Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1507: Soul of Gods and Demons

According to what Pangu Jiuyou said, Lu Chen injected spiritual power into the two souls of the gods and demons.

Due to Lu Chen's special physique, the infusion of spiritual power did not meet the resistance of the gods and demons, and the two light clusters gradually brightened.

Next is the fusion of twin souls.

At this point, Lu Chen needs to be cautious, to promote the fusion of the two souls, and not to use too much force, which will cause the two souls to repel and cause an accident.

Pangu and Jiuyou didn't dare to speak, but stared at Lu Chen, if an accident happened, they had to seize the two souls.

The two souls were floating in the air, and under the coordination of Lu Chen, they were looking for a certain balance.

Time passed by, but no one dared to urge Lu Chen.

Seven hours later, the two souls began to converge towards the center, and Pangu Jiuyou also became nervous.

The most critical step has been reached!

Each of the two souls stretched out their spiritual silks, like tentacles, tentatively trying to contact each other, and most of these tentacles canceled out instantly.

After trying again and again, finally, there are several tentacles connected to each other.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! Take your time!" Pangu stared at Lu Chen, not daring to speak, as if he was talking to himself, and as if he hoped that Lu Chen could hear him.

More than ten hours later, more and more spirits were connected to each other...

When Lu Chen merged for more than twenty hours, countless tentacles of spiritual silk appeared between the two souls of the gods and demons. Under the pull of the hands, the two souls of the gods and demons slowly approached each other...

As soon as the two souls touched, Pangu Jiuyou's nerves collapsed to the extreme!

Suddenly, a ring of spiritual energy exploded in an instant, raising the wind and snow all over the sky, and then, the two souls of the gods and demons merged into a Tai Chi disc, rising into the air, slowly turning.

Not long after, the fish eyes with the Pisces pattern were successfully generated, and a disk with the Tai Chi pattern fell from mid-air and hovered in front of Lu Chen.

"It's done?!" Pangu's eyes widened, excited, "The synthesis of the soul of the gods and demons succeeded!"

Lu Chen was already exhausted at this time. Not only was his spiritual energy empty, but his high-intensity and high-precision operations made him exhausted.

He looked at the disc in front of him and smiled slightly, "Is it finally successful?"

The disc slowly turned for a moment in front of Lu Chen, and suddenly flew to Lu Chen's chest.

Lu Chen watched as the disc merged into his body!

"This... Where's the soul of the gods and demons?" Lu Chen widened his eyes.

Pangu and Jiuyou hurried over, "Didn't I say that it has already recognized the lord, and it is now integrated with your body."

"Huh? It strengthens the physical body again."

"It strengthens not only your physical body, but most importantly, it strengthens your soul!"

Lu Chen frowned, "Strengthen the soul?"

"Yes!" said Jiuyou, "if I guess right, your blood and demon seed should have been improved. In addition, your soul strength has been sublimated, and illusions, charms, and mental attacks are all ineffective against you."

"Not only that, it also comprehensively improves the attributes of your Gods and Demons Rebellious Suit. Now that you have recognized the Lord, you can check it directly."

Lu Chen hurriedly checked his skills.

The soul of the gods and demons can increase the level of the heavenly powers of the two poles, and at the same time can be immune to all soul control skills!

Now Lu Chen's **** and demon Tianwei has risen to level five, and the upper limit of the absorption attribute has been cancelled. The range of influence is based on the maximum range of aura that Lu Chen can feel, as much as it can absorb!

The gods and demons rebellious suit comes with a comprehensive improvement of its skills.

The gods and demon stars and the gods and demon Tianwei have cancelled the cooling, and the effect is improved.

The inner demon will not be able to control Lu Chen's soul consciousness!

The Taixu Arm has been strengthened, and the attack increase has been increased from 2 times to 5 times! In Taixu form, the attack increased from 5 times to 20 times!

Guan Tianmu is no longer restricted by distance or obstacles when Lu Chen perceives aura!

In other words, Lu Chen can see any area within the range of spiritual power perception, and ignores confusing effects such as illusions!

Guantianmu has always been an auxiliary function. After Lu Chen got the soul of the gods and demons, he finally had the level that the gods and demons should have!

Although the Soul of the Gods and Demons had no skills, the God and Demons Promise Sword finally had a skill that Lu Chen could use.

"The Promise Sky, there are three types, namely destruction, return to the ruins, Promise, and ominous level."

But at present, only destroy and return to the ruins are available, and the last formula lacks "God and Devil Wutian"!

The effect of the soul of the gods and demons can only be described as powerful. It has greatly improved other sets of the gods and demons. It can be said that there are no souls of the gods and demons and there are two levels of equipment!

Lu Chen took a deep breath, and finally found the soul of the gods and demons!

At this point, God and Demon Promise Sword, God and Demon Tianwei, God and Demon Lotus Heart, God and Demon Nine Transformations, God and Demon Mixed Elemental Heart Method, God and Demon Taixu Arm, God and Demon View Third Eye, God and Demon Soul, nine God and Demon suits, Lu Chen has already collected eight pieces!

Now, the only thing left is the ninth change of the Nine Gods and Demons, and the God and Demons Wutian that made Lu Chen a headache.

Pangu and Jiuyou glanced at each other, and the two injustices looked at each other and smiled.

"It was a success! Jiuyou, our mission has finally been completed."

Jiuyou nodded in relief, "Yes, that person's commission has finally been completed, and we have finally lost a lot of worry."

"In other words, I didn't expect that someone could gather so many gods and demons' rebellious suits."

Lu Chen eased his excitement and looked at the two great gods, "Thank you two seniors for accomplishing it. If they hadn't given me the two souls of the gods and demons, and how I merged, I guess it would be difficult to synthesize the souls of the gods and demons ."

Pangu smiled slightly, "Xiao Luchen, this is the result of your own hard work, what do you thank us for?"

"Yes, it's not the first time that we have synthesized the two souls of gods and demons to others, but you are the first one to truly synthesize!"

"Well, seeing that you can synthesize the soul of the gods and demons, our mission can finally be completed." Pangu breathed a long sigh of relief, "Jiuyou, do you still want to fight him?"

Jiuyou actually shook his head to express rejection.

"Actually, it is no longer necessary. Xiao Luchen's combat skills are not inferior to you and me. This time his actual combat performance has increased by at least 20 times. This can be calculated. If I fight him, it is estimated that this kid will be beaten. Hit it."

Pan Gu chuckled, "You guys are still a little self-aware."

"Little Luchen, the Chaos Demon God is afraid of you!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Senior made a joke. You are not your real strength now. If you really meet the Primordial Chaos Demon God, I will be far from an opponent."

Jiuyou shook his head, "I'm not an opponent now, but you still have potential. This is something that those of us in the past did not have!"

"Boy, take care in the future. If you have the chance, come back to runaway turbulence to see us."

Lu Chen frowned, "Are the two seniors leaving?"

"Well, our mission has been completed, and now your strength is closer to the next level, we both can't pretend to be forceful but can't pretend to be you, why stay?"

"By the way, Xiao Luchen, this is for you." Pangu said, throwing a scroll.

Lu Chen looked down at the scroll, which read the words "Opening the World".

"This..." Lu Chen widened his eyes and looked at Pangu. This is Pangu's fame stunt.

Pangu smiled slightly, "Don't be too early, this move is not suitable for you, it is powerful, you can't use it without the axe, it's not as good as your own practice, but if you want to save the wood, this trick is for you. Still have to learn."

"It can cut Mu Sheng from Hongmeng's control!"

Jiuyou was a little anxious, Pangu actually gave Lu Chen the exercises in front of him! Isn't he lagging behind?

It is said that they both flowed out of time and space turbulently and could not carry things, which means that Pangu's kung fu was secretly handwritten by him!

This despicable villain actually took advantage of his carelessness and secretly wrote a practice book!

"Uh...cough cough, I don't have anything for you, but Xiao Lu Chen, the Nine Heavens Star Space, that is the Temple of Gods and Demons outside the sky, will break into the ninth floor as soon as possible, and there will be what you want!"

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