Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1503: Outside the rules

"Boss..." Lu Yiyi looked at the man in front of him nervously, "You, are you okay?"

Lu Chen glanced at Lu Yiyi lightly and frowned suddenly.

This move made Lu Yiyi suddenly nervous.

This time the boss has changed so much, even she is not sure if the boss is still the same as before.

"Boss, you..."

Lu Chen finally said, "How long have you...have not bought a fashion? Look at this one on your body, it's almost worn out. I will buy you a few more sets after nine days."

Lu Yiyi has been running around for more than ten years, and all his clothes are a little damaged.

However, Lu Yiyi can still care about what fashion is not. She threw herself into Lu Chen's arms and said excitedly, "Boss, I thought that after you break through, you will be as cold and ruthless as everyone else."

Lu Chen frowned, "Silly girl, I have changed a long time ago if I became like that."

Qian Ji couldn't help it, and asked from the side, "Well, Lu Chen, what level are you now?"

Xiao Lu immediately remembered this question, and hurriedly let go of Lu Chen to look at his badge.

Nine Star Wild God Demon Emperor (variation).

"Huh? Why hasn't it changed?" Lu Yiyi tilted his head and asked strangely, "Oh, by the way, this is outside the sky!"

However, Lu Chen shook his head, "I don't know, I just feel that I am stronger than before, but I am not sure if I have broken through to the next level."

"You, have you become stronger again?" Qian Ji's eyes widened, "Well, I really admire you this time. If I lose to you, I am convinced by Qian Ji!"

Lu Chen glared at Qianji, "So, you were still not convinced before?"

Qian Ji looked at her raised hand, her face changed drastically.

"No, no, I mean..."

With a slap in the face, Qian Ji gave himself a mouth.

Qian Ji cried and said, "Lu Chen, you are so strong, why don't you forget to torture me! I helped you so much, you, you can't be nice to me!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Although you have been doing pretty well recently, you could not forgive my sister when you moved my sister."

Qian Ji suddenly lost her temper, and only felt wronged in her heart, tears wandering in her eyes.

Seeing Qianji's grievance, Lu Chen only felt so angry and funny.

After all, Qianji could not become Lu Chen's confidant. If he had been defeated at the beginning, it would obviously not be what it is today.

"Boss, Little Beast, they have been outside for more than ten years." Little Green said, "I miss them a bit."

Lu Chen nodded, "Yes, thirteen years have passed in a blink of an eye. I don't know how strong they are now, let me ask them."

Lu Chen took out the sound transmission note and sent a message to Xiao Beast.

After a while, the little beast replied.

"Dad, we are all fine, but we still want to be outside for a while."

Lu Chen was quite surprised, how hard did this group of guys be?

"Boss, shall we wait for them here?" Xiaolu asked.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Forget it, we have been out for too long. Let's go back for nine days."


Lu Chen recalled Little Green and the Earth Puppet, and took another look at the planet.

The mother who appeared in the dream may not be real, but this planet gave him new hope.

"Pole Star, thanks!" After saying that, Lu Chen disappeared in place, and in a blink of an eye he had reached a planet on the edge of the galaxy.

Nether, Withered Claw and Bone Mei are still cultivating. Seeing Lu Chen who suddenly appeared, they hurriedly stood up.

"Crazy alone!"

Lu Chen looked at the three of them slightly, and the strength of these three had actually been promoted to a three-star mid-level god.

He smiled slightly and said, "You have risen to the stars again?"

Nether Ming said embarrassedly, "Hey, it's all the dead energy accumulated before. Now there are a lot of undead races on the battlefield, and we don't have much advantage in cultivation."

"Yes, and our level has been improved, but the corresponding strength still needs to be strengthened."

"With our qualifications, if we raise the level, it will definitely not be as easy as before."

Lu Chen nodded, at least they were much higher than their previous level.

"Brother Kuang, do you have any gains in Pole Star?" Bone Mei asked, "You are now... the Nine Star Human Emperor? Have you improved so much?!"

"Pole Star is very suitable for my cultivation, so the level rises very quickly." Lu Chen didn't explain too much, after all, he doesn't know what level he is now.

Since there is not much room for improvement here, Lu Chen happened to take Nether and them back for nine days.

It took Lu Chen four or five years to go from Teleportation Array to Polestar before, but this time it took Lu Chen only three months to go back.

His jumping distance has been ten times longer than before!

By observing the star map, Lu Chen also understood the current battle situation in the Tianwai battlefield.

The alien beasts from the outside world fought back, and the nine heavenly gods retreated steadily, but the eight supreme gods never appeared.

It is worth mentioning that the Demon Sealing God of War had appeared several times at the beginning of the Alien Beast's counterattack, but after the Alien Beast regained its advantage, he suddenly disappeared.

"Strange, why does the Conferred Demon War God want to help the alien beasts outside the sky?" Nether Ming said, "Isn't he extremely crazy? Where is the consciousness of enemy and me?"

Lu Chen also thought about this question and said, "Perhaps it is its obsession."

"It was originally the patron saint of that world. In order to gain power and enchantment, even if it awakens again, the hatred of Jiu Tian has not been completely eliminated. Therefore, it should give priority to killing the Gods of Jiu Tian compared to alien beasts.

"Unexpectedly, the mad war **** is also a poor man..." Bone Mei sighed, "There is so much helplessness in this world."

A few days later, Lu Chen and the others returned to the planet where they had settled when they first arrived outside the sky.

Lu Chen told them to open the portal again, and a black hole appeared in front of them before long.

"Can we still use this portal?" Dry Claw asked suddenly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "The reason why this teleportation formation cannot pass is because there is a one-way defensive formation hidden inside. We are now entering the nine days, which is equivalent to passing the situation. You will be fine."

"Brother Mad, how did you know?"

"I didn't know it at first, but then I thought about it again and found that the auras in the teleportation array are connected to each other, similar to the defensive array."

"Aura connection connection?" The Nether three people didn't understand.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, I will take you back."

Since Lu Chen said it was okay, the three of You Ming no longer hesitated, and at the same time stepped into the black hole.

This time, Lu Chen didn't even feel the familiar feeling of dizziness. He could sense that the spiritual powers were connected to each other, and they followed these spiritual power channels and entered the nine days from outside the sky!

As soon as he arrived at the exit, Lu Chen discovered that the people waiting for him were not the three elders of the Dao family, but two people who were far away.

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai were separated by dozens of meters, and when he saw Lu Chen coming out, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Good fellow, Xiao Lu Chen, are you ready to synthesize!" Da Zhuang looked excited.

It's just that Da Zhuang looked at Lu Chen again, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Huh? Xiao Lu Chen, you are now..."

Lu Chen looked at his badge, it was still the Nine Star Human Emperor.

But Lu Chen was not depressed. He raised his hand in front of everyone, and the badge disappeared!

This mark that could not be removed in nine days was erased by Lu Chen!

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