Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1554: I have one last thing

The soil in Lu Chen's hands changed rapidly, clinging to Lu Yuan's body, until it enveloped all of Lu Yuan's skin, becoming Lu Yuan's appearance.

Immediately, Lu Yuan was directly replaced!

Lu Yuan looked shocked, "Well, what's going on? Me, I'm out?"

Lu Chen pulled Lu Yuan up, and when the spirit shield was about to shatter, he quickly escaped from the Heavenly Prison.

Nine days were not safe for Lu Yuan, and Lu Chen asked Lu Yuan to think about bringing Lu Yuan there.

"Go to Pole Star!" Lu Yuan said.

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, and quickly remembered that it was the planet where his mother had fallen... and it was also the place where his father wanted to go most now.

The two arrived at Pole Star soon.

The two came to the place where Lu Chen practiced before.

"Chen'er, you shouldn't waste everything on me as a substitute." Lu Yuan started talking about it.

Lu Chen did not speak.

"Chen'er, are you still resenting me for not telling you the truth?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "From your mouth, I have heard the answer I want...I don't hate you."


Lu Chen took a deep breath and said, "Father, you take a rest here first. I have asked people from the Jingwei clan to come and protect you."

"Where are you going?" Lu Yuan's eyes were full of worry.

"I have one last thing to complete..." Lu Chen said lightly.

Just when Lu Chen was about to leave, he stopped, suddenly turned around, and hugged Lu Yuan tightly.

Lu Yuan could feel Lu Chen's body trembling, and tears filled his eyes as he hugged his son tightly!

The two didn't say anything, but it was worth a thousand words at the moment.

After a long time, Lu Chen let go of his hand, and wiped the corner of his eye with his head, "Thank you..."

Lu Yuan resisted the tears and squeezed a smile, "Silly boy...you must be careful when you go this time, your mother and I will wait for your return!"

It seemed that Lu Yuan had already guessed what Lu Chen would do next.

Lu Chen nodded heavily, turned around and disappeared in place...

Lu Yuan looked at the world around him. The environment here was so similar to the earth that he didn't have the slightest pressure to survive here as a mortal.

"Xingcai, you know I will come, so do you make this place like the earth?"

Lu Yuan caressed the ground, knelt down and pressed his face to the ground.

"Xingcai, our son has grown up!" He said, letting tears seep into the soil...

Not long after, Hun Xi came to Ji Xing and found Lu Yuan.

"I am Hunxi, Lu Chen asked me to guarantee your safety temporarily." Hunxi said, "Did he return to Earth?"

Lu Yuan nodded, "He didn't say, but I know he will definitely go back, that is his hometown!"

Hun Xi didn't know what to say, the more he understood Lu Chen, the more he knew how painful he was during this period and how cruel the fate he faced.

"His journey has never been easy. In the past few years in our tribe, watching him feel depressed, I actually breathed a sigh of relief for him." Hun Xi said with a sigh.

However, she soon raised her spirit again, and her voice became a lot louder.

"However, I have always believed that he will come back!"

"The former king, the strongest man who scorned Nine Heavens, the man who changed his fate against the sky, I am mad, and will definitely come back!"


Above the earth of China, there are many gods in the sky at this time, and there are countless powerful immortals on the ground, and hundreds of millions of people on the earth are standing by.

At this time everyone is like a big enemy.

Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, the sky was torn apart, the dark clouds were covered, the sunlight was blocked, and the day was like night.

The tremendous pressure makes people breathless!

A frantic laughter cut through the sky and shook the world!

"Hahahahaha! I didn't expect so many people waiting for me!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, Hun Yuan Tian Dao, Yuan Shi Divine Buddha, Unintentional Sword God, and even the people outside the sky are here? It seems that you still want to struggle to death."

A black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

Everyone's nerves tense as soon as they see this person.

"Sky Demon Sha!"

The Nine Heavens Consciousness, which was conceived by Nine Heavens who had absorbed countless spiritual powers, manifested, and had already shaped a super physical body with the help of creatures outside the Tianmen.

He is nine days, nine days is him!

"Unfortunately, your dying struggle is just a joke in my eyes!" Tongtian Mosha sneered, "None of you can stop me from destroying the earth!"

"So many people gathered here, it saves me a lot of trouble, yes, yes!"

Yuanshi Divine Buddha squinted his eyes slightly, "Nine Heavens has bred such a terrifying monster...Tongtian Devil, why do you have to destroy Nine Heavens, ten thousand races and ten thousand realms?"

"Why?" Tongtian Demon looked at Yuanshi Divine Buddha coldly, "You tell me why? Don't you think your question is ridiculous?"

"Heaven and earth breed all things. Since there is creation, there is destruction. This is the way of heaven!"

Yuanshi Divine Buddha snorted coldly, "I think you just want to destroy the Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Races and let yourself be truly free."

"So what? Breaking free from the shackles of the Tongtian Tower, I can go to a broader field to continue my mission."

Obviously, it is impossible to convince an existence like Tongtian Demon Sha with a few words.

Today, there is only one way out... war!

"Ten Fang Tianjia Array!" The primitive **** and Buddha yelled, and everyone quickly deployed a large defensive array.

"Formation? It's a pity, you can't stop it!" The Sky Demon snorted coldly, "Ten Fang Tian Jia Formation? Then give me all the ten directions!"

"Desperate Palm!"

A palm print, falling from the sky, for thousands of miles, carrying a raging fire, pressing against the earth!

"Want to break the formation? Asked if I had the sword in my hand!" The Unintentional Sword God narrowed his eyes slightly, "The Chaos Begins·Star Sword Dao!"

Thirteen Eight Flying Sword shot directly into the palm print.

For a while, thirteen sword auras of various colors, like thirteen stone pillars, obstructed the whereabouts of the giant palm.

Tongtian Mosha narrowed his eyes slightly, "Sword Dao is a bit hot, but you still can't stop me!"

After all, the Heavenly Demon Sha will add spiritual power.

Suddenly, a powerful pressure came over. After a few seconds of support, the Sword God suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person shot out, directly smashing through the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud noise. In the high altitude, thirteen qi rings vigorously opened one after another, and the tens of thousands of miles of clouds were dispersed by the afterwaves of this layer of aura...

"Never let this palm blast down and disperse its spiritual power!" The primitive **** and Buddha shouted angrily.

Under the palm of the Deity Extinguisher, the remaining nine ancient gods, and the eight supreme gods, the powers that came from all sides out of control and turbulent flow, all shot one after another!

Numerous exercises greeted him, and the collision of spiritual powers made the eastern sky red.

"Damn, this guy is too strong!" Pangu said angrily, "If only my body was there."

"Don't talk nonsense, you are not his opponent. Before Tongtian Pagoda existed and Chaos, after hundreds of thousands of years to absorb the aura of the world, the strength is extremely terrifying!" Jiuyou launched an attack, but did not forget the other side. Fight against Pangu.

"The ancient gods have long been detached from the world, but this heaven-passing demon evil will no longer become stronger all the time. You can only trap him for five years without seeing the Qianlong Formation of the ten ancient gods."

"Cut, you are not his opponent!" Pangu said, "Damn, this has hit the boy's hometown. Isn't the boy coming out yet?"

Jiuyou didn't actually sing the opposite this time, "For all the time, he has been the only one who has made it to the Nine Heavens, and he is the only one who can fight the Tongtian Devil!"

"It's just that, after so many things, will he still protect the common people like before?"

Speaking of this, both Jiuyou and Pangu were silent.

"Forget it, it's said that that kid, let's deal with Tongtian Demon Sha first!"

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