Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1556: Nine Heavens God of War

The ten ancient gods have been entangled with the evil spirits for a long time, but even they can't stop the attacks of the evil spirits.

Every time a group attack skill, the immortal cultivator who provides spiritual power for the ten-square Tianjia formation will suffer a lot of death and injury!

"Heaven's dominating skill·Ten Thousand Items Extinguish!" The Tongtian Devil roared with a shocking roar.

At this time, thousands of thunderstorms in the sky, the elements are changing wildly in the air, wind, fire, ice, thunder and other elements merge wildly.

Finally, the elements merged into endless black mist, which was directly pressed over.

"This guy actually merged with the chaos!" Yuanshi Divine Buddha looked at the sky full of black fog in shock.

"Prajna no phase palm! Quickly block all things and die!"

Ten ancient gods, crossing ancient gods, gods, and all immortals together,

Countless skills blasted into the black mist.

However, even if everyone joins hands, they all have their own strengths. Various skills cannot be superimposed. Millions of skills blasted into the sky, but they still couldn't stop everything from dying out.

In an instant, the ancient **** was seriously injured, all the ways were destroyed, and the ten-square Tianjia formation instantly collapsed.

The ground was filled with blood and fog, and I don't know how many immortal cultivators' spirit pills were damaged and could not afford to be seriously injured.

"Hahahaha, just because you want to stop me? A joke! I've said that you are all ants in my eyes!" Tongtian Demon laughed wildly, "I will bring destruction to all worlds, then, now, I will destroy this world!"

"Kill you all first! Come and see how strong these new servants I have collected are!"

"Heaven's Domination Skill·Chaos Warrior!"

With an order, Tongtian Demon Sha summoned millions of heavenly soldiers. These heavenly soldiers were all black, like shadows.

It's just that if you look closely, you will find that these Chaos Heavenly Soldiers are exactly the creatures that came out of the Heavenly Gate, but now their eyes are dull and completely dark.

Seeing this sky full of magical soldiers, everyone was desperate.

The Heavenly Demon God's own strength is terrifying, it can be said that it is insurmountable, and it can actually summon so many heavenly gate creatures.

"It's over, these are really unstoppable!" Unintentional Sword God supported his chest, he was already doing his best, but after all, he couldn't stop the Heavenly Transcendent Demon Sha.

"It turns out that this is the strength of the Nine Heavens. It's no wonder that we don't have the qualifications to break through the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower!" Konggu's eyes were hollow, and a desperate smile appeared immediately, "I have practiced in Konggu for thousands of years. So much, so much lost, but after all, I am still a frog in the bottom of the well..."

"Damn, how could this Heaven-Stop Demon Shaman be so strong!" Pan Gu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Even my body is far from his opponent."

Jiuyou said, "If you didn't kill me back then, now I am stronger than him!"

"Stop talking nonsense, you are not much better than him... Now there is no use to say this, everyone will be finished."

Ten squares of Tianjia formation were forced, the ancient gods were defeated, and the main gods and immortals were far from the opponents of the Tongtian Devil.

At this moment, the powerful creatures in the million-day gate rushed down overwhelmingly.

Li Shang closed his eyes and said in pain, "After all, we still haven't escaped the destiny of destruction."

"If Chen'er is still here..."

At this moment, I don't know which earth person shouted hoarsely.

"Please save us! Whether you are a jackal or a human, you are the **** of war on the earth, and you are the patron saint of the earth!"

Even if that name is not mentioned, everyone knows who he is talking about!

More and more people began to call the jackal man.

"From the first heaven to the ninth heaven, you are the only one crazy!"

"The jackal is still a human, and you are so mad!"

"You have guarded the earth, once fought for the entire human race, once fought for the nine days and ten thousand races, you are not the **** of war on earth, you are...the **** of war of nine days!"

"Lu Chen, did you hear that? Please help us!"

"Nine Heavens! Nine Heavens! Nine Heavens! Nine Heavens!"

Pangu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the man who called that name like a demon.

There are earthlings, human races, and ten thousand races.

There are cultivators, there are thousands of immortals, there are gods of the heavens!

Everyone is calling "Nine Heavens God of War"!

Pan Gu took a deep breath and spit out a long, "Smelly boy, have you heard? They are calling you..."

"This time, they didn't pray for the gods to come, they didn't pray for God's blessings, the person they were calling...it's you!"

Lu Yao heard the unanimous voices of countless people around him, his heartbeat speeding up.

Is this what the father left behind?

He has no military rank, no path to immortality, no faith in the world, he is just a mortal.

However, everyone's hope at the moment lies in a mortal.

"Father, you...you will be back, right?"

Mu Sheng, Mufu Jiu'er, Kong Luoyao, Linglong, Liwei, Xin'er, Leng Nuo, Fenglingzi, Zhen Guo Yanran, Ling Shuang, Bei Xue Qing Ling... They raised their heads and looked at the direction of the sky.

As if the familiar figure appeared again in front of him.

"Hahaha, are you still expecting me to be crazy?" Tongtian Mosha frantically laughed, "He won't come anymore! He is no longer the melodramatic he used to be!"

"Although that kid is not instigated, but without the support of faith, he is no different from the others."

"Now he is afraid that he saw me, so he wouldn't even dare to put a fart!"

"You all die for me! Chaos God Soldier, kill me, men and women, old and young, don't leave one!"

However, as soon as the Heavenly Demon's evil voice fell, suddenly, in the direction of the sky, a bright light directly penetrated the thick black fog!

On the horizon, the dragon has been spreading ten pairs of wings, stirring the situation, and flying towards this side.

"Yes... it's Ten Wings!" Lu Yiyi just raised Xiao Min's hand, excited, "I knew it, I knew it, the boss will come!"

Although Xiao Min has lost most of his memories, at this moment, he also has a familiar feeling inexplicably.

"I really want to and always believe that Dad will come!"

Yaotong's voice was a little choked, "Of course he is back, who makes him the only one!"

I saw the dragon head on top, and one person stood on the dragon head with his hands behind.

A black and white Pisces robe flew fiercely in the wind, and her long hair was lifted by the violent wind and fluttered wanton.

His face looked only twenty-six or seventeen years old, but in those eyes, there were vicissitudes and winds and frosts that were not commensurate with his appearance.

He seems to have seen a lot and understood a lot.

However, those eyes are as firm as they were at the beginning!

"Ten Wings, hurry up."

"Roar!" With a long chant, Shiyi once again increased his speed.

When I saw that person, that dragon, countless people were already in tears.

"Yes, it's him! He's back! He's back!"

"Knowing that there is no one of his own in this world, but he is still here!"

Pan Gu just hugged Jiu You's shoulders, and said with a trembling, "This stinky boy has finally come! Fortunately, I didn't look away."

"No wonder Nuwa values ​​him so much, this kid really didn't disappoint!"

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