Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 164: Lingxiao City

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With the mount, Lu Chen's movement speed almost doubled, and he reached the main city of Lingxiao in seven or eight minutes.

The main city of Lingxiao is much larger than Xianshan. The city is built directly on top of a mountain. The city wall is more than ten meters high, which is higher than Golden Retriever.

"This is the 30-level main city."

Currently there are only three main cities in the nine days, the level 10 fairy mountain main city, and the three newbie districts merged. This period is for player development. Unless there are too many people like China Server, the competition will not be particularly fierce.

The 30-level Lingxiao main city is different. 10 Immortal Mountain main city players will share one high-level main city.

Huaxia has surpassed 400 million players, 400 million players, and only 30 Lingxiao main cities, one can imagine how fierce competition in the future Lingxiao main cities will be.

After the Lingxiao main city, there is a level 50 main city. At that time, all the regional servers of each country were merged into one main city, which truly realized one national service and one main city.

The official version of Tian Xing is that after level 50, the five continents will unite their servers. Then the Asian servers will merge into one server. By then, there will be only five big servers in Nine Days.

At the same time, according to rumors, at that time, Tianxing will open the second dimension after the mortal domain. Of course, this is only a rumor, and how it depends on the specific notice on the official website.

In front of Lingxiao City, a team of 70-level elite soldiers was patrolling. When they saw a player approaching, this group of soldiers quickly surrounded Lu Chen.

"Lingxiao Xiandi, it is forbidden to ride!"

Lu Chen was startled at first, thinking that these guys were going to do something.

Level 70 elites, it doesn't seem to be that easy to mess with...

Lu Chen immediately jumped off the Golden Retriever and took it into the animal pen.

Seeing that the player got off the mount, the soldiers dispersed and continued to patrol.

Lu Chen then entered the main city.

In the whole city, there are surprisingly many NPCs. There are shops, career centers, pedestrians, and residents, all dressed in ancient costumes and busy.

Compared with Lingxiao City, the main city of Xianshan is simply a rural place.

"Tian Xing planning is really a ghost, perversion is perversion, but the scene is really nothing to say." Even Lu Chen couldn't help boasting.

There is only Lu Chen in this city, and Lu Chen doesn't feel lonely at all, he feels like being in a city with 10,000 people.

"Where is the craftsman?" Lu Chen wandered around the city, and finally found a shirtless blacksmith in a corner of the market.

Lu Chen walked over and asked, "Can you combine the special effects of one piece of equipment with another?"

The blacksmith stopped the hammer in his hand and looked up and down at the person in front of him, "It is okay, but you are not a member of the Craftsman Association. We don't help outsiders fuse weapons."

Lu Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, at least it was possible, and finally did not have to do multiple choice questions!

"Then I want to know what material is needed to transfer the special effects of Tiger Weeping to Ruyi Long Stick?"

With a wave of the blacksmith's arm, a menu appeared in front of Lu Chen.

[Integration requirements: transfer the special effects of Tiger Cry (15 purple) to Ruyi Long Stick (30 purple)]

[Special effects can be blended: the tiger goes down the mountain, the tiger roars]

[Special effects can be improved: Critical damage]

[Requires 5-star refiner]

[Materials required for each fusion or promotion of a special effect: +4 wishful sticks*1, consumption of tiger cry*5 (disappears after fusion), 30-level monster beast core (green)*5, any monkey essence material (white) *500, gold coins *100】

"Damn it, it's so expensive!" Lu Chen realized that it turned out that he needed to pay such a big price to keep a special effect.

Even if Tiger Weeping is cheap and dying, you can buy it for a few thousand yuan, but there is no other material that does not burn money.

If converted into RMB, the capital needed to be consumed starts at least one million.

It is estimated that most people would rather change equipment honestly than merge equipment.

However, these materials were nothing to Lu Chen, as he brushed the ruins of Sha City a few more times. The point was that it would be troublesome to require a 5-star refiner.

"Can you apply to join the Craftsman Association?"

"Yes, you need to pay 100 copper coins to apply to join the Craftsman Association."

"Then I apply to join."

After paying the membership fee, Lu Chen added a "refining device" to his ability menu, and his current refining level is 0.

After carefully studying this auxiliary occupation, Lu Chen had already understood clearly.

After becoming a craftsman, you can consume pure aura and increase your professional proficiency through operations such as dismantling, forging weapons, strengthening, and fusion.

"I want to upgrade to a five-star mixer...Can I disassemble the blue outfit in my backpack?"

[Your crafting level is 0, no professional level bonus. 】

"There is no bonus, right? Anyway, you have to practice." Lu Chen thought for a while and decided not to dismantle the equipment and use enhanced equipment instead.

After disassembling these, there was a pile of materials left, and he didn't have the refining drawings, so it was useless to put them in the bag.

He has enough equipment and beast cores to be strengthened many times, and the strengthened equipment can sell for money, just to clear the backpack.

"By the way, with so many equipment strengthened, pure aura may not be able to keep up. Go to the pill pharmacy and hope that there will be a gathering of spirit pills here."

The pill store was not far away. After browsing the merchandise, Lu Chen found that the pill store in the 30-level main city was indeed much higher than the pill store sold in the main city of Xianshan.

The healing medicine here is large, and it can restore 2000 health! There are similar spirit-gathering pills for sale, but the sold-ling-gathering pills are called "Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pills", which can add 2000 points of "Miscellaneous Qi" and sell for 50 silver.

Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill contains a low concentration of pure aura, and can only be used to supplement the pure aura in the pill. It is used for combat, consumption, and the effect is one-half of the pure aura.

And if you want to break through the spirit pill, not only can you not use the "Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill", if you have used it before, you must also exhaust all the "Miscellaneous Qi" and re-practice pure aura.

"This thing is very useful. When fighting, if the pure aura is not enough, you can use it to supplement it, and I am now using it for strengthening. It doesn't matter whether the miscellaneous gas is not miscellaneous. It is not cheap for 50 silver."

"Let's get 1,000 copies first." Lu Chen spent 250 gold to purchase a large amount of miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill.

After spending 250 gold, Lu Chen still had 2,400 gold on him. These were all earned by his personal copy for him, but even then, Lu Chen felt the gold coin's role firsthand and began to show itself.

It's best to have time to expand the scale of the copy and earn more.

After finding a quiet place, Lu Chen began to strengthen his equipment.

【Monkey King Belt +1 strengthened successfully, and gained 20 points of mastery skill. 】

[The Monkey King Belt +2 strengthened successfully, and 50 points of master craftsmanship was gained. 】

+3 Strengthen success, gain 100 proficiency.

Take the Miscellaneous Qi Gathering Pill to increase the miscellaneous Qi by 2000.


[Your crafting master level has been upgraded to level one! New refining drawings can be purchased. 】

Lu Chen kept improving his proficiency until he was exhausted, but after a short rest, he continued to strengthen.

The large amount of blue equipment in his backpack gradually reduced, and all the remaining equipment was all +3 equipment.

And the Monkey King equipment on Lu Chen has all reached the upper limit!

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