Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1504: Big and handsome test

Lu Chen stretched out his hands, looking helpless, "Now it's all right, I don't know what realm I am anymore."

Da Zhuang and Da Shuai frowned, glanced at each other, and then walked together and muttered together.

"What's going on? Even if it's the Nine-Star Human Emperor, you can't erase the badge."

"I don't know! You and I are not considered gods within nine days in the strict sense, and you don’t have a badge. This guy is from Jiutian, but he can erase the badge... Could it be because he has surpassed the nine-star emperor, Jiutian? Can't recognize it?"

Lu Chen walked to the two of them and frowned, "Two seniors, do you want to test my current strength?"

The two exchanged glances and said in unison, "Yes!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Okay, please wait for me in the Debone Demon World of Faith. I'll meet the Taoist Third Elder first, and I will come later."

"Okay, we wait for you, you kid hurry up!"

Lu Chen nodded, then raised his hand again, and the badge on his chest appeared again.

The badge still says Nine Star Human Emperor.

The Taoist elders were definitely not his own, and Lu Chen didn't want them to know too much.

After that, Lu Chen used the teleportation talisman to come to the residence of the Taoist Elders.

The Taoist elders already knew that Lu Chen was coming back, and were waiting in the cave at this time. After seeing Lu Chen coming, the three hurried to Lu Chen's side.

"Lu Chen, how is it?"

Lu Chen clasped his fist and said, "The three predecessors, the nine large groups of stars hide the important information for comprehending the Dao of Heaven, and the eight supreme gods should all be comprehending the Dao of Heaven now, and the place where they are enlightened corresponds to the eight star groups in the nine large groups of stars. ."

"I guess the hidden heavenly guidance of the eight star clusters should be different. As for what it is, I can't be sure."

Taizhen frowned slightly, "You have already talked about the nine major star clusters before, and we have carefully observed afterwards and discovered that the eight supreme gods are based on their order, and they have comprehended the heavens in the eight major stars!"

As the saying goes, people are not as good as the sky, and the Taoist elders deliberately let Lu Chen go outside the sky, but he didn't expect Kong Gu to understand the way of heaven one step in advance.

"You went to Pole Star?"

Lu Chen said frankly, "Go."

"What did you find?"

"Pole Star has been a great help to my cultivation. I have cultivated to the Nine Star Human Emperor. There is a stone tablet on the Pole Star. The information on it tells me that the Human Emperor is the limit of mortal cultivation."

"Because of this, I'm sure that the eight star clusters also have the same hint."

Xuan Zhen frowned, "It seems that our initial guess is correct. The key to breaking through the Eighth Heaven is outside the sky! It's a pity that the Supreme God is not stupid than us, but has found the way to enlightenment before us!"

The three elders sighed.

Currently the eight major star clusters are occupied by the Supreme God, and it seems that they are temporarily unavailable.

Taixing looked at Lu Chen again, "Did you find Mengmo?"

"I found it." Lu Chen said, "I would like to ask the three seniors to tell me how to find Mu Sheng."

The three of them looked at each other, and finally Dao Chen said, "Now Hongmeng is enlightening the way of heaven, and the alien races outside the sky are almost nine days away. They haven't made any shots yet. It can be seen that they have no plans to make shots before the Dao of Heaven is reached."

"This is the most appropriate time for you to find Mu Sheng."

"She is in the world of Hongmeng Faith, on the planet of the tree god."

"But you have to pay attention, Mu Sheng has no previous memories, so she will treat you as an intruder. As a result..."

Lu Chen nodded, "Thank you, senior."

Although the relationship between the Taoist elders and Lu Chen was a cooperative relationship, the elders were also very honest. In this regard, Lu Chen did not dislike the three.

Everything that should be reported has already been reported, and Lu Chen turned around to leave.

At this moment, Taixing asked, "Lu Chen, if the emperor is the end, what will you do next?"

Lu Chen stopped, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Human Sovereign is the end of mortal cultivation, but not my end!"


Starting from the world of bone charm belief, Lu Chen led everyone to find a barren planet.

This planet has only endless loess, and the undulating ground forms winding mountains, but no plant is seen.

On the extremely empty field, Nether, withered claws, and Bone Mei stood aside, watching the three people nervously.

"Xiao Luchen, are you ready? The test has started!" Da Zhuang smiled slightly, "Don't be nervous, at most I will only have the strength of a one-star upper god."

"I can use two stars!" The handsome said abruptly, one star higher than Da Zhuang.

Da Zhuang glared at Da Shuai, "Is it interesting?"


Lu Chen is also a black line, and the two of them are still the same as expected.

"Two seniors, you don't need to limit your own strength." Lu Chen said, "I also want to see to what extent my strength can reach."

Lu Chen's words quickly pulled away the hatred.

"Oh, the little guy's self-confidence is a little overwhelming." The handsome man looked at Lu Chen with a smile.

"It's been less than 20 years since I have been outside of the world, and my confidence in speaking has changed. Okay, this is what you said. Don't say that we bully the small by the big time."

"Light up the weapon."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "You two don't need weapons?"

"My sky-opening axe can't be brought out." Da Zhuang said, "but it doesn't matter, for you kid, let alone weapons, I can give you two hands and one leg."

The situation of Dashuai should be the same as Dazhuang, unable to bring weapons out of the turbulence of time and space.

"Little Luchen, don't cry for a while."

Lu Chen smiled, and honestly took out the Void Destroyer Spear, the Gods and Demons Promise Sword, and the Chaos Magic Scepter.

"I'm going, we don't use weapons, you actually took out three at once...too much!" Pan Gu couldn't help but feel a little frustrated when he saw these three weapons.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "I want to try my own strength, so naturally I have to go all out. Anyway, the two seniors should be able to deal with it."

After that, Lu Chen let out a low voice, "God and demons coexist!"

Dragon God Form, Demon Transformation, War God Possession, God and Demon Taixu Arm, God and Demon View Eye, Heart Demon, God and Demon Star, Taixu Form, Dragon God Form, Place of Death, Dragon Blood Boiling, God and Demon Tianwei ...

Suddenly, an extremely surging spiritual power exploded around Lu Chen in an instant!

The violent spiritual energy aroused the dust in the sky, and a large pit with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared directly under Lu Chen's feet!

The Nether three people were directly shocked by hundreds of meters!

The dust dissipated, and a man with white hair, dragon scales and demonized arms suspended in the air.

Around him, three artifacts hovered around him.

Seeing this scene, Da Zhuang and Da Shuai looked a little unnatural.

"This guy...this is, what kind of strength is this!"

"Ahem, that, Xiao Lu Chen, as the so-called liger fights the rabbit, we all try our best. What we said just now was a joke. If you really fight, you have to be careful. We will still use that little strength. ."

Condescendingly, Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Two seniors, in short, I am the strongest form. As for the two, you are free!"

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