Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1485: Gathering wealth and people's hearts

Lu Chen doesn't need any other materials in the veins. As long as the supernatural power stone, for the other teams, this transaction is definitely a waste of money.

"This... Brother Dulun, how can we refuse it!"

"Unexpectedly, we can also have the opportunity to share a piece of the pie, but I am crazy. With so many of us, we will ransack the mineral vein first, and I promise to find you all the power stones!"

Nightmare thought for a while, and said, "Everyone, Brother Du Kuang is willing to share the opportunity with us, but we can't take advantage of others. Let's first sign an immortal agreement to ensure that the ore is not privately stored, and exchange the corresponding magic stone for other resources. ."

"Yes, yes, this can also prevent people from collecting only the ore they need and not looking for the supernatural stone."

Nightmare said, "That's it. People from all departments please report the main vein information. We have one day to collect it."

"This mineral vein is not the largest in terms of scale, but it is a brand-new mineral vein, and all on the ground is wealth. After signing the immortal agreement, everyone should avoid chaos beasts and gather them quickly!"

Nightmare has been busy helping Lu Chen. After these teams signed the immortal agreement, they scattered around in a hurry, looking for ore.

Not long after, only the Lu Chen team and the Nightmare team were left here.

"Thank you for helping me," Lu Chen said with a fist to Nightmare.

He was also experienced in Nightmare, and considered more meticulously than Lu Chen.

Nightmare smiled and looked at Lu Chen meaningfully, "I am the only one..." He said Lu Chen's name again, "I used to think you are an arrogant person. Seeing you today really surprised me. Unexpectedly."

"You remind me of some people I met a long time ago..."

It seems that the nightmare is a reminder of the experience before becoming a god.

Afterwards, Nightmare looked at Lu Chen again, "Brother Du Kuang, in fact, I have seen many dreams of gods. Some people think that they have cut off Chen Yuan, but...Is Chen Yuan cut off if he wants to?"

"Someone has sealed their past in dust and dare not think of it, but you live more real than any god, really envy..."

With a sigh, Nightmare said, "Brother Du Kuang, I have no friends in God's Domain for Nightmare. If you don't dislike it, you can come to me if you need me in the future."

"This is my transmission note."

Lu Chen took the sound transmission note and said, "It's also an honor for me to get acquainted with Brother Nightmare."

Nightmare smiled and nodded, his eyes full of approval, "Well, our team is going to pick up money, this kind of good thing, if you miss it, I'm afraid there will be no second time, hahahaha."

These 200 teams are all professional mining teams with rich experience and know how to avoid chaos beasts. Little Green is extremely high.

In one day, there were more and more magical stones in front of Lu Chen.

Of course, they also got a lot of benefits themselves, and each team made a lot of money.

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai have returned to their original appearances. The two stood aside, watching Lu Chen sitting here to collect the magic stone.

"This kid is too good at being a human being. The income is more than the four of them found, and he also attracted people's hearts by the way!" said the handsome.

Da Zhuang glanced at his mouth, "His thinking is different from that of others! The crisis handling several times along the way is remarkable, hey, to be honest, I really want to take it..."

"Why do you want to close?" The handsome squinted at Da Zhuang.

"I think..." Da Zhuang said halfway, and saw the handsome gaze with malicious intent, and stopped immediately, "What I want to do, you need to control it!"

The two looked away again, but they didn't know what they were making.

A day later, Lu Chen's backpack was full of large and small magic stones.

It's a pity that there is no Shenwei spar here, it seems to be extremely rare, it is something that you can't find.

Lu Chen got a lot of supernatural stones, and the other teams also dug a lot of ore, which can be said to be a lot of joy.

Soon the people of the eight lines will come to the mining area. Lu Chen didn't want to meet the people of the eight lines, and was ready to leave.

There were several mid-level gods, all team captains, who left Lu Chen with a sound transmission, saying that they hoped to keep in touch in the future.

Lu Chen thanked them one by one, and they quickly left the mining area with Nether.


After leaving the mining area, Lu Chen quickly left the holy ground to avoid the people of the Eight Elements and came to the world of Bone Charm's faith.

Inside the cabin, Lu Chen looked at You Ming and the others. Now the three of them wrapped themselves tightly, not skeletons, but more like mummies.

Even the human form can't be transformed, indicating that the strength of the three has been greatly reduced.

The life bone is a weakness for the undead race, but it is also a source of power outside the spiritual core. It is like the spiritual core of other races. The spiritual core provides spiritual power, but it is extremely fragile.

Lu Chen felt sad. The three of them teamed up with him and kept helping him because he didn't protect his good friends.

He asked, "Is there any way to help you restore your vitality?"

Nether said, "We undead race can cultivate life bones by ourselves. It only takes some time. You, don't worry about us."

How could Lu Chen fail to see that Nether was pretending to be relaxed, if the life bones were so good at cultivation, wouldn't the undead have dozens of life bones for everyone?

"Then, how do you cultivate vitality?" Lu Chen could only ask from another angle.

Withered Claw said, "Oh, this is no secret. Some tombs contain undead spiritual energy. We refine spiritual energy and then cultivate life bones."

Lu Chen thought for a while, and the three people of You Ming didn't have much faith in the world, otherwise they wouldn't have to spend time in the holy places.

Rhubarb mentioned that the outer world is extremely chaotic and there are constant battles. In this case, places like battlefields and cemeteries are definitely indispensable.

The long-term accumulation of dead energy in these places must be very scary, and there should be very few undead people going to practice.

If they can take the Netherworld away, it would definitely be an opportunity for them to improve their strength.

It’s just that the Taoist elders said that within nine days, ordinary people cannot enter the sky...

Later, Nether and the others left for now.

Lu Chen closed the door and looked at the two people sitting in the corner.

"Two seniors..."

Da Zhuang smiled slightly, "Boy, do you want to take them to Heaven?"

Lu Chen clasped his fist and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from the seniors, but the Taoist elders said that no one can pass through that passage, and I just took a risk, but they... I am afraid it will be difficult to pass."

Da Zhuang thought for a while and said, "Well, I'm sorry, since we said we won't help you, then we won't point you."

Lu Chen sighed, and the two of them still refused to tell him.

A lost person came to the snow-capped mountains, and Lu Chen seized the time to practice for the time being.

This exercise was in the middle of the night.

While Lu Chen was cultivating, a small voice suddenly heard around him, "Little Lu Chen, come to Houshan! Quietly, don't let Pangu see it!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen opened his eyes, and there was no sign of anyone around.

It's Transsion!

You don't need to transmit the sound directly, it seems that only Pangu and Jiuyou can do it.

"Senior Jiuyou?"

"Oh, hurry up, Pangu is asleep, and I'll be waiting for you in the back mountain!" The voice seemed a little anxious, and it felt like a thief.

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