Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1558: Change all this

The gods faded away, and there were only two people left on the main battlefield.

The only two people in nine days!

This battle is probably the ultimate battle of nine days!

On Lu Chen's side, the God and Demon Promise Sword was suspended, and the sword slowly rotated.

"Symbiosis of Gods and Demons·God Form!" Lu Chen let out a low voice, turning on the state.

Still the familiar look, hundreds of millions of people looked up at the white-haired man standing in the void.

On the other side, Tongtian Devil Sha's eyelids contracted, suddenly, his eyes widened, and then the whole person disappeared in place.

In the next moment, Tongtian Demon Sha had already appeared in front of Lu Chen, "I heard that you are a full professional? Excuse me, so am I! Then let me play with you!"

"A Thousand Buddha Palm!"

Suddenly, Tongtian Devil slapped countless palm winds, and every palm contained monstrous spiritual power. From the ground, the entire sky seemed to be blocked by golden palm shadows!

If this palmprint is missing one, I am afraid it will destroy the entire planet!

Facing the palm of the Thousand Buddhas, Lu Chen held the sword in his right hand, and shouted, "The tiger is coming down the mountain! Sacred Lotus Sword Heart!"

In an instant, thousands of sword qi shot out.

With just a blink of an eye, the two of them acted in less than a second, and nearly ten thousand spiritual energy rings were exploded in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom... the world is shaking, the space is violent, and the air is blasting into the sky!

Lu Chen's Wu Shi has reached its peak, and he has taken all the palms of the Thousand Buddhas!

"Hahaha, I'm the only mad, but Lu Chen, it's just warming up now." Tongtian Mosha looked even more excited, and instantly rushed to Lu Chen, "I heard that you are very strong in close combat?"

There was a large black metal sword in the hands of Tongtian Mosha, and he slashed towards Lu Chen!

"It's Tushen Extinction Knife!" Pan Gu recognized the weapon at a glance.

"The God Tu is extinct? It's an artifact of the same level as your Sky Open Axe!" Jiu You frowned, "The God Demon Promise Sword has not evolved to its full form, I am afraid that I will lose half a point in the level!"

Lu Chen quickly blocked it with a wicked wandering dragon!

It's just that the God and Demon Wuji Sword had just touched the Slaughter God Extinction Sword, and Lu Chen instantly felt the tremendous pressure that was unimaginable.

"Block? Can you block it!" The Heavenly Demon Sha yelled.

Lu Chen really couldn't remove this trick, so he had to make it hard!

"Shou Xu!"

Lu Chen used the God and Demon Promise Sword to block the opponent's attack, waves of spiritual power slammed into him frantically, and finally Lu Chen was directly knocked into the air!

The Heavenly Demon Sha did not intend to give Lu Chen a chance to breathe, and immediately pursued him, "Come again!"

The attack speed of Tongtian Demon Sha was extremely fast, and Lu Chen had no time to raise his energy and use Shen Lin, so he could only continue to block...

Every time the two collide, an air ring will inevitably explode in the space. In an instant, the two have already hit tens of thousands of meters away!

Lu Chen smashed through several mountain peaks in succession, but the Tongtian Demon became more and more courageous. He smashed Lu Chen into the air again and again. After several rounds of attacks, Lu Chen finally lifted his breath and used Shen Lin to attack away.

It was just that after repeatedly energizing the Heavenly Devil's assault, Lu Chen's spiritual power rolled over and couldn't help but vomit a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Hahahaha, Lu Chen, can't you do this? It disappoints me too much, I'm not serious yet." Tongtian Demon Sha had already caught up with Lu Chen instantly. He laughed at Lu Chen's embarrassed look." Look at all of you, this is your Nine Heavens God of War?"

"In front of me, who would dare to call a god?!"

The hearts of everyone watching the battle are heavy.

The difference in strength between the two sides has actually been very clear. Although Lu Chen is very strong, he is still at a disadvantage.

You must know that in the strong attack of the Heavenly Demon Sha, there were no skills mixed in, that is to say, he was playing Lu Chen at all!

"Lu Chen, let's have enough rest, then let's continue! Let me take a closer look at what is special about you!" After all, Tongtian Demon Sha had already killed Lu Chen again.

"Brother..." Lu Yi's eyes were moist. She knew very well that if she continued to fight like this, her brother would die.

Nu Wa said quietly, "Lu Yi, Lu Chen's time is running out..."

Lu Yi lowered her head, wiped away her tears, and nodded to Nuwa, "Well, let's start."

The two slowly walked onto the altar that had already been built.

Many people's eyes are following these two people.

"She can really summon Gods and Demons Wutian? She is just an ordinary earthling who can no longer be ordinary, how could it be..."

"No, she is Lu Chen's younger sister! Immortal Master Lu Yuan thought about the most important part of the designated guide plan at the beginning, she is!"

"Lu Yuan's family is also really miserable. Lu Yuan was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison to endure the punishment for decades. He couldn't even pray for death. The star fell, and Lu Yi still had to... Hey, this Lu family is really righteous!"

Nuwa led Lu Yi to the altar, and Lu Yi looked up at the sky.

She wanted to say a few more words to her brother, but...under the frenzied attack of the Heavenly Demon Realm, her brother probably didn't even know what happened below.

She didn't tell anyone about this, Bei Xue Gufei, Bei Xueyi, Lu Yao, Mu Sheng... She didn't say anything, her brother had no way of knowing.

"Lu Yi... are you ready?"

Lu Yi threw away the thoughts in her mind and nodded, "My mother asked me to protect my brother, but my brother has always been protecting me, and now it's my turn to protect my brother."

Nu Wa sighed slightly, "Lu Yi, the tenth-level star altar needs to sacrifice you, are you willing?"

"Yes!" Lu Yi nodded heavily.

After that, Lu Yi walked slowly towards the center of the altar.

Nu Wa took a deep breath and said to the altar, "I sacrifice with the daughter of the stars, and request the activation of the tenth-level star sacrifice..."

Lu Yi couldn't hear what Nuwa said, she just looked at the figure in the sky.

I still remember when I was very young.

Brother, in fact, I have always missed the time when we were young.

At that time, although we couldn't even eat a full meal, at least you were always by my side.

Since going there for nine days, we have made a lot of money, bought a villa, and no longer have to worry about eating.

However, the time I see you is getting less and less.

Now, I am married as a mistress and have children, and you are also the father of three children. We all have our own lives.

However, I have never forgotten that you are my closest person, even if... we are not related by blood.

Brother, we must win, protect everything we care about, and protect our home!

Thinking of this, Lu Yi closed her eyes and opened her lips slightly, "Brother, this time I change to Lu Yi to protect you!"

As he was speaking, a sword spirit cut through the sky mercilessly, and then, a figure shot from the sky instantly.

The long-prepared altar fell apart in an instant before being activated!

Lu Yi opened her eyes in horror, feeling that she had a pair of big hands to protect herself, and took herself out of the surrounding rocks.

Lu Yi couldn’t be more familiar with the face in front of her, but...

"Brother...you, you ruined the tenth-level star altar!"

Lu Chen looked at Lu Yi with a smile, "Sure enough, God and Devil Wutian has something to do with you!"

"Brother, you, how did you know?"

Lu Chen flicked Lu Yi's forehead, "Forgot that your brother has a heavenly eye? As long as my spiritual power can reach, my sight will not be blocked! Even if there are billions of people standing on the ground, even if your altar is very Hidden, I can still find you at a glance!"

"Although the Heavenly Demon Sha is powerful, he really thinks he can suppress me all the time? I'm looking for you!"

"If the guider plan is really seamless, then the most important part is...the gods and demons! Plus the gods and Buddhas said that I will lose the closest person. The first thing I think of is you!"

Lu Chen had shown many times that he was very concerned about the words of Yuanshi Divine Buddha, the ultimate battle, how could he have forgotten this!

"When I was young, I liked to be aggressive, and I had to protect your brother. Why is he still so naughty when he is old?" Although Lu Chen blamed Lu Yi, he was full of petting in his eyes.

"Brother, you, don't stop me! If there is no God and Demon Wutian, you can't beat the Heavenly Demon!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Silly girl."

"Tongtian Demon Sha said that I was the **** of the guider's plan. Yuanshi Divine Buddha said that I would lose the closest person. Without the gods and demons, I would not be able to defeat the Tongtian Demon Sha. Ye Fan was destined to be unable to win..."

"If these are all destined..."

"Then, I'm going to change everything!" From the wild monsters, evolve and upgrade the latest chapter address: https://www .ltnovel.com/book/129841.htmlFrom wild monsters to evolve and upgrade the full text reading address: https://www.mtlnovel .com/read/129841/From the monsters to evolve and upgrade txt download address: https://www.ltnovel.com/ down/129841.htmlFrom wild monsters to evolve and upgrade mobile phone reading: https://m.ltnovel.com/read/129841 /For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1558 changes all this) reading Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Evolve from Wild Monsters", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! (www.ltnovel.com)

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