Facing hundreds of millions of immortal cultivators alone, Tongtian Devil Shaman is not afraid, and it kills the palms of the gods and crushes all living beings!

Even if everyone worked together to break this trick, the pressure on the defending side could already be clearly felt from the strength gap between the two sides.

The Heavenly Devil sneered, "Sure enough, it's a group of ants, you are already so embarrassed just to warm up, it's really meaningless!"

"I want to see how long you can last!"

"Heaven dominates skill·Tongtian Sword Dao!"

As soon as the voice fell, a thousand-meter giant sword condensed in the sky, from a height of ten thousand meters, plummeted down!

Even the air near the giant sword seemed to be torn apart by this sword.

The spiritual power of heaven and earth is tumbling, scattered and burning!

The fire light illuminates the sky!

"A mere ten phalanx, can you stop me with a sword?!" The Heavenly Demon Sha arrogantly stood high in the sky, like a **** king descending to the world, looking down on all beings.

"What a strong kendo!" The Unintentional Sword God widened his eyes, and then a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Everyone, this sword is violent, please help me!"

The ten ancient gods were about to transfer their spiritual power to the sword god, and the previous internal injuries healed instantly.

The sword **** is full of light, thirteen long swords are combined into one, turning into a colorful lightsaber.

"Thirteen Heavenly Swords, fight with me!" The Sword God shouted angrily, the whole person and the Thirteenth Heavenly Swords merged into one, turning into a colorful streamer, straight into the sky!

"Heaven dominates skills and swordsmanship!"

The two sword qi collided in the air, and the powerful impact instantly swept the world, shaking the entire earth!

Thousands of miles away, huge waves were set off on the sea. I don't know how many snow-capped mountains have avalanches, the ground is cracked, and houses collapsed!

This is still a high-altitude battle, and there are ten defensive formations on the ground, and just the aftermath of this impact will almost destroy the earth!

However, people are not concerned about the disaster caused by the aftermath!

In the air, the unintentional Sword God had fired back like a cannonball, and the ten ancient gods vomited blood.

Seeing that the body of the sword was out of control, the Yuanshi **** and demon hurriedly adjusted the internal breath, transformed the giant hand, and used it to save energy.

Even so, the palm of Yuanshi Divine Buddha took a full retreat of nearly a thousand meters to dissipate the remaining strength of the sword god.

The Sword God spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, looking at the Heavenly Transcendent Demon Sha in shock.

"So strong... he may not be better than me in kendo, but in terms of spiritual power, the spiritual power of the Heavenly Transcendent Demon Shaman is too terrifying!"

In terms of comprehension, the ten ancient gods are not weaker than the sky-passing demons, and even stronger in some respects, but I don’t know how long nine days have been developed, the sky-reaching demons have been absorbing spiritual power frantically. The ancient gods are incomparable!

With just one blow, the ten strongest ancient gods on the defending side were actually injured at the same time.

The most important thing is that they are no longer in their peak state after just consuming huge spiritual power.

Looking at the Devil Emperor Tongtian, his expression was indifferent, and he seemed to be more brave as he fought.

"What are the ten ancient gods? It's just old antiques!" The Tongtian Demon raised his chin slightly, looking down at sentient beings, "Don't the ten of you like to trap me, I see what you can do to stop me!"

"What about the number of people? Even the ten great ancient gods are not my opponents. I can kill the rest of the people with one move!"

Countless people on Earth looked at the figure in the sky, with sorrow in their hearts.

"This...this is the strength of Jiuzhongtian...it's terrifying!"

"This guy can't beat it at all! Even those gods are not his opponents, who else can save us."

"Nine layers of heaven, one layer of heaven and one layer of heaven, in the presence of the nine layers of heaven, look at the eight layers of heaven below, the power gap is like a world of difference!"

"Nine-layer heaven... By the way, there is another person in the nine-layer heaven!"

I don't know who mentioned it.

Everyone thought of that person.

Except for the Heavenly Demon Sha, the only man who has entered the Nine Heavens!

However, when thinking of him, people also think of his life experience... the Jackal!

The last time the Seventh Heavens and the Immortals came, he returned to Earth early, made arrangements in advance, and with his own power, blocked the Nine Heavens and the Immortals!

However, this time, the Heavenly Demon Sha was about to kill, but he hadn't appeared yet.

Explain that he... won't come...

At the same time, in the center of the Ten Fang Tianjia Formation, the immortals are quickly building an altar.

Empress Nuwa looked at Lu Yi next to her and said, "Lu Yi, if your brother doesn't come back, then this altar may be useless."

Lu Yi seemed to be stunned, and was a little hurried when she recovered.

"Uh... Empress Nuwa, what did you just say, I... I didn't hear it."

Nu Wa looked at Lu Yi, this child should be very nervous too.

"I said, if Lu Chen doesn't come back, then our preparations will be meaningless, and you don't need to..." Thinking of Lu Yi's fate, Nuwa couldn't bear to continue.

Lu Yi looked at the altar in a daze, and said faintly, "Manny Nuwa, I hope my brother will come back, but I am afraid that he will come back... I always wanted to tell him that no matter what race he is, he is my brother! The evil spirit is too strong, I worry about him."

With that, Lu Yi's eyes were already moisturized.

Empress Nuwa sighed, "I understand..."

At this time, the gods of the heavens severely inflicted the ten ancient gods, fighting spirit is victorious, one move to destroy the world sword rain, countless sword rain falls!

According to Jiutian, this is a group attack skill. The group attack skill is characterized by a wide range, but the single damage is weak.

However, such a group attack skill, when used by the Heavenly Demon Sha, is simply a disaster!

The gods and immortals already needed to do their best to deal with one or two sword auras, and the ancient gods with weak spiritual power could barely block a small area, and more sword rains attacked the ten-square Tianjia formation.

"Jiuyou, block some more, otherwise I don't know how many people will be injured!" Pangu shouted angrily, breaking the world with one move, dissipating a sword rain.

"Need you teach me?" Jiuyou was not to be outdone.

It is a pity that they are just ancient gods who have traveled through, and their strength is greatly reduced, and dozens of out-of-control and turbulent ancient gods can't completely block the sword rain of the world.

In an instant, a large amount of sword aura exploded on the ten-square Celestial Formation.

In an instant, countless immortals, cultivators, and earthlings who supported the great formation were instantly injured by the terrifying attack.

Seen from midair, wherever Jian Yu went, there was a **** fog!

Knowing this, the people on earth can truly feel the terrifying attack power of the Heaven-Stopping Demon. With the weakening of the defensive array, millions of people were directly shocked and unconscious, life and death unknown!

"It's horrible... it's over, everything is over, this time, the earth is really over!" The Iron and Blood Great Wall stared at the figure in the sky, desperate in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, the mad **** is no longer the mad **** before, otherwise he would never watch the earth perish!"

Li Muhua was seriously injured and fell to the ground unable to move.

It's a pity that there are too many people around him who are seriously injured, and no one has time to heal him.

Of course, if the earth is going to disappear, it doesn't matter if it is cured.

Li Muhua looked weakly at the direction of the sky. The first thing he thought of in his mind was that guy.

"Corn, I'm going to die...I don't blame you for not coming back this time, but unfortunately you never came back for a few years after knowing your life. I didn't even have a chance to talk to you again. "

"Who made your stinky boy so high... well, it seems that there is no such opportunity in this life."

"In fact, I really want to tell you, whether you are a jackal or a human, you are my good brother! I am most proud of knowing you in this life, Li Muhua!"

"Good brother, stay alive!"

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