Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 180: Is the monkey fine?

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Find a few people to enter the blood demon's control range! Forcing it to use the blood ring, these people will definitely die, but it doesn't matter, other people will quickly enter the area, some people will attract the attention of the blood demons, and others will hook out the monkeys!

The player was in front of Lu Chen and explained their tactics in detail...

These guys really have experience, so soon they thought of how to seduce Lu Chen...

So now, the question is, if the player hits him, what should he do? To cooperate with your performance? Just hit and run? That would be too silly.

Not cooperate? It's not like a wild monster again.

Before Lu Chen came to a conclusion, the three players quietly walked out of the mountain guard, and the others were also ready.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the three death squad members quickly rushed into the blood demon's control area.

The Gorefiend noticed it for the first time, and a blood ring killed him in seconds.

The first step was very smooth.

The effect of the blood ring disappeared, and the subsequent members rushed into the blood demon's control area. Everyone's positions were very scattered, and they rushed to two BOSS from multiple directions, so as to prevent the blood demon from launching a blood rain.

More than a dozen players have not yet approached the blood demon, and the blood demon slapped them directly...

Fortunately, the players have already thought of this situation, and the second wave quickly made up.

These people won't last for a few seconds. The key is that at the same time, two teams are rushing towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen was a little flustered.

Are these people trying to pull their hatred? But the problem is that he only has a great formation in his eyes...

"Monkey, I am your grandpa!" a player yelled and rushed towards Lu Chen, "Come and hit me!"

Lu Chen is also a black line. Now players have no taunting skills, but many players have learned to "artificially" taunt. Those who yell at a monster like this are also drunk.

At this moment, before the players rushed over, Lu Chen ran to the other side of the Gorefiend...

"Stop, stop, damn, this monkey has a pit in his brain, why did he run to the other side when he played well? Then the boss position has changed!"

"No, there is no one who pulls blood demon hatred!"

"Retreat first, reorganize and come back."

With a slight change, the players had to exit the Gorefiend's control area urgently.

Not long after, the players organized a second wave of action.

Six groups were dispatched this time with 240 players.

The initial steps are still the same, first use three players to force the blood demon circle, and then line up some death squads to seduce the blood demon.

The attack of the blood demon is born with a group attack effect. I don't know whether it is a splash or a split attack, plus the abnormal group attack skills. In short, it is too expensive to hold the blood demon. The focus of the players is to pull the monkey.

Monkeys are easier to deal with depending on their size.

Lu Chen frowned. This group of players had done it with him.

Now that Lu Chen was standing on the left side of the blood demon, the player immediately arranged manpower in this direction and saw that the opponent had a long range in the lineup. Lu Chen didn't wait for them to attack, and jumped to the right of the blood demon.

"Damn, the monkey ran away again!"

"It's okay, we also have someone over there."

The players on the right quickly organized, "Smelly monkey, go to death! Come hit me."

A flying sword came, Lu Chen moved a little, and continued to attack the Xianshan formation.

"Hey, didn't you hit this?"

"Why does that guy always like to move around?"

"Monkeys, they definitely like to move around."

"Do it again, hurry up, the manpower to attract the blood demons is almost gone."

"The fairy sword shows the way!"

Lu Chen moved quietly again.

"Nima, this monkey is real! Three people come together, hurry up, take it away quickly!"

"The fairy sword shows the way!"

Players only dare to use the fairy sword to guide the way, the group attack skills will be drawn to the blood demons, and the opportunity will be lost.

This time, Lu Chen simply went to hug the blood demon's thigh. He hid at the blood demon's feet, relying on the blood demon's thigh to block the player's view.

"I'm going, crazy, what kind of boss is this? Comes with dodge?" The player almost collapsed.

Although the fairy sword needs to be pre-judged to guide the way, it is really **** to fight a wild monster, and it is still the first, and it can fail repeatedly.

Every time when it was time to activate the skill, the monkey got up awkwardly, running around, jumping around.

"Axi, don't let me run into this kind of monster next time, it collapses."

"This is all right, it ran to the blood demon's feet..."

"No, the blood demon blood ring is going to cool down! Withdraw first!"

The players retreated quickly, but the losses were also heavy, 240 people, 160 people lost.

"What's the matter with you, why can't it be pulled?" The person in charge of this task seemed a little anxious.

"That guy is crazy!" Several members complained, "I don't fight the Xianshan Great Formation well, just jump around while hitting it!"

"Yeah, and every time we are about to attack, it starts running around."

"You said that if he runs regularly, I think I can definitely hit it, but this abruptly, we can't feel the law at all, how to fight..."

The person in charge just got the news that the main city of Xianshan will endure much faster than before!

In addition, the players outside are constantly being invaded by blood poison, and now the losses are getting more and more serious.

Once the army of wild monsters comes over, the fairy mountain formation can't stand it!

Speaking of it, the big hole that Lu Chen hit with a stick at the beginning directly tore a big hole in the player lineup, and his clone lasted for a long time, several wild monsters actually entered the control of the blood demon.

This range is a nightmare for players, but for wild monsters, it is definitely the perfect safe haven.

When Lu Chen turned his head, he saw a golden black tiger king and seven or eight moon worshippers. Two or three headless flying corpses actually broke in, and he was overjoyed.

Now there is a helper!

Looking back, Lu Chen found that they were walking along the chasm from the cracked ground, and they suddenly had a plan to make a living.

Lu Chen ran to the edge of the blood demon's control area and smashed another stick!

A huge gap appeared, and players within the attack range of the gap were instantly slapped, and the gap suddenly became a shortcut to the main city of Xianshan.

The surrounding wild monsters found the opportunity and rushed towards this side.

"Block them! Hurry!"

After the nearby players found out, they tried to fill up quickly, but they were too hasty, and after such a long battle, their blood volume didn't say anything. There were still more than a dozen wild monsters rushing into the blood demon's control area.

The wild monsters attacking the fairy mountain array began to increase!

Lu Chen smiled slightly. That's great. Only the skill cools down and hits a stick to help more monsters rush in!

On the city gate, the chairman of the guild alliance stared wide-eyed, "My God, has that monkey become a fine? Actually knows to meet his companions!"

"Let me just say it, that's not an ordinary monkey!"

"Are monkeys having a higher IQ? Didn't Tianxing say that wild monsters also have wild monster ecology?"

"No matter how high your IQ is, you can't have eyes on your ass, I think it's just crazy!"

"Years, what should I do now, that monkey is too annoying."

Years Wukui frowned, and soon thought of the way to deal with it, "By the way, the monkey should be the ability to cool down and go to meet his companions. At this time, he is on the edge of the blood demon protection range. Take advantage of this time to pull it. come out!"

Years can be elected as the chairman of the guild alliance, the brain is definitely enough!

"By the way, this time, we pretend to be the players around us, don't let it know our intentions in advance, isn't it smart, then let's be more serious!"

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