"Okay, Xiao Lu Chen, we'll see you if you are destined."

Seeing Pangu and Jiuyou turn around, Lu Chen suddenly felt reluctant.

Although these two guys are a bit unreliable, even if they helped themselves, they were killed by themselves.

However, they, as well as the Nuwa Empress, had helped themselves intentionally or unintentionally.

Moreover, without the two of them, there would be a pair of live treasures missing on the road.

"Two seniors, don't fight on the way back!" Lu Chen yelled to them at a distance.

As a result, the two people didn't seem to hear them at all, and they were talking to each other emotionally, maybe it was because of some truth.

The two great gods left, and Nether and the others dared to come to Lu Chen's side.

"Brother Kuang, is it useless for me to be transformed now? What do you see is my main body?" Bone Mei asked worriedly.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "No, as long as you don't need to watch the sky, it's okay."

"Oh, that's good, then don't use Guantianmu to look at me in the future!"

Nether and Withered Claw smiled at each other.

Afterwards, You Ming asked, "Lu Chen, are you going to find your friend soon?"

Lu Chen nodded, "More than 20 years have passed, this time I will bring Mu Sheng back while Hongmeng is away!"

Bone Claw frowned, "But, even if Hongmeng is not there, he must know that you took Mu Sheng away, and I'm afraid he will still look for you at that time."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I can't manage that much. The Tianwai battlefield is already in a mess, and I didn't see him come out. I don't think he will leave the customs specially because of Mu Sheng."

"Even if he has to make trouble for me, then I can only accompany him."

Just as Lu Chen was about to leave with You Ming and the others, Lu Chen suddenly stopped, "Wait!"

The three of You Ming looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "What's the matter?"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Someone is coming!"

As soon as the voice fell, the sky above a few people, the clouds rolled, and a few golden lights fell.

"This...who came to me to believe in the world?!" Gu Mei exclaimed angrily.

Following a few golden lights, five figures quickly appeared beside Lu Chen, surrounding Lu Chen, You Ming and others.

These people are from a family of evil spirits, led by one person in a purple robe, with a fierce face, and a death sickle in his hand that is particularly dazzling.

"I am the only one who is crazy. I finally found you. It turns out that you actually went to Heaven. No wonder I haven't heard from you for so many years!"

Lu Chen looked at these five people with cold eyes. Among them, the one who took the lead was a high-ranking god, and the other four were all high-star middle-ranking gods.

"You don't go to the Tianwai battlefield, but you look for me everywhere? Who are you? What do you want to do!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"We are in the spirit line. We have already checked the identities of the two people who followed you before!" said the other leader, "They are Pangu and Jiuyou!"

"Originally, they were by your side, we didn't dare to move you, but the two of them have already returned to the Sky Shrine and Nine Nether Demon Caverns. In other words, you don't have any helpers anymore!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly. Obviously, this group of people came prepared.

In other words, the two seniors, Pangu and Jiuyou, went back too quickly.

"Since Pangu and Jiuyou have both gone back, you must have synthesized the soul of the gods and demons, so to speak, the gods and demons rebellious suit, you only have the ninth change of the gods and demons!"

One of his subordinates frowned and said, "Isn't there a **** and demon Wutian?"

The leader said impatiently, "That thing doesn't exist at all. There are only eight pieces of gods and demons. He has almost collected them. You must kill him now and grab the suit!"

Lu Chen sneered, "It turned out to be for my gods and demons!"

"Hmph, so what, we also want to thank you for gathering the gods and demons to rebel, and saving us a lot of trouble."

"I'm the only one who is crazy, and I handed over the gods and demons' rebellious fate. We might leave a corpse for you and your friends!"

The killing intent was already burning in Lu Chen's eyes, "The Spirit Element...it seems that the ancients asked you to come. That guy only cares about his own understanding of the way of heaven, but regardless of the life and death of other subordinates, there are people who are willing to die for him!"

"It's hard to talk about selling our lives, it's that we have completed what the Supreme Spiritual God ordered, and if we have done a great job, we have the opportunity to enter the All Spirit Stars first!"

"Oh, it turned out to be an exchange of interests..." Lu Chen sneered, "But since you have found Pangu and Jiuyou, and you also know that I have been to Tianwai over the years, why didn't you find out what I experienced when I went to Tianwai?"

"I don't care what you went through, didn't you just defeat a few low-star mid-level gods? Even if you give you twenty years, I still kill you like a chicken!"

"Brothers, the opportunity to enter the All Spirit Star Group is right in front of you, be sure to take this person down!"

After all, the five quickly surrounded Lu Chen.

Nether and the others looked at Lu Chen. Lu Chen had just merged with the soul of the gods and demons, which was very costly. At this time, they didn't know if they could still fight.

"Lonely mad, let's help you hold it for a while, you go to gather and adjust your breath."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and patted You Ming on the shoulder, "Brother You Ming, why do you need to adjust your breath to kill these bugs, wait a moment."

The five opponents had already rushed towards Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's eyelids contracted and suddenly turned into a golden light, shooting into the enemy's formation!

"Nine-gun speed shadow gun!"

With a single shot, the upper **** had no time to make any response. The God of Extinguisher had already penetrated his heart!

However, after Lu Chen killed the enemy with this move, he did not end the offensive.

In a blink of an eye, Shen Lin cooperated with Lu Chen's displacement, and Lu Chen fired a few shots!

Boom boom boom boom... the spiritual power explosion caused by the shattering of a string of spiritual shields sounded, and in just an instant, all five people had been killed by Lu Chen!

If Lu Chen and Pangu fought, Lu Chen had always been at a disadvantage on the surface, so You Ming and others had not seen Lu Chen's horror intuitively.

Then, killing five gods in an instant made them truly realize how exaggerated Lu Chen's combat power is.

The upper god, who couldn't do a single trick with Lu Chen, was directly killed by a spike!

"You, you..." The leader was still in a sigh of relief, looking at Lu Chen in shock, his eyes full of disbelief, "How could you be so strong?"

"You are just a mortal, how can you be so strong!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I am a mortal, but I have killed a lot of gods. Why do you only remember that I am a mortal and never show mercy when you don't remember me?"

After all, Lu Chen killed this person with a single shot!

Perfectly recruited, Lu Chen looked at the three of You Ming, "You'd better move to another world of faith first. I guess there are not a few people looking for me. It's not safe to stop you here."

"I'm going to Treant Star,"


This time the chasing soldiers chased Bone Mei's world of faith, and Lu Chen believed that there would be no less behind, and asked Nether and others to temporarily avoid its edge.

On the other hand, Lu Chen had already gone to the tree **** star alone.

Standing on this continent with more than 80% forest coverage, Lu Chen took a deep breath.

Is this the world where Mu Sheng lives?

"Mu Sheng, are you okay?"

"I must find you this time and take you back to see our son!"

Just as Lu Chen was about to turn on the Tianmu Eye to search for Mu Sheng, suddenly, Lu Chen felt the ground under his feet shake suddenly.

A familiar voice sounded.

"Bold! Dare to trespass into the world of Hongmeng Supreme God's faith, let you make fertilizer here today!"

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