Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1486: See you later

Lu Chen came to the other side of the snow mountain, where someone was already waiting for him.

"Senior Jiuyou, what can I do for you?"

"Shhh! Be quiet!" Nine Youshen came to Lu Chen babblingly, and whispered, "Don't you want to take Nether and the others to Heaven?"

Lu Chen was also infected, arched his body, and whispered, "Yes! Is there any way Senior can do it?"

"It's also a coincidence." Someone said, "After they were taken away from the two life bones, their strength was greatly reduced, and their strength was not strong, now it is estimated that they are not even gods."

"The teleportation formation from the nine heavens to the outside of the sky is set in the eighth heaven. From the lower gods to the highest lord gods, they cannot pass, but those who do not reach the gods can pass!"

"Ah? Why is this?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"Because in the Eighth Layer of Heaven, there are all gods!" said naturally, "you are an alternative! And if you want to take Nether and the others... it may still be a little unsafe, it's better to take them last The life bone is destroyed, so it will be more stable."

"The last life bone is destroyed!" Lu Chen's eyes widened, the sacrifice seemed a bit big, "Isn't that, they are all going to die?"

"No, I don't mean to completely destroy it, but to refine and weaken their life bones." Jiuyou said, "make their life bones extremely weak, but not to fall. This requires you to control your spiritual power. To the extreme!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Well, is this a bit too dangerous?"

Jiuyou looked at Lu Chen, and suddenly asked, "Judging from how many times you have confronted the enemy, you have reached the third level of spiritual energy, right?"


Jiuyou touched his chin, "That shouldn't be a problem... you have confidence in your own aura."

"This... is somewhat confident, but... is this really the only way to do that?"

"Then give it a try. You know, the outer world has been around for longer than nine days. The alien beasts kill each other all year round and are in chaos. The death spirit contained in it is thousands of times stronger than this world of undead belief!"

"There is really no race that is more suitable for cultivating outside the sky than the undead race."

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger. What if you lose three fatal bones, as long as they can go out, their strength will definitely improve!"

Lu Chen furrowed his brows and meditated for a while and said, "I still need to discuss this matter with them."

"It's just, senior, why are you suddenly willing to help me?"

"I...I can help you!" Jiuyou suddenly became very serious, "I, I am helping them!"

"Okay, I should go back too, otherwise Pangu will find me. You take a good look, and you missed this opportunity. With Nether's qualifications, I am afraid that the achievements are very limited."

After Jiuyou finished speaking, he disappeared.

Lu Chen returned to the original place with great thoughts. He wanted to continue practicing, but found that he was not in the mood.

Nether and the others have helped them so much. If they hadn't helped Lu Chen find mineral veins, they wouldn't lose their cultivation base. Lu Chen naturally hoped to help them improve their strength.

It's just that this matter is really dangerous, he wants to refine, but their last life bone, a little bit worse, the three of them will fall.

Be safe, they can still improve their level by practicing slowly. In contrast, I don't know how they will choose.

In the middle of the night, Lu Chen was unable to practice, so he simply leaned against the rock to rest.

"Hey, Xiao Lu Chen." A voice suddenly came from behind him.

Lu Chen was shocked. Looking back, Da Zhuang was already sitting next to him.

Fortunately, this guy didn't plan to kill himself, otherwise I don't know how he died!

"Senior Pangu, you, why are you here?"

"Hey!" Da Zhuang smiled triumphantly, "Did you find that there is still a big gap with me?"

"Boy, remember, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside the world." Pangu suddenly started the preaching mode.

"Uh... Senior Pangu, I don't think I'm much better."

"Hahaha, you don't need to be humble. I just hoped that you can guard against arrogance and rashness. In terms of your growth rate, emergency response ability, combat skills, thinking, there is really something."

Pangu was actually complimenting himself, which made Lu Chen feel that this guy might not have any good intentions.

"Senior, what are you trying to say?"

"Ahem...I'm just passing on some experience to you." Pangu's word "transmit" is very heavy. When he said it, he also looked at Lu Chen with a meaningful look, as if he hoped he could understand something.

Lu Chen blinked, thought for a while, and said, "Oh."

Oh? One "oh" is gone?

Da Zhuang scratched his head in a hurry. This kid looks very savvy. I said so blatantly. I didn't even understand what it meant.

But no wonder he, I guess he didn't think in that direction at all, after all, his usual performance is so cold.

It seems that the image needs to be changed.

Thinking of this, Pangu stood up, walked in front of Lu Chen, with his hands folded, looking at the sky full of stars.

"The peak of the martial arts, the mountains, the sky and the galaxy, all the eyes, the practitioners, no one can imagine this scene. Of course, the martial arts is difficult to reach the sky, alone, and it is difficult to walk alone..." Pangu's voice Become unpredictable, deep and deep.

After Pangu finished speaking, he waited for a while, but there was no echo behind him.

Pangu turned around and found that Lu Chen was just in a daze...

This kid, can't you tell me at all?

Pan Gu sighed, okay, let's start with what's in front of him.

"Little Luchen, still worrying about your friend?"

"Yeah." Lu Chen finally recovered.

"Did you know that the eight supreme gods lasted for a thousand years and opened up a new passage to heaven? And this passage can be passed by many people!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen's eyes widened, "I don't know about this."

Pan Gu nodded, "The Eighth Heaven seems to have made a big move this time, but it's a pity that your friend is not strong enough to even get into the Eighth Element."

"So, if you want to take them out of the sky, you can only go the other way, weaken their strength to below the gods, and then you can enter from the original channel."

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and Pangu's advice was the same as that of Jiuyou!

The two great gods said so, so it seems that there is only one way!

"Xiao Luchen, you asked me what Nine Heavens are. To be honest, I don’t know. After all, I’m a person of the past. Even, since the turbulence of time and space where I live is within nine days, I am now part of the nine days. , But one thing I can tell you is that it must be powerful enough to exceed your imagination!"

"Even... beyond my strength back then!"

"So, if you want to be on the Nine Heavens, at least you have to surpass me back then!"

Lu Chen frowned.

Pangu more than that year? The creator of the world? !

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