Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1557: Master takes you

After a few breaths, the dragon had already arrived over the main battlefield.

Seeing the magical soldiers rushing in the sky, Lu Chen raised his hand.

"Avenue of Guns!"

A spear shot straight into the sky in front of Lu Chen and exploded instantly among a million soldiers.

A powerful storm of spiritual power swept across the sky directly, forcing a million soldiers to retreat!

"Little Beast, Little Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, Rhubarb, Little Golden Carp, these magic soldiers will be handed over to you." Lu Chen's tone was flat.

Next to Lu Chen, five sacred beasts suddenly appeared.

In the past few years when Lu Chen returned to her seclusion, Little Beasts had been improving their strength. Now these five sacred beasts that have accompanied Lu Chen for many years have all changed.

The hair of the small hairball turned into golden hair, and when it became huge, the whole body burst out with amazing golden light.

The little beast is taller, with well-proportioned lines, and its eyes present unprecedented colors, one black and one white, with two pairs of wings behind it, and eighteen divine beasts appearing behind them.

Xiaoyuan no longer uses the white tiger form, and his body takes on a black irregular fog form.

The little golden carp turned into a nine-clawed golden dragon, with golden light all over him, unable to look directly at it.

Rhubarb... has grown a little bit bigger.

"Hahahaha, you are the so-called heavenly creatures? But that's it!" Rhubarb stood in front of the four beasts, "I won't say much, as long as you have the ability to pass through the hands of the four younger brothers behind me, that counts. You guys!"

Little Beast frowned, "Rhubarb, stop dreaming, who is your little brother?"

Rhubarb is not empty at all, and said, "In terms of seniority, am I the first to follow the boss?"

"But you are the weakest."

"What's the weak? Wait ten thousand years for me, my dignified tengu pedigree, can I lose to you?"

Jinlong vomited, "Little beast, let Rhubarb draw hatred, it's more professional."

"Cut, what's the big dog?" Little Beast looked disdainful, "Forget it, Xiao Jinli said more, it's still you to pull the hatred, you continue."

Rhubarb turned his head to look at the millions of soldiers, "Come, come, you count as much as you have, let's go together!"

Sure enough, the rhubarb successfully attracted a huge hatred, and a million soldiers rushed to the five beasts frantically.

The small hair ball suddenly swelled and became huge in an instant, more than three times larger than before, reaching a height of four to five hundred meters!

It roared at the million **** soldiers.


The wind and tigers roared, and the spiritual power rolled, these heavenly creatures felt a trace of fear when they saw this huge rat.

At the same time, the black misty Xiaoyuan quickly split into four strands, wrapped in the small hairball, small beast, and small golden carp, leaving them all surrounded by black mist!

Rhubarb looked shocked, "Xiaoyuan, why didn't I! Don't you protect me!"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "Rhubarb, Xiao Yuan's division will reduce defenses, and if you don't go up and fight, what are you doing?"

"You go to the next meeting first."

"Good!" Rhubarb stepped on the void and went to rest happily.

Over there, the little Mao Tuan had already begun a gluttonous feast, taking the lead, rushing into the enemy to fight wildly.

The attack of the little beast is extremely strong, and the defense is not weak, but it is not as terrifying as Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan, but now with the clone protection, it has made up for the lack of defense, and now it is like a **** of death, slamming skills.

Originally, Lu Chen thought that the little golden carp was not very good at fighting, but when he saw the fighting power of the little golden carp in the form of a nine-clawed golden dragon, Lu Chen had to change his opinion.

The nine-clawed golden dragon is actually known for attacking. Although it is not good at spells, the attack is extremely terrifying. With Xiaoyuan's clone defense, it is almost like no one!

As for Xiao Yuan, he is currently being "beaten" to accumulate energy... I believe it will be the most terrifying existence when it is released!

Somehow, Lu Chen remembered how these guys looked when they were young.

In a blink of an eye, they finally grew up.

So now, there is only one person on the court who is left unattended.

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at the person opposite.

Heavenly Demon Sha!

The Chaos God Soldier summoned by the Heavenly Demon Sha seemed to be inferior to Lu Chen's favor, but he didn't care at all.

At this moment, Tongtian Mosha smiled and looked at Lu Chen.

"You are here!"

Lu Chen said calmly, "So you have to die."

"Hahahaha! Lu Chen, Lu Chen, what if you come? Do you think you can beat me?"

"Did the gods and demons gather together? Do you dare to challenge me?"

"Oh, by the way, is there something you haven't figured out?" Tongtian Demon looked at Lu Chen excitedly.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, but did not answer.

"Everyone tells you that your mother died on Pole Star, but do you know how she died?"

"It was me who destroyed her body and killed her!"

"Lu Chen, don't you know, before she died, she kept reciting the names of you and your sister repeatedly. How reluctant she was for you two brothers and sisters. She said she was sorry for not being able to be with you all the time, she said You have suffered too much...Oh, that scene, I looked so distressed, so I broke her throat for life so that she could never say your name again!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly, seeing the green mist gushing out.

"Hey, the woman thought she was very smart, and she carefully left a little remnant soul in Ji Xing, so maybe I won't be able to find it."

"But she is like your idiot father. What they don't know is that I just need you to break through the nine days."

"Lu Chen, you are not only a **** of your parents, but also a tool for my transformation!"

"Nine Heavens God of War? It depends on you, also worthy?!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, and the green mist that he could see had disappeared...

He looked at Tongtian Demon Sha indifferently, and said calmly, "Don't you know? You won't die if you don't transform yourself?"

Tongtian Mosha suddenly widened his eyes.

"Tongtian, the ultimate goal of the guider plan is not what you think. I can help you transform after nine days, yes, but I can also kill you!"

"My people died because of you, and my mother was killed by you personally. You used countless creatures in the heavens and all realms as a tool to enhance your strength... There seems to be no reason for me to let you go!"

"Ye Fan!"

Ye Fan was watching the show, when he suddenly heard Lu Chen calling himself, and hurriedly flew from the ground.

"Master, the disciple is here!"

Lu Chen nodded to him, then smiled slightly, "Do you want to place a bet?"

"Huh?" Ye Fan widened his eyes, a little confused, "Master, you, why are you more addicted to gambling than me?"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "Your fortune is really worrying, so let's let King Xuanjia start, this time you bet."

"Uh...Master, this...Is that asking me to bet you lose?"

Lu Chen gradually put away his smile.

"Bet I win!" Lu Chen said coldly.

"This time, Master will take you to change your fate!"

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