Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1520: Nine Halls of Gods and Demons

Lu Chen stepped into the Ninth Hall of the Heavenly Demon Hall.

As soon as he arrived at this hall, Lu Chen saw a familiar figure in front of him, facing him.

"Old back?!" Lu Chen looked surprised.

"Are you the guardian of the Ninth Hall?"

Lao Bei's voice sounded, "The Ninth Hall of the Heavenly Demon Hall...not me, but...you!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Even if Lao Bei is the guardian of the Ninth Hall, it is not surprising, but the current result is definitely beyond Lu Chen's expectations.

"What do you mean? You want me to guard the Ninth Hall? Don't those who die can stay?!"

Old Bei said, "No, Lu Chen, you are already the master of the Heavenly Demon Hall, so you should guard the Ninth Hall."

"But... I can't stay here!"

"You don't need to stay here. From now on, you can enter the Heavenly God and Demon Temple at any time."

Lu Chen frowned.

At this moment, the old back slowly turned around.

Lu Chen's eyes grew wider and wider as the old back turned around!

This guy is finally willing to see himself in his true colors?

When the old back turned around, Lu Chen almost vomited blood.

To be precise, Lao Bei has no "real face" at all!

His face is black...It's hard to tell if it's fog or space.

"Lao Bei, you, what the **** are you!" Lu Chen said in shock.

"I am the consciousness of the Temple of Gods and Demons outside the sky." Old Bei said lightly about the past of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

"Lu Chen, at the beginning of the creation of the world, the spiritual power in the universe was chaotic, and it was this chaos that gave birth to all things and gave birth to the Temple of Gods and Demons."

"Later, the Hall of Gods and Demons gradually separated into Nine Halls, and my own consciousness was formed. It was me..."

"Because there will be treasures of different qualities in each hall of the Gods and Demons Hall, I did not prevent anyone from obtaining the treasures, but I have gradually seen through the greed and endless desires of the human heart."

"Someone not only takes away all the treasures, but also wants to take the Temple of Gods and Demons as their own and demand them unscrupulously."

"However, it is interesting that more and more contenders appeared later, they began to fight each other, and the strong continued to fall."

"My consciousness has continued to mature over the endless years!"

"I began to understand that giving free of charge cannot satisfy people's greedy desires. I began to collect the strongest people who have fallen in various realms throughout the ages, the patron saint of the gods."

"It's just that I haven't found anyone qualified to guard the Ninth Hall until...you appear!"

Lu Chen couldn't help but frowned and said, "This...have all the treasures in the Temple of Gods and Demons been taken away?"

"The ability of the Hall of Gods and Demons to generate and attract treasures is a hundred times stronger than Hongmeng!" Lao Bei said, "but the premise is that after all the treasures of the Hall of Gods and Demons are taken away, new treasures will appear in the Nine Halls, otherwise, Just like the first five layers, it can only be rewarded with some surrounding materials."

Lu Chen understood now that it was equivalent to that after he passed the Nine Halls, the Hall of Gods and Demons would re-incubate or attract other treasures. He was lucky and didn't come at the right time.

"Lu Chen, you can't re-enter the hall after passing through the Hall of Gods and Demons, but the treasures in the Ninth Hall are extremely high, and they are all treasures that can change the destiny of all races. If no one is guarding them, it may bring unimaginable disasters! "

"Although I can see through people's hearts, I don't want to bring destruction. There are evil and good in this world. It is precisely because I have seen too much evil that I can't let the Temple of Gods and Demons fall into the hands of those with wrong minds."

"If you agree to guard the Ninth Hall, then I am willing to give you an extra Ninth Hall-level treasure. If you don't want it, I won't force it."

"Until someone breaks into the Ninth Hall, you can choose to pass the position of the Lord of the Gods and Demons Hall to him, or you can defeat him and deprive him of his rights."

Lu Chen thought about it a little bit, and said, "Since I don't need to fall, it doesn't prevent me from leaving, and I can get one more treasure, this deal is not a loss."

"But I have one condition." Lu Chen said.


"The qualifications of those who enter the temple are up to me to choose."

"Of course, you are already the master of the Temple of Gods and Demons, so you naturally have the right to decide, but if you are too lazy to find a descendant, I can help you."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "If this is the case, then there is no problem."

"Lu Chen, don't you want your son to come to the temple?" Lao Bei asked suddenly, "You have to think clearly, since you have guards of the temples, except for you, everyone else is in the treasures of the Gods and Demons Hall. The temptation will continue to enter the temple until it falls!"

"The descendants of the Temple of Gods and Demons, not everyone can, you may have given it a chance, but it is more likely to be a disaster!"

Lu Chen nodded, he would carefully consider this.

"Well, since you have agreed to become the lord of the God and Demon Hall and guard the Ninth Hall of the God and Demon Hall, then as agreed, I will give you two treasures of the Ninth Hall of God and Demon Hall."

After all, Lao Bei raised his hand and three objects appeared, suspended in front of Lu Chen.

"Huh? Didn't you mean two? How can you give me three?" Lu Chen's little heart was pounding.

"Don't think too much, choose two of the three!"

"No, you don't know that I hate multiple-choice questions the most? I am the lord of the Temple of Gods and Demons, can't you bribe me?" Lu Chen shook his head.

"Hahaha, Lu Chen, you are much more interesting than the previous ones. Choose quickly."

It seemed that Lao Bei had no plans to open the back door, and Lu Chen could only choose treasures seriously.

"Any suggestions? I don't even know what these treasures are for."

"Of these three, you will definitely choose this one." Lao Bei raised his hand, and a scroll flew in front of Lu Chen, "The ninth change of the gods and demons, you won't miss it."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. The Ninth Change of the Gods and Demons was actually collected by the Temple of Gods and Demons!

Even if he didn't want other treasures, Lu Chen would definitely choose Nine Changes of Gods and Demons.

"Great! Eight gods and demons are rebellious!" Lu Chen grabbed the scroll, his hands trembling.

"The other two... this is a star map. With a star map, you can send it at will, whether it is nine days or outside."

A set of scrolls slowly unfolded in front of Lu Chen, the stars are dotted on the star map, and the endless stars are shining with faint starlight.

Xinghai Atlas is definitely a good thing, and Lu Chen can't wait to take it now.

The third treasure looked like a puddle of mud. It felt that the grade was obviously not high. I don't know if it was made up by the old back.

"The third thing, a substitute for everything."

"A substitute for everything?"

"Yes, it can replace everything. It can only be used once. Unless there is no trace of the soul flying away, it can be replaced once, ignoring any obstacles in the formation, and even life and death!"

Lu Chen was stunned. How powerful is this unbelievable mud ball?

After pondering for a long time, Lu Chen raised his head and looked at Old Back, and said with difficulty, "Is there really no way to have all three?"

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