Pangu and Jiuyou finally got serious.

The two erupted at the same time with amazing spiritual power. For a while, on this unknown planet, wind and sand stormed and the atmosphere revolved, like a world where chaos had begun, a chaos.

"Jiuyou, I'll come first!" Pangu yelled and flashed in front of Lu Chen, "Xiao Lu Chen, within three moves, you will lose! Okay, I'll let you make the move first!"

Jiuyou still took a step slower, and shouted dissatisfiedly, "Pangu, you despicable villain!"

Pangu is Pangu after all, face is still very important, let Lu Chen act first.

Lu Chen was not at all polite, grabbing the Extinguishing Spear in one hand, "Tai Xu Form·Nine Spear Quick Shadow Spear!"

In an instant, Lu Chen turned into a golden light and shot towards Pangu.

Pangu widened his eyes, "Nine shots?! This guy!"

"Great Universe Spirit Shield!" In front of Pan Gu, a huge spiritual shield appeared.

With a loud bang, after the collision between the Nine Guns Speed ​​Shadow Spear and the Great Universe Spirit Shield, a huge turbulence of spiritual power was generated, and the aftermath moved directly to the surrounding mountains.

Seeing this scene, the three of You Ming were already shocked beyond words.

"Have you made a mistake, this, this is not the strongest move of the madman, it is already so terrifying?"

"Just now I heard Da Zhuang and Da Shuai senior speak, these two people are... the creation **** Pangu and the chaotic demon **** Jiuyou? My god, it was these two who had been following us all the time!"

"Brother Kuang is able to fight the two ancient gods, so his, he is definitely more than the nine-star upper god!"

After the huge spiritual power collided, the two figures flew out at the same time.

However, Pangu retreated to halfway, suddenly stopped the castration forcefully, and sneered, "Xiao Luchen, the nine-gun speed shadow gun is really strong, but it's not enough!"

Seeing that Pangu was about to chase him, Lu Chen held the Promise Sword in his left hand and shouted angrily, "Chaotic Storm! The tiger is coming down the mountain! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

The Holy Lotus Sword has blessed the power of Chaos Storm in his heart, and the power of each sword cannot be underestimated.

Countless Dao Jian Qi smashed at Pan Gu frantically.

Pan Gu resisted the sword aura several times, and a trace of surprise flashed through his eyes.

The elemental changes of Chaos Storm are too difficult to figure out, every sword is different, even he can't completely resist it.

"Something!" Pangu finally stopped being brave, no longer insisting on Sacred Lotus Sword Heart, and caught up with Lu Chen several space jumps.

On the side, Jiuyou looked gloating, "Cut, fight Xiao Lu Chen with flash, Pangu, you only have this strength."

Where could Pangu care about talking to Jiuyou at this time?

"Xiao Luchen, look good, this is the first move!"

"Xinghe Shock!" Pan Gu banged towards Lu Chen with a punch.

As soon as this punch was shot, Lu Chen felt the incomparable pressure, even if the punch hadn't been shot yet, it felt like a suffocation.

This is the terrifying pressure generated after the infinite gathering of spiritual power.

Seeing that this punch was about to be bombarded, Lu Chen opened his eyes wide and yelled, "Look at the shield of the gun array!"

The Mighty Spear spun quickly in front of Lu Chen, absorbing the surrounding spiritual power, forming a spiritual shield.

However, the power of Pan Gu's punch was too terrifying, and it smashed the spiritual shield with one punch.

At the moment of his death, Lu Chen shouted violently, "God against the gods and wander the dragon!"

The Mighty Gun held the Galaxy Shock with a perfect cut-in point, slightly changing the direction of Pangu's attack, and Lu Chen took the opportunity to turn sideways and counterattack!

Pangu blocked Lu Chen's shot with his left arm, and the star core shock of his right fist hit the ground directly.

But what was shocking was not Lu Chen's defense, but Pan Gu's offensive attack.

This punch directly penetrated the star from the side!

Nether gasped, "Pangu God almost exploded the planet with a punch... Is he sure this is a test? This is still an attack weakened by the lone mad!"

"If this punch is really hit, it won't be wiped out?"

Originally, all three of them just thought that since it was a test, they just practiced casually.

Only now have I discovered that the level of testing alone can scare people to death.

"Let's leave the shadow stone and stay away from here! This planet will probably not be kept."

The three hurriedly teleported away...

"Hahahaha, Xiao Lu Chen actually blocked one of my tricks, but fortunately, I left myself with a back path and didn't say a trick to defeat you!" Pangu laughed, "I claim to be the strongest body, you think Can his moves hurt me?"

Pangu roared angrily, and a phantom exploded. It was the phantom of Pangu's real body, which was hundreds of meters high and extremely mighty.

The huge spiritual power directly shook Lu Chen flying.

"Take me one more trick!"

"Broken Promise!" Pan Gu punched again, the momentum was more violent than the galaxy shock.

"The strongest body?" Lu Chen's eyes ignited a raging fire, his fighting spirit has been ignited, "I want to see if Pangu's body is the strongest!"

"Buddha body clone! Three combined blows from Broken Void!"

Iron Fist vs. Iron Fist, Lu Chen hit Pangu with a punch!

With a bang, in the galaxy, a white light flashed like a white line!

The entire planet can no longer withstand the fight between these two people, turning into dust in the white light!

Jiuyou was surrounded by black mist, and even he had to offer defense.

"Are you two crazy!" Jiuyou cursed!

The battlefield at this time has moved from this planet to the vast galaxy.

Both Lu Chen and Pangu were shaken off.

Lu Chen's two buddha avatars were directly defeated, and his god-devil Taixu arm and the double-reinforced right arm of the dragon-god form actually hung to the side and couldn't move.

But Pangu was not much better, and his sturdy arms were hanging aside.

"Hahahaha, happy!" Pangu didn't look painful at all, but laughed. "Boy, I can tell you with certainty now that your strength, not to mention the upper god, should be higher than the main god!"

"However, even though you have already passed the test, I said three strokes will defeat you. There is one last resort!"

Jiuyou was aside, his face full of discomfort, "No, you said he passed the test? Then what am I doing here?"

Pangu ignored Jiuyou's protest and raised his left hand.

A ugly shadow of an axe appeared slowly.

When the axe appeared, Lu Chen could clearly feel the Void Destruction Spear and the Chaos Scepter trembling.

The mere shadow of the axe has already made the two artifacts feel an unprecedented amount of pressure, and they have been suppressed by the afterimage of this weapon.

"Open Sky Axe..." Lu Chen's eyes widened.

Then Lu Chen saw that there was another weapon, and the black and white two-color weapons all over his body began to run wildly, fusing with each other.

The God and Demon Promise Sword was extremely excited at this time, as if it searched all over the world, and finally encountered an opponent that interested it!

Lu Chen grabbed the God and Demon Promise Sword.

At this moment, Lu Chen felt the surging spiritual power from the Promise Sword. It seemed to be telling the master that he was going to fight the Kaitian Axe!

"Okay, Wuji, this opponent is worth your excitement!" A billowing green mist appeared in Lu Chen's eyes.

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