Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 163: Ruyi stick and golden macaque

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"Sister Liu, do you want two positions?" Leng Nuo couldn't believe her ears. Sister Liu, who has always been shrewd, actually accepted the price?

Sister Liu smiled and said, "Yes! Of course, I'm just taking a gamble."

"Maybe my people are not as fast as others in the violent waves, but I see a trend in you."

"Trend? Sister Liu, what trend do you mean?"

Liu Wen said, "As long as Wuming is still your leader, then the wild waves will be the core of the whirlpool! My person needs to be in the most eye-catching place!"

Liu Wen is worthy of being a gold medal broker, and she can tell what no one else has noticed.

Kuang Lang, this miscellaneous army that has not yet set foot on the right track, is bound to become the core of Jiu Tian!


Lu Chen was screaming, and received the high-heeled shoes. The business was negotiated. The other party paid 6 million, of which 3 million had been called to the Association's No. 1 account, which was Lu Chen's account.

The other 3 million will be credited to the Association's No. 2 account. This account is Leng Nuo, and she will make the expenditure public.

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head. When Crazy Wave was created, he didn't expect to be able to make money.

The guild has a funding of 3 million. Although it is not much, it is a good start. In the future, Crazy Wave can really start.

Looking up at the "Golden Retriever Fast Macaque" in the BOSS room, Lu Chen didn't dare to be careless this time, and turned in stealth to approach.

It is estimated that the boss of the fifth-level reward copy is not easy to deal with.

The attack speed of the swift macaque is simply abnormal. If not counting the combo, Lu Chen can fight once, and the boss can fight twice!

"Nima, this effect comes with leveling!"

"The moving speed is still so fast, without hard control, it is invincible!"

Fortunately, this guy's attack power and blood volume were not excellent. Lu Chen changed a few pieces of equipment and his strength was greatly improved. In addition, he played very carefully this time and brought down the boss in more than half an hour.

[Kill "Golden Retriever Fast Macaque" (Level 34 physique enhancement BOSS), capture 300,000 heaven and earth auras, obtain Tier 6 talent fragment 10, and get Tier 6 evolution point 10]

[Ding, get the item "Ruyi Long Club" (30 purple)*1, get the item "Golden Macaque" (30 blue) *1, get the "30 monster beast core" (green) *5……]

"Damn, what the hell, why did you lose a piece of equipment for the fifth level reward?" Lu Chen was angry, did the system play with him!

"Check out the wishful stick!"

[Ruyi Long Stick (30 purple)]

["It is said that this long stick was used by the monkey in his practice"]

That monkey? Which one? Lu Chen looked depressed, even so, is this why you only dropped one?

【Strength of Attack 134-208】

【Strength 174 Agility 280 Physique 104】

[Critical strike increased by 18%, critical strike damage increased by 20%]

【Special effect 1: Cracking the ground gap, attacking the ground in the specified direction, the huge explosive force will collapse the ground, causing a gap of 100 meters long and 15 meters wide. After being directly hit, the enemy will cause physical attack*3 (6411 points) damage. Stunned for 3 seconds. The cooling time is 300 seconds. 】

[Special effect 2: Duplicate, create a fantasy, fantasy inherits 30% of the body's attributes, receives 300% damage, duration 120 seconds, cooling time 300 seconds]

【Special effect 3: Climbing a tree, you can jump to a tree, and jump between trees, the jumping distance is 30 meters, and the jump can carry up to one friendly unit. 】

Lu Chen was shocked!

"Axi, what kind of special effects, are you serious about climbing trees! Why should I have this skill?"

As expected, Lu Chen was the first to complain about climbing the tree.

In addition to this special effect, the other two special effects of Ruyi Long Stick can be called magical skills!

Needless to say, the chasm is 100 meters long and 15 meters wide. There are 6000+ damage and 3 seconds of stun, which is an explosion!

What excites Lu Chen most is the second special effect, the clone.

In many games, the clone is always a first-line skill, and the role of the clone is too much, disturbing the judgment of the enemy, transferring hatred, providing damage, etc., very easy to use.

Although the clone's attack power is only 30% and it has to take more damage, but with the support of Lu Chen's super high attributes, this clone can still fight.

"Nima, this, this is the way to do it, which one is Tiger Weeping or Long Stick?"

The special effects of Tiger Cry are also very strong. The Tigers go down the mountain to provide combos, and Tiger Howls transform physical attacks into spiritual attacks. This is the core special effect of Juque sweeping.

Lu Chen wants these special effects!

"By the way, the equipment is enhanced, is there any fusion?" Lu Chen frowned and thought, "It seems that players can't directly merge. It seems that you have to go to the main city of Lingxiao first."

After making up his mind, Lu Chen didn't care about Ruyi's stick for the time being, and glanced casually at the remaining spoils.

There is also a 30-level blue "Golden Retriever Macaque" only one is missing. I don't know which part it is from by looking at the name.

"Look at the golden macaque."

【Golden Retriever Macaque (Grade 30 Blue)】

【Summon the golden macaque to mount after use. 】

Puff, Lu Chen almost spit out old blood!

"It's actually a mount!"

In front of him, a 3D image of a huge monkey was displayed, which looked very similar to the three bosses in the ruins of Shacheng.

[Move speed can be increased by 70% after riding]

Lu Chen immediately used the items.

A huge golden macaque suddenly appeared in front of him, more than eight meters in height, standing in front of Lu Chen like a giant.

This guy looks fierce, his nose is angry, his hands are on the ground, his hands are over the knees, his body is covered with golden hair, and he looks majestic.

"I'm going, the nine-day mount is so big? This is the blue mount, it looks like a BOSS."

The golden-haired macaque stood there, looking around, as if waiting for something.

Lu Chen frowned, "Golden Retriever, what are you looking at, your master is here!"

After seeing Lu Chen, the golden macaque opened his palm in front of Lu Chen. Lu Chen immediately understood and walked up.

The golden macaque lifted Lu Chen and placed it on his shoulder.

Lu Chen only felt that he was standing on the edge of the ten-storey high-rise building, but unfortunately he was still in the dungeon. He had no vision. He immediately said, "Quit the dungeon!"

After leaving the copy, Lu Chen felt the feeling of looking at the mountains.

"Rely, the experience is so real, saying that this mount is too domineering." Lu Chen stood on the shoulders of the golden macaque, looking at the surrounding forest, his vision was much wider than before.

"By the way, first equip the long stick, I will climb the tree to see."

After changing the equipment, Lu Chen jumped up and landed directly on a tree, then jumped again and jumped to another tree, having a great time.

"Hahaha, interesting..."

"Golden Retriever, I will try to jump on you!" Lu Chen jumped up and landed firmly on the shoulder of the Golden Retriever macaque.

"Hahaha, great! Suddenly discovered that being able to climb trees is the essence of nine days!"

In the world of Xianxia, ​​shouldn't it be overwhelming?

"Golden Retriever, first go to the main city of Lingxiao, if you can equip the fusion, this stick brother will use it!"

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