Lu Yuan was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison. For decades, he could not survive and die, and suffered ruthless punishment for decades!

At this time, Lu Yuan was already inhumane. If it weren't for those twinkling eyes, I was afraid that Lu Chen would have thought he was dead.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen's heart was like a knife, and it was extremely complicated.

"Chen'er, you are still here! Come here and let me see you." The man's tone was filled with indescribable excitement and anticipation, looking eagerly at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen's eyes were wet, and he walked up to Lu Yuan step by step.

"My son has grown into an adult." Lu Yuan looked at Lu Chen tenderly, and said with satisfaction.

Lu Chen pressed down on the corner of his mouth, and soon couldn't help it, tears streaming down his face.

"I...not your son." Lu Chen said with difficulty.

Lu Yuan widened his eyes and looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "It's impossible, you are Chen'er. I can't remember your appearance. Even if you grow up, I will never admit your mistakes."

Lu Yuan would obviously be wrong.

"You are a human race, and I am a jackal, how could you be my father!"

Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, "You, you all know..."

Lu Chen nodded, and he looked up at Lu Yuan, "Why didn't you tell me earlier why you kept me in the dark? Are you afraid that I know my life experience and will no longer protect the earth and Lu Yi!"

"From the very beginning, you didn't completely believe me, did you!" Lu Chen asked, "You just want me to be your test product to complete your guider plan!"

However, Lu Yuan was a little overwhelmed in shock, "No, it's not like this..."

"Isn't that?" Lu Chen said angrily. "You reshaped my body with the gods, blood, and demon seeds. You asked me to find the gods and devil's rebellious mantle, and let Mu Xuan and the people in the mountains guide me step by step to this day. Just to make me fight against the evil spirits!"

Lu Yuan closed his eyes in pain.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, "Chen'er, what you said is correct, but you made a mistake about our starting point."

"What starting point!"

Lu Yuan smiled slightly, sighed, and said, "Once by chance, I entered the heavens from the crack in the seventh heaven and got clues about the gods and demons. After learning about the power of the gods and demons' rebellious suit, I knew it was enough. Fate-defying equipment."

"The fate of the earth is at stake, and we urgently need the birth of a strong man!"

"It's a pity that my talent is limited after all. Although I was a true immortal at the time, I was only a true immortal of six calamities. The upper limit in the future will eventually be unable to control the destiny of gods and demons."

"That's when, your mother and I... and Xingcai met you..."

"We reshaped your physical body, making you a human being, and I also pin all my hopes on you."

"In those years, I gave up my practice and used all my experience in the guider plan, and the core of this plan is you!"

"The result I hope at that time is that the earth will do its best to train you as a person, so that you can grow quickly, so that you can grow up before the earth coordinates fail."

Lu Chen frowned, "Give me all the earth's resources?"

"Yes, because you are born with Gods and Demons Shuang Tianwei! Mu Xuan and the people in the mountains will also guide you and make you grow faster."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have always been alone, and the earth's resources have been given to other people."

Lu Yuan nodded, "When the God of Heaven tormented me, I mentioned this point. I didn't expect that after nine days, you will become the main body...Because of this, your development has exceeded my expectations."

"But this is also a good thing, you are stronger than I thought!"

"This is not the point. The point is that Xingcai and I have never thought of using you to protect the earth!" Lu Yuan looked a little excited. "We didn't tell you your life experience. That's because you haven't come into contact with nine days of advanced Before Tianyu, you couldn't understand this at all!"

"And when you grow up, the star has fallen, and I... have also been imprisoned in this heaven-passing prison!"

"Chen'er, whether you are a human or a jackal, you have the blood of me and Xingcai in your body. You are our child!"

"We never thought about using you!"

Lu Yuan stared at Lu Chen's eyes, "Isn’t it a matter of course that a father can’t complete a mission to his son? A father cannot protect a planet, a destiny that cannot be changed, and a life that cannot be saved. It is entrusted to the son to complete it. , Isn’t this normal?"

"Chen'er, when you were very young, Xingcai and I were always proud of you, no matter what you were in the past, but in our eyes, you are our own flesh and blood!"

"The Jackal tribe is extinct, and there is nothing I can do. Many weak worlds are perished. No one cares!"

"But Chen'er, you have to care! You are the legacy of the Jackal clan, and you are the child of the Human race. You know that the weak also have meaning. You shouldn't let the tragedy repeat itself!"

With a bang, a thick thunder fell down and slashed directly at Lu Yuan.

Before Lu Yuan had become a mortal, but such a sky thunder, a mortal could not bear it.

This shows that Heavenly Demon Shaman no longer wants to keep Lu Yuan, and after he transforms into form, he wants to kill Lu Yuan!

Lu Chen saw this scene, his eyes rounded, and before he could fully digest everything Lu Yuan had said, he instinctively rushed towards Lu Yuan.

Tian Lei hit Lu Chen directly.

With Lu Chen's cultivation base, this intensity doesn't matter.

However, immediately afterwards, countless thunder and fire, endlessly pounced on Lu Chen!

"Chen'er, hurry up!" Lu Yuan shouted, "Here is the Prison to Heaven, and the punishments here are endless. No matter how strong you are, there are limits to it. You can't bear it!"

Lu Chen sacrificed his spirit shield to protect Lu Yuan.

At this moment, Lu Chen realized that in his heart, Lu Yuan has always been his father!

"No, I won't leave!" Lu Chen roared, "No matter how strong the punishment is, I will save you too!"

Endless thunder and fire, frantically attacking Lu Chen's spiritual shield, Lu Chen's spiritual power was consumed hugely.

Lu Yuan watched Lu Chen, tears falling, "Chen'er, you are still the same Chen'er. When you were very young, you always guarded Lu Yi at all costs..."

"Since Tongtian Demon Sha wants to kill me, it means that he has already transformed. He has said that as long as he can leave the Tongtian Tower, the first thing to destroy is my world..."

"Chen'er, my physical body is locked in the shackles of Heaven's punishment and cannot break free. The punishments are endless this day, even you can't stop it."

"Don't think about saving me anymore, my whole life is complete, and death is more like a relief to me..."

"Tongtian Demon Sha has already gone to the earth, go back soon, there are things you need to protect more!"

"It's a pity that I didn't see Yiyi again...Chen'er, go!"

The endless thunder and fire has submerged Lu Chen's spirit shield. Lu Chen's nose flared and said angrily, "I can save you!"

"A substitute for everything!" Lu Chen didn't hesitate to use the substitute for everything!

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