with few people, Bone Charm stopped and took out the teleportation talisman, "I don't know if the people in the Temple of Heaven have gone, let's leave here and go into my world of faith."

Lu Chen nodded and teleported along with Bone Charm.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen has entered a strange world.

There are villages in the distance, and the smoke is full of smoke, but a large area of ​​land is still occupied by cemeteries, which is far wider than the bustling houses.

"This, this is..."

Bone Charm smiled slightly, "This is the world of the undead, and this cemetery is the cradle of the undead, and do you see that the living people are almost the same as your human race?"

Lu Chen nodded, judging from the figures working in the fields, it was indeed very similar to humans.

"But their life span is only forty years. By the time they reach the young and middle ages, most people will...In your words, it's "death", but in the world of the undead, it's called new life."

Lu Chen frowned, and it seemed that these humans and his own people were indeed not the same race.

"Our undead clan, three people come from such an undead world, and another 70%, after the death of the ten thousand clan, is invaded by the dead souls, and is called the dead clan."

"They have the flesh and bones of ten thousand races, but they are still pure undead tribesmen." Gumei's introduction to the tribesmen was meticulous, which opened Lu Chen's eyes.

"Come on, I'll take you to my residence here." Gu Mei took Lu Chen's hand, and with a movement of her mind, she had already reached the top of a snow-capped mountain.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, thinking that Bone Charm's residence was a tomb or something, but he didn't expect it to be just a small wooden house on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

"Come in?" Gu Mei smiled and looked at Lu Chen, waiting patiently for Lu Chen's response.

Lu Chen nodded and entered the cabin.

There is a fireplace in the house, burning flames, making the small room extra warm.

"You live here?"

Bone Charm smiled, "The undead clan is special. Because we don't need to cut off the dust, no matter how high our cultivation level is, we want to feel the life of ordinary people."

"In comparison, before we were born, we were more like a walking dead."

Sure enough, there are no wonders in the world, and Lu Chen has seen an interesting race.

"Only I am crazy, you... are you going to participate in the battle of the gods? I am worried that someone designed it to lure you to the past."

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "The rebellion of gods and demons is very important to me, I must go and see."

"But you are a mortal after all. As the name suggests, the battle of the gods is all gods, but in the past the battle of the gods, no matter which region of the gods, the five-star subordinate gods will eventually win!" Bone Mei said, "the gods are no better than the gods. For a mortal, every level of improvement is the result of a hundred years of cultivation, a one-star improvement, the difference in strength is tens of thousands of miles."

"You are a mortal. When you are under the influence of the divine power of heaven, it is difficult to fight the gods."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Thank you for the reminder, but although I am a mortal, I am not afraid of gods!"

A gleam of light flashed in Bone Mei's eyes, and perhaps he had heard so many deeds of Sopranos. It was this fact of Sopranos that made herself look at him with admiration.

"Girl Bone Charm, the competition will start a month later, can I participate?" Lu Chen asked.

"Yes, as long as you are not higher than the five-star lower god, you can participate."

Lu Chen asked again, "Then if I win, will the prize be given to me?"

"If you win, they must give you prizes. The Eight Gods Realms are governed by the Eight Supreme Lord Gods. This kind of event is also held by the God System of the Eight Supreme Lord Gods. The purpose is to absorb more Gods into your own God System."

"Once a breach of contract breaks promise, who would join a system of untrustworthy gods? At that time, even the power of faith that should belong to him may be deprived of it."

Lu Chen nodded and asked again, "Who are the eight supreme gods?"

"It is not convenient for me to mention the names, but please remember that the **** systems controlled by the eight supreme master gods are divided into eight **** systems, namely, god, demon, Tao, Buddha, demon, spirit, life, and death."

"They also control eight powers against the sky, control the three realms, and coordinate the ten thousand races."

Lu Chen couldn't help asking, "Then which system do you belong to?"

"Me? I'm not eligible to join the **** system. The minimum requirements of the major **** systems are slightly different, but basically they all need five-star subordinate gods or above. Only such gods can be considered to have some of their own belief worlds before they are eligible to join the system. Share the world of faith with others."

"Besides, I may not join the system. I don't want to fight for anything. It's not bad to be a happy god."

As expected, Lu Chen was a little confused in the world of God.

"By the way, I am the only one who is crazy, you must remember a little during the battle of the gods." Bone Charm suddenly said as if thinking of something.


"The battle of the gods is theoretically a melee, but because the strongest five-star subordinate gods are almost all joined to the eight major gods system, the battle often evolves into a contest between the eight major systems."

"When they eliminate the gods of other systems, they will compete internally...and you, it seems that you can't get the approval of any system, it is very likely that you will fight alone to the end."

Lu Chen silently wrote down Bone Mei's instructions.

"I'll live here for you first. If you have anything to do, use the sound transmission talisman to practice me at any time." Gu Mei took a peek at Lu Chen's reaction. Seeing that Lu Chen had no objection, she was a little bit disappointed...


There is still more than half a month before the battle of the gods in the Zizhou Divine Realm, and Lu Chen still has some time to practice.

In actual combat, he doesn't need to practice anymore, only in this world of reversal of life and death, he can absorb the spirit of life and death...

Twenty days later, on this day, Bone Charm came to this world.

In the snow, the white-haired man opened his eyes slightly, but saw that in addition to the bone charm, two other people were also coming.

"Only I am crazy!" Netherworld came to Lu Chen without a little bit, "You, do you really want to participate in the battle of the gods as a mortal?"

Withered Claw also came to Lu Chen, "Brother Madness, in the battle of the gods, you may become the target of the public, you, you have to think twice! It is better to hunt with us in the holy land and slowly improve your cultivation..."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. He knew that today was the day of the battle of the gods.

He stood up slowly, his white hair dancing in the wind and snow, he looked at his palm.

"Thank you three for your concern, but..."

"I am the gods and demons, why not be afraid to target! Even if it is the battle of the gods, even if it is a layout design, I will take this battle of the gods!"

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