Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1519: Lu Yi's Secret

Lu Yao's subtle aura is the entry level, facing the trial in the nine-day star, after all, it is difficult to resist.

After insisting on it for less than half an hour, Lu Yao was already unable to resist.

Lu Chen fell back to the ground and asked Xiaolu to take care of Lu Yao while he cleared his spiritual power beam. "Yao'er, you are optimistic. The most important thing is to change the law of spiritual power operation."

Lu Chen personally demonstrated for his son how to deal with these spiritual energy bundles in an orderly manner.

Lu Yao watched very carefully, for fear of leaking every piece of information.

"Okay, you try again."

The special training lasted for a month, and for those inside the nine-day star, the test lasted 600 days!

Under the careful guidance of his father, Lu Yao's aura advanced by leaps and bounds, and he was able to persist for four to five hours.

Seeing the improvement of his son's strength, Lu Chen felt very relieved.

"Yao'er, although you haven't completely controlled all attacks yet, your spiritual power control is much more delicate than before."

"I'm not going to watch this discussion of swords, but one thing you have to remember is that our Lu family will never give in to anyone!"

"Father, the child is here!"

The next day, Lu Yao and Bei Xueyi followed Bei Xue Gu to fly away. Mu Sheng also wanted to see his son's performance, so he went to join Bei Xue's disciple Lunjian.

Lu Chen did not follow the agreement with Yaoer.

In the huge villa, all of a sudden, there were only two brothers and sisters Lu Chen and Lu Yi left.

"Brother, did you give Yaoer a special training? You finally look like a father." Lu Yi tilted her head and looked at Lu Chen, "But you are too partial, you haven't given me special training!"

Lu Chen touched Lu Yi's head and smiled, "Silly girl, when I rescue my father, I will take you to upgrade every day when I have time."

In other words, Lu Chen's habit of touching his head is still a childhood habit.

At that time, Lu Yi was still a little girl, but in a blink of an eye, they are now in their 60s or 70s.

Fortunately, after cultivating immortals, everyone's age has risen, but their appearance has remained in their twenties.

"Brother, are you still fucking? I am a sixty-year-old lady now." Lu Yi smiled.

"Cut, are you still my sister at six hundred years old?" Lu Chen said with disdain.

"Brother, Mu Sheng's sister-in-law and you... Are you a couple at all?" Lu Yi asked curiously because there was no one else in the family.

Lu Chen sighed, "I don't know. Actually, she and I...that, we bred offspring not because I liked me, but because I was a suitable candidate."

"So... Brother, you now have two sons, but are you still single?" Lu Yi's eyes widened, "I'm telling you, Xiao Yi's girlfriends have changed several times!"

Sure enough, Lu Yi is still the one who can cause critical damage to Lu Chen now.

"By the way, Emperor Yao went to Sixth Heaven before, and she is looking for you, and sister Jiuer, oh, and sister Leng...Brother, look for a wife, you're not too young."

Lu Chen shook his head, "Father is still locked up in Tongtian Prison, and I haven't reached the Jiuzhongtian yet, I don't want to delay them."

"Cut, straight guy thinking, you are delaying them if you don't marry them."

Lu Chen thought for a while, and was a little moved. If he died, wouldn't he be a virgin...

After hesitating, Lu Chen still said, "Forget it, I don't have time to say this now."

"Brother, do you have any news about your mother?" Lu Yi asked suddenly.

"I...I can't tell, I only heard Nuwa mention it once, but she refused to say more, and when I was in Polestar, I dreamed of a woman who inspired me to understand aura. The fourth level of the microcosm, finally helped me break through the human emperor realm, but that seemed to be just a dream." Lu Chen himself also looked confused.

"Perhaps only when the father is rescued can one hope to know the whereabouts of the mother.

Lu Chen had the feeling of listening to the heavenly scriptures, "Brother, have you seen Empress Nuwa?"

"Well, I have encountered it twice, once because of her remnant, and once in the turbulence of time and space.

"She didn't say anything else?"

"Other? What do you mean?" Lu Chen asked.

Lu Yi glanced at Lu Chen's puzzled look, and said falteringly, "Oh, no, it's nothing, I'm just curious to ask."

"Silly girl, weird..." Lu Chen didn't think much, and patted Lu Yi's forehead, "Go, take you to the barbecue, Little Beasts want to eat too, but they don't know if Lao Xu is still there. Oh, yes, call Mu Hua too."

"Here, I'll call Brother Mu Hua."

Lu Yi returned to her room, glanced at the phone on the bed, and was not in a hurry to call Li Muhua.

She came to the desk and opened the drawer.

There was only one kit in the drawer, which was slightly shining with golden light.

Lu Yi picked up the kit and murmured, "Nv Wa, what is in it? Why do I have to open it after my brother enters Jiuzhongtian?"


During this time, Lu Chen has been living on the earth, and he is like an ordinary person.

In addition to cultivating spiritual power, he would also take time to instruct Lu Yao and Bei Xueyi, or take the little beasts around them.

In other words, Ye Fan didn't know where he went recently. It is said that the guy hurried back for nine days a while ago.

He didn't even come to see the master, as if being chased and killed.

Lu Chen also didn't understand, how could he be chased and killed by someone as a dignified immortal.

After returning to Earth, Lu Chen went to the headquarters of the Kuang Lang Guild to meet those old friends.

Today's Crazy Wave is already the largest guild on the earth, and its power is mainly distributed in the fifth heaven, and it is also the main defensive force of the earth.

Seeing Kuanglang develop to the point where it is today, the president of Lu Chen feels deeply ashamed.

It seems that not only the pets need to be free-range, but also the guilds...

The threat to the earth in nine days is no longer there. Lu Chen spent seven years of leisure here.

During the time he was practicing on Earth, Lu Chen successively broke through the sixth to eighth floors of the Heavenly Demon Temple.

The reward on the seventh level is a Supreme God-level exercise, and on the eighth level, Lao Bei said that the reward has been taken away by Lu Chen, and it is the nine-day star!

When Lu Chen broke through the eighth floor of the Heavenly Gods and Demon Temple, Lao Bei stopped Lu Chen.

"Lu Chen, you can go directly to the ninth floor now."

"Ah? Old back, don't you need to upgrade the nine-day star?"

"Your use of spiritual power has been completed, how can you upgrade? The last level of Nine Sky Stars, there is no need to upgrade, as long as you pass the ninth floor, you can complete the automatic upgrade." Old Bei said.

"Of course, when you are ready to enter the temple, you can come here anytime, and you are not in a hurry."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

His spiritual power control has been completed, and his level has reached the upper limit again, that is to say, he has now reached the current bottleneck.

Either go to the ninth heaven and see what's there, or go directly to the palace of the gods and demons outside the sky.

All things considered, Lu Chen still felt that he should first break into the Temple of Gods and Demon Outside the Sky.

In the dark, he seemed to be able to feel that in nine days, he would encounter the most powerful enemy ever.

In this case, you must adjust your state to the best.

First get the treasures Pangu said, and then try to go for nine days! (Skirt numbers entered randomly, six six zero six, three six five, one four)

"Old back, I'll break in now!"

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